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When I was younger, I always heard that when you are older you need less sleep and it is less important to you.  I am not sure if that is true, because my friends all say the same thing to me – that sleep now is more important than ever!  I am sometimes astounded that I used to go out until 5 am in the morning, two nights in a row on a weekend, and I have also reached the point when if I don’t have a full 8 hours’ sleep, I really don’t feel at my best the next day.  I think some of it relates to the kind of work that we do, which is stressful and involves you having to use your brain most of the time and sleep is definitely needed for more than just allowing your body to recover – your mind needs it just as much.  Of course it can also just be a sign of old age, but I have reached that stage when an invitation to somebody’s dinner party, which involves a late night and drinks, is terribly off-putting because I know that for the few hours of fun, the whole of the next day is going to drag and I am not going to be anywhere near my best!

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Friday 04-Apr-14 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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Lourien  said:
on Thursday 17-Apr-14 11:04 AM
Sleep is very important, but to much sleep is not good for your health.

Melissa  said:
on Thursday 17-Apr-14 10:45 AM
It's important to get enough sleep, to build up your energy for the next day.

Thabitha  said:
on Friday 11-Apr-14 03:16 PM
Sleeping is good for your mind

Sally  said:
on Monday 07-Apr-14 05:53 PM
Sleep is very important

Elektra  said:
on Monday 07-Apr-14 03:24 PM
Sleep certainly is needed, and now being in a working environment, if I have not had a proper nights sleep, I do feel I am not as productive as I should be as after having a decent nights sleep. So I try only do the late nights over the weekends.

Catherine  said:
on Monday 07-Apr-14 09:03 AM
Sleep is very vital for a person to function properly. However if I oversleep,I become very restless and more tired.

Joyce  said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 06:00 PM
I think sleep is important

Brenda  said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 05:56 PM
When i was a child taking a nap was like punishment, but now that i'm an adult having to fend for myself, a victim of stress, and in the working world, taking a nap is "happy hour"... I do not have any desire within me whatsoever to have late nights during the week as one absolutely cannot function normally when you are half asleep at work. But the times have also changed and i find that a lot of young people are also struggling lately with fatigue and maybe someone should come up with a whole new energizing vitamin before this world becomes too lazy, because then we'll be in serious trouble.

Henrietta  said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 05:41 PM
I love my sleep and can get really grumpy if I don't get enough sleep, but I don't mind going out once in a while but definitely not 2 nights in a row.

Cindy  said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 04:15 PM
I get sleepy just thinking of sleeping!! I love my sleep. I agree that it is very important.

Ashleigh  said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 03:47 PM
I struggle to sleep in the day and struggle to stay wake past 8pm every night. I get just as much sleep as my children do unless its the weekend that is. I think older people sleep less because when ageing it becomes more uncomfortable for them unfortunately.

Angelique  said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 03:30 PM
I enjoy sleeping but if I sleep too much I get tired! Weird isn't it! There is just too much to do, FOMO (FEAR OF MISSING OUT!) gets me just as bad. In December I barely sleep because of FOMO. It's terrible! You Only Live Once! I'll sleep when I'm dead :)

Sinead  said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 03:26 PM
I was going to say that sleeping is for when I'm dead but actually my sleep is very important to me. I also don't go out as often as I used to because I'd rather sleep - I know that sounds like I'm 100 years old but I love my sleep...

Juliet  said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 02:54 PM
There is nothing more wonderful and enjoyable than sleep. It is the most relaxing, rejuvenating and rewarding non-activity I can ever imagine and I am glad that for the rest of my life I am guaranteed to continue enjoying amazing sleep!

Juliet  said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 02:47 PM
I think when they said you need less sleep as you get older they meant 80s and 90s. Grandparents are always awake 4am

Kaylee  said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 02:25 PM
I love sleep, although I have serious insomnia pretty much all the time, especially when I am stressed or my brain has been overactive during the day. But I do try catch up on the weekend if I can. I wish I could sleep 8 hours, I think I average on about 4 - 5 hours a night.

Anna  said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 02:24 PM
I suffer from FOMO terribly so I find it very difficult to say no to invitations to go out, be it for dinner, art exhibitions, a party, night run or a quick drink after work. Sleeping is overrated...there's simply just to much to do and fit in to waste time having a lie in over the weekend. Think of all the beautiful sunrises you are missing out on!. I'd far rather exercise or read another chapter of my book than sleep for an extra hour in the morning.

Balance is the key to success in life and I'm a firm believer in enjoying both my work and play environments and resting as little as I need to in between.

Jade  said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 02:01 PM
I tend to agree that it relates to the kind of work that you do, when I was studying it was easy to go out every night and still manage to feel great and study really well during the day. It is completely the opposite since starting to work full time! I was told that this gets better though, perhaps not!

Sorea  said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 01:42 PM
My average is unfortunately 5 - 6 hours a nigh. When I do get the opportunity I love to have a few hours more though.

Yolandi P  said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 01:33 PM
Sleep is my favourite activity of the day. I cannot wait to climb into bed at night and forget the world exist.

Cornelie   said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 01:31 PM
I would think the older you get the more sleep you will need for your body to rest. I love a Sunday nap and love sleeping in general.

Lizanne  said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 01:28 PM
I think it really depends on the person. Sometimes we can stay up and hang out with friends and family around the fire till 4 in the morning, other times i will climb in bed at 20:00 and when my head hits that pillow i am in fairy land. I also do not necessarily need 8 hours of sleep. Partying when alcohol is involved, its more draining for me and i also get tired from quickly.

Simone  said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 01:22 PM
I love sleeping more than anything...I don't think it has to do with age that much.

Stephanie  said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 01:16 PM
Sleep is definitely a very important aspect of your daily routine. I really do appreciate my sleep in the evenings and on weekends, without sleep I feel miserable.

Bianca R  said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 01:15 PM
I do not believe it is a growing old tendency as I am 25 and I absolutely need my 8 hours or more of sleep a night otherwise I am dead the following day - maybe I am getting old :)? When I was in Primary school, my mother used to explain to me how I would miss the days of sleeping late when I hit adulthood. She was so right!!! How I do miss those days but being an adult does have it's perks!

Lucretia  said:
on Friday 04-Apr-14 01:13 PM
I am not too sure it relates to age as much as to the kind of exhaustion one experiences during the day. I have a 25 year young daughter who is a physiotherapist. Her job is extremely physical and mentally challenging and when she gets home in the evening all she wants to do is sleep, the thought of going out during the week for her kills her.


Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!
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