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"Health law stands". Thats how the New York Times reported today on the 5-4 decision in favour of Barack Obama’s health care laws in America. The laws ultimate aim was to ensure that there would not continue to be millions of American uninsured for health care – a rare exception amongst rich countries. The main point is that all people are basically forced to at least have a minimum insurance or pay a penalty if they refuse. Insurance companies cannot, as a result, decline cover for the sick or elderly.
Republicans had sworn the law would change and now that the court has declined to hold it unconstitutional, they will have to make it their election campaign which carries many risks for them. Those risks would include being seen as anti-poor when campaigning to remove health care from all people as it is always the poor that suffer the most in such cases. Mitt Romney has always said on day 1 of a presidency is he is elected he will overturn the law – amazing considering its based on exactly what he did when he was Governor of Massachusetts.
The Chief Justice John Roberts formed part of the majority, somewhat surprisingly as he was a Republican appointee and generally votes with the other Republican judges.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Thursday 28-Jun-12
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Cherise Williams said:
on Tuesday 03-Jul-12 10:23 AM
I most agree with kmost that this is a great idea , however , a extremely difficult task to get up and ready. Lets hope all goes well
Brumilde said:
on Monday 02-Jul-12 12:24 PM
Even if you have health care they don't pay for everything
Thabitha said:
on Friday 29-Jun-12 10:29 AM
I think it's a brilliant idea and Obama is the most clever president. He wants to govern the healthy country
Liesl said:
on Friday 29-Jun-12 09:41 AM
Health care is such a necessity. It would be great if someone can sort our our country's problems regarding this.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!