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Health Minister to look at fatty foods and salt

I was quite happy to hear that the Health Minister is thinking about legislating on the fatty content of food as well as salt. This is a conversation that needs to take place in more than just our country, and it will help all countries to get their health costs under control. We all end up paying millions in taxes to look after people suffering from cancer as a result of smoking as well as weight issues brought on entirely by unhealthy foods.

Almost everything we eat has sugar and salt added to try and enhance the flavour and we have forgotten what most raw vegetables taste like now, because even the veggie portion at a restaurant has invariable been sweetened with sugar! It is actually appalling that companies make a profit out of making us fat and unhealthy, and then we as taxpayers end up paying for all of the consequences and in America this issue has been quite famously tackled by Barack Obama’s wife, Michelle, and we need to have an open and honest conversation about it here, together with all the food manufacturers – which is a scary process in itself and a topic for another blog – ‘manufacturing’ food.

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Friday 24-Feb-12 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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cherise  said:
on Tuesday 28-Feb-12 09:02 AM
This is one of the very important aspects that our country does need positive change on and I am glad to know our health Minister see's there is a problem.

looking forward to positive change

Kaylene  said:
on Tuesday 28-Feb-12 08:50 AM
Our hectic lifestyle's does play a huge role in this, we tend to take things that does not need so much time to prepare. In most cases we opt for unhealthy foods, and they are becoming more and more popular. Our country is obese because of the decisions we make, and these lead to heart failures,etc.

Robyn  said:
on Tuesday 28-Feb-12 07:15 AM
I am pleasantly surprised to hear this. If they can bring about some sort of general, easy, healthy and affordable diet plan to follow, most people will. I would. And if they can make a law that states that all food manufacturers are only allowed to use a certain amount of salt and sugar, which will be less than what they are using now, people will eat healthier without even having to try.

joyce  said:
on Monday 27-Feb-12 09:02 AM
I think what the Health Minister is thinking about legislating on the fatty content of food as well as salt is a good idea as more people will learn and get use of eating healthy food

thembi  said:
on Monday 27-Feb-12 08:58 AM
Most people don't like cooking, so the quick way is to buy fast foods which is fatty and sugary because it does not consume much of their time.

If we can minimise eating unhealthy foods then people will not suffer from these terrible deseases.

elaine  said:
on Monday 27-Feb-12 08:50 AM
as they say you are what you eat! to many people in this country have the excuse of rushed life style.we very seldom eat junk food in my house and then it would be pizza, i only use raw,fresh veggies and cook my meals not frozen meals! same with children do not give them junk foods and cooldrinks with so much sugar in,and to much sweets

Thabitha  said:
on Monday 27-Feb-12 08:41 AM
The problem is unhealthy food is nicer because of the flavour and which make us fat and unhealthy.

Simone  said:
on Monday 27-Feb-12 08:41 AM
This is one really bad habit I have. I love my junk food way too much and I need to cut it down a bit.

Catherine  said:
on Monday 27-Feb-12 08:39 AM
Health should be everybody's number one priority! Many people do not stop and think what they eat at all but it is very essential.

Genevieve  said:
on Monday 27-Feb-12 08:38 AM
Weight, not wait :-)

Genevieve  said:
on Monday 27-Feb-12 08:35 AM
It is funny though that the people who suffer most from obesity, are the ones that you always see eating fast food. People need to understand that there has to be a balance. And each person's body is different, but everyone cannot consult a dietician becuase they are so expensive. Even eating healthy food, some people gain wait because it is not what their body needs.

Megan  said:
on Monday 27-Feb-12 08:30 AM
Ultimately each individual is responsible for what they put in their mouth. Salt, Sugar & Fat's are fine in moderation. If you look at the packaging of all food you will find the break down of the content. If you choose to eat those foods that is your business. If one chooses to indulge in unhealthy food constantly that is the choice of the individual and they must live with the consequences of their actions. Each to their own. I honestly do not think anyone who eats McDonald's for breakfast lunch & supper will be greatly affected by changing salt & fat content in the food they are eating. It is a lifestyle choice that nobody can make for any one else.

liesl  said:
on Monday 27-Feb-12 08:29 AM
Our fast paced lives and affordability is definately contributing factors in what we put in our trolleys but there is no disputing the fact that eating healthily will benefit us for years to come.

Sally  said:
on Monday 27-Feb-12 08:28 AM
I agree, we should cut down on unhealthy food although it is not always nice to do. I think that if a baby are taught to eat healthy food from the day that they start having their first food we can maybe have a starting point to change the health issues in the country.

Daniela  said:
on Friday 24-Feb-12 10:41 AM
We live an extremely fast paced lifestyle and easier is always better.

I met someone recently who eats out every day of the week. He does not cook for himself at all. Breakfast, lunch and supper he eats at restaurants.

I think majority people think that it's not that bad what they're eating let alone look at the ingredients or dietary information on the product and that is something really very important.

My stepfather was recently diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease - mainly as a result of excess salt consumption. His entire lifestyle has changed. As a result CKD brought on Orthopaedic issues that he may only have encountered in 10 years time, now and has had to have rather rushed surgery.

Corné Romer  said:
on Friday 24-Feb-12 10:40 AM
It’s terribly sad that we have basically forgotten for example what plain vegetables taste like because sugar and/ or fat are added to everything. Cutting down on unhealthy food will definitely help bringing health charges under control. Children need to be taught from a very early age to enjoy having healthy food.

Lorette  said:
on Friday 24-Feb-12 10:34 AM
I have to agree, it is rediculous that we pay so much to be overweight and unhealthy. Salt and sugar really makes a difference to the taste and I agree that it is much nicer than raw veggies, but I would much rather eat mine raw or steamed.


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