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I have to say that I really thought the previous Batman movie was far btter than this, the last in the series. They are all superbly produced and filmed and the action sequences are all terrific, but where any fantasy movie requires you to suspend reality for a while, this one takes it a little far. One is put at a bottom of a pit, in Kazakhstan or some other far-off Eastern European country, Bruce Wayne gets his back repaired simply by someone pushing his vertebrae back into his back and that is just one example of the many ludicrous turns of events in the last hour or so of the movie.
It is no doubt going to be a huge world-wide hit, and is already, despite the fact that many people are going to feel slightly uncomfortable sitting in the theatre, after the tragic events that unfolded in America, and while it is certainly entertaining, it is not a great movie. I would say that in my opinion the previous Batman movie was a good movie, and this one is fine and entertaining, but a little bit weak over the last hour or so of the movie. It is a pity that movies cannot be made a little bit shorter, and there is nothing wrong with the good old fashioned 1 hour 40 minutes for a movie, and it seems now that every single movie has to run in excess of 2 hours. This one is particularly long, meaning that if you see a night show, it is going to end pretty late, given that it is 2 hours 45 minutes long. The Rottenomatoes site currently rates the movie at 87% whereas the Dark Knight, which was released in 2008, received 94%. I would say that the difference between the two movies is more considerable than that.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Friday 17-Aug-12
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Tans said:
on Wednesday 22-Aug-12 11:08 PM
Everyone seems to be complaining about the length of this movie. I'm looking forward to seeing the documentary about Rodriguez this weekend at the Rosebank cinema though.
Brumilde said:
on Tuesday 21-Aug-12 08:44 AM
i cant wait to see the movie, although i loved the old batman movies,(when george clooney was batman), in these new ones i really think they focus more on telling batmans story not just him defeating the baddies
Robyn said:
on Monday 20-Aug-12 11:38 AM
I don't go to the cinemas often and when I do go, I get really pissed if I wasted my time and money there. Like with this movie. It wasn't bad, but not worth watching at the cinemas. I was also waiting for it to end.
Simone said:
on Monday 20-Aug-12 10:57 AM
My boyfriend has been nagging me to watch this movie with him, but seeing all these awful reviews, I need to talk my self out of this one. Can't believe how long it is, would definitely rather watch it at home.
Angelique said:
on Monday 20-Aug-12 10:42 AM
My mistake was allowing my date to choose the movie we watched. I dont enjoy batman/spiderman saga. I agree with Cherise was far too long and long winded! To be honest I almost fell asleep! What a disapointment.
Cherise said:
on Monday 20-Aug-12 09:33 AM
I was extremelly dissappointed by this movie. I found it was way to long and the story line was dragging on. I loved the previous batman movie. It had all my interest and I wanted to know what happened next. This movie I sat in the theatre and kept waiting for the movie to end. Very dissappointing movie.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!