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Crime requires innovative responses

I stay in a residential estate where like in most estates people value their security as a top priority – which is why secure estates have become so popular. One always has to stay a step ahead, because the criminals will always find a way to get over the fence or if all else fails, dig underneath it!

The estate has recently investigated and is implementing a radar system and we attended a demonstration on how that works. It was fascinating to see how powerful this technology is, based on military use, and basically it can show the entire estate on a screen and indicate where people are moving. The radar also indicates in which direction the people are moving, which does not sound particularly impressive until you think about a thief, for example walking through the estate at 1am in the morning or an alarm going off and being able to look for any movement in the area as long as the person responsible for monitoring the system is awake, somebody walking through some veld at 1am in the morning is going to be able to be approached before they even commit a crime and if they get as far as committing that crime, it is going to be pretty quick to track them down afterwards. The only catch is that this particular system costs in excess of R3 million, so it’s a good thing the costs will be divided via hundreds of owners!

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Wednesday 27-Jun-12 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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Nicolle  said:
on Friday 29-Jun-12 05:20 PM
Everyone desires to be protected, but not everyone understands the way to protect themselves.

Daniela  said:
on Friday 29-Jun-12 03:36 PM
Some friends of ours stay in an estate in Modderfontein and it's like being strip-searched at the airport when going in AND out.

Checking the car, the boot, handbags, signing in, calling residents... It really is ridiculous and as Brenda said, a shame we have to resort to such extreme measures.

cherise  said:
on Wednesday 27-Jun-12 03:08 PM
I am impressed , just sounds like an extremelly costly measure. I suppose thats what everyone says about security measures when they first introduced (elcetric fencing , alarm system , beams etc)

Catherine  said:
on Wednesday 27-Jun-12 02:38 PM
Brilliant idea indeed. Thieves unfortunately are always on their toes to come up with ideas on how to work around the security system. In most of the cases, the people who come up with this brilliant inventions are the same ones who advice the thieves on how to defeat the system.

Angelique  said:
on Wednesday 27-Jun-12 02:36 PM
Sounds great! That is way too expensive though, people who dont live in estates or the average population wouldnt beable to afford it.

Liesl  said:
on Wednesday 27-Jun-12 01:25 PM
The good old days with open yards, burglar bars only on homes perhaps here and there, its a distant memory. It's sad that one has to be a prisoner in your own home. Now-a-days a home packed with security is a feature that escalates the value of the house.

Bernadette  said:
on Wednesday 27-Jun-12 01:08 PM
I agree with Brumilde. Thieves are always going to find away. You get a new device and within weeks they have figured out a way to get around it. Where there is a will there is a way.

Genevieve  said:
on Wednesday 27-Jun-12 12:34 PM
I agree with Brenda, it is sad that we have to resort to this. As Brumilde said, if they want in, they will find a way. Why do criminals not use their "intelligence" to do something good for the country, because they most certainly are not stupid.

Dune  said:
on Wednesday 27-Jun-12 12:13 PM
I agree with Brumilde, they always find a way to get in, if they want to they will. Lets hope this is something that will actually protect us and keep them out

thembi  said:
on Wednesday 27-Jun-12 11:53 AM
That is really a good idea for now and do hope it will slow the down the crime rate before the thugs come up with a planhow to get through it without them being seen but it is costly.

Robyn  said:
on Wednesday 27-Jun-12 11:40 AM
I also think this is a great idea. It sounds like it could be pretty effective but looking at what Yolandi said, what about animals for example? Or does the radar only detect a certain size? Will it be programmed to detect anything bigger than a certain size?

Yolandi  said:
on Wednesday 27-Jun-12 11:10 AM
I wonder if the systems can operate in all weather conditions. Since the radars are used for detection, won’t it detect any movement caused by wind or rain?

Alexis  said:
on Wednesday 27-Jun-12 11:08 AM
I agree with Megan and Brumilde. It sounds great, however the price is quite steep and a thief will find a way no matter what you have, they will work around it

Thabitha   said:
on Wednesday 27-Jun-12 11:05 AM
Wow. the cost is so high

Brumilde  said:
on Wednesday 27-Jun-12 11:04 AM
I am really a strong believer that no matter how much secrurity you have, if the thiefs wants to come in they can have dogs, electric fencing, alarms. they will find a way in. lets hope this system helps

Brenda  said:
on Wednesday 27-Jun-12 11:02 AM
Sounds great, but a system like that would require security guards that are alert and continuously watching the screens as you said.

It is sad that we have to resort to this sort of thing though to protect our families and all we work so hard for, but a person has to take extreme measures nowadays to try and protect what is dear to them.

Megan  said:
on Wednesday 27-Jun-12 10:58 AM
Absolutely brilliant idea, pity about the price though :)

Julie  said:
on Wednesday 27-Jun-12 10:57 AM
Shew. Pity that more estates/properties/business centres won't be able to afford this. SAPS services so bad they might just as well invest in something like this.


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