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The Hawks are apparently going to arrest a number of people in connection with fraudulent garnishee orders. The debt collection industry seems to be a very interesting one, with certain courts favoured by the industry as given order more easily than other courts and as we saw with the Marikana incident debts, and overextended creditors, can lead to tragedy as that was one of the underlying problems in that dispute, not only just the issue of salaries.
A Moneyweb investigation revealed that in one case the debt collecting firm had charged R20 000 all in, for the repayment of a R1 000 loan! There are far too many companies extending far too much credit, at very high interest rates, rather recklessly to too many consumers and that is already weighing down our economy. One then ends up with products where the name of the game is trying to work out on what day the money will be deposited by the employer into the employee’s account so the debit orders for the loans can all go off on exactly that day, because a day later there’s often no funds. Some companies have products that submit the same debit order to the bank day after day, for a number of days, until the money is paid in and it can be debited, because many employers as a result now pay the money in on different days.
To now hear that court documents in matters involving these orders can’t even be found at the courts where the orders were supposedly granted, puts a whole new twist onto the story and the National Credit Regulator or NCR for short, really needs to do a lot more to curb the indebtedness amongst the working population and rein in these companies that recklessly extend credit to people who cannot possibly afford one more loan on top of all the debts they already have.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Tuesday 20-Nov-12
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cherise said:
on Wednesday 21-Nov-12 10:24 AM
I was also offered a rediculous high amount for credit from one of my accounts and had to decline that amount for a more reasonable amount for myself. Credit is being given way above peoples affordabilty and salarys. In the end you end up paying back double and cant afford to pay it back. therefore you end up paying debt with debt by taking out more and more loans and accounts.
Tans said:
on Tuesday 20-Nov-12 04:30 PM
This is really sad. It is hard enough for the average person in the street to get ahead with the rising costs of petrol, food, inflation etc. - not to mention the soon-to-be-implemented toll roads. Now, in addition, we have unscrupulous loan sharks preying on people by charging excessive interest rates and using fraudulent garnishee orders. My worry is that with debt becoming a bigger problem every day, these loan sharks will continue to find people to take advantage of. The Hawks have to do something about this but then the government also needs to rein in the banks and credit card companies who are complicit in creating excessive debt and hardship for the average person.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!