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South Africans have a particular affinity with Wimbledon and having been in London at the start of the tournament I thought I would make a trip to Wimbledon this past week. Firstly, Wimbledon is much further south of London than I would have imagined – requiring a long trip on the tube, followed by a train ride that was advertised at 20 minutes but which took 30 minutes. From there you have to catch a bus to the actual tennis courts, which is another 30 minutes and essentially, from Central London, it could quite easily take you 1 ½ hours to be outside one of the entrance gates.
Unfortunately for me, it is only at that time that you realise that even on the opening day, and even to go and watch “Mickey Mouse” play on the smallest outside court, the event is for all practical purposes sold out, and you have to join a queue, which takes 5 hours to get to the front of it, to get a ticket later that day. So, my first trip to Wimbledon did not meet with any success, only to note again while we have a culture in South Africa of booking tickets at the last minute, that does not work in big cities and if you want to do something, or there is an event that you are interested in 6 or 8 weeks’ time, you need to book tickets straightaway, book train tickets straightaway and be fully prepared – or stand in the queue, as I was offered, for 5 hours!
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Friday 29-Jun-12
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Mark said:
on Thursday 05-Jul-12 01:54 PM
Great tip for Wimbledon is to go there at approx 5pm during the opening week, if it is good weather and try and get one of the resale tickets for ground entry after a few people have left for the day. Usually only about a 15 minute queue and you normally see 4 hours of Tennis for £10. It is what us working Londoners do.
Cherise said:
on Tuesday 03-Jul-12 10:28 AM
I dont really like to que for anything more than 20 minutes , I get extremelly irratable in large crowds as well so as much as it would be a great experience to see. I would prefer as I normally do to watch on tv.
Angelique said:
on Monday 02-Jul-12 10:50 AM
Definitely would not que for 5 hours not even for Wimbledon but it definitely would be an experience of a life time.
Daniela said:
on Friday 29-Jun-12 03:30 PM
I think it would be something amazing to witness. I wouldn't have thought that it would be such a lengthy commute though to get to Wimbledon.
Frankly, I am not a suppporter of any sport other than Soccer, so I would luckily not find myself in a position to stand in a queue for 5 or 6 hours.
Nicolle said:
on Friday 29-Jun-12 01:13 PM
I think that like with many events such as these the best seat is the seat at home . . front row seats as David mentions.
I also heard that the Price Charles and Camilla graced the Wimbledon with their presence for the 1st time since 1970.
Helen said:
on Friday 29-Jun-12 10:41 AM
I will not mind to stand in the queue, to get in to such as event! Sure I cannot even imagine how much stories you will be hearing and so much excitement before watching the game. I think I will sacrifice my 5 hours just to be there - and after - share with everyone my experience being there.I
Kalinke said:
on Friday 29-Jun-12 10:20 AM
David’s comment does sound nice, but I prefer the great atmosphere at any sport stadium
elaine said:
on Friday 29-Jun-12 10:10 AM
haha i agree 100% with davids comments and i could find better things to grunt at then a tennis ball too!!
julie said:
on Friday 29-Jun-12 10:09 AM
David seems to have the best advice only difference is we drink different drinks and don't smoke same brands :-) I haven't had time to enjoy Wimbledon yet, but will most definitely spend some time watching this weekend. Super rugby also starting this weekend again. After my "trip in the wilderness" as Michael likes to refer to it, there won't be any fighting over the remote.... The sweet privileges of being single.... Guess we're missing the point here, lol
Alexis said:
on Friday 29-Jun-12 10:07 AM
I agree with David on this one. However it must be quite spectacular in order to experience it live. I heard that Prince Charles and Camilla attended as well.
david said:
on Friday 29-Jun-12 10:03 AM
the best seat are in my lounge. cold beer in the fridge, and you're allowed to smoke.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!