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They are both very dangerous and best avoided. I think people have an inherent tendency within them to have a small bit of jealousy, about certain things, but sometimes it really gets out of hand. What amazes me is how we are all happy to believe stories and gossip when we are not involved, but when you are involved you sometimes realise just how ridiculous it is – or in the case of jealousy, just how far off target the other person is. I only have to look at office staff parties and the number of people who got trouble from their partners afterwards for allegedly “misbehaving” or showing too much interest in other guys.
Strangely enough its always the quietest, probably most conservatively behaved person at the party who is later accused by her boyfriend of misbehaving, of having drank too much or worse, flirting with the boss. In some cases, in reality, we are talking about people who don’t even say hello to the boss or any other male working at the office and yet the boyfriend seems to believe something is up! The funniest part of course is that generally at office parties everyone watches their behaviour far more closely than when they are out with their own friends, because there are always going to be repercussions and stories if you do cross the line. It is when you don’t cross the line, you don’t do anything wrong and still get trouble for it that it seems somewhat ridiculous. There will always be people who believe things that are not true, and unfortunately there are too many of them. One experiences that in business as well and sometimes one does take it seriously, but I have learned to ignore most of it.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Thursday 06-Dec-12
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Joyce said:
on Monday 07-Jan-13 04:50 PM
I agree they are both dangerous when you see "Jealousy and Gossip you must expect to see Trouble"
Lee-Ann said:
on Monday 07-Jan-13 12:21 PM
I agree that they are both dangerous and best avoided. We don't gain anything by being jealous but we are only human at the end of the day.Gossip is a wastage of precious time, rather spend time doing a good deed. One should instead improve his/her own qualities and strive to develop qualities of kindness and impartiality.
Dune said:
on Friday 14-Dec-12 09:33 AM
That's why I keep to myself, to avoid rumours gossip etc!
thembi said:
on Tuesday 11-Dec-12 09:22 AM
Jealousy and gossip are very bad things.Trust someone you love and do not speak behind people's backs about something does not involve you or you dont know at all.It can destroy relationships,family and friends.
Cherise said:
on Monday 10-Dec-12 03:09 PM
We are all human and have all experienced our own form of jealousy and gossip. The important point is to remenber what counts and stay grounded. People will always talk about other people thats life.
Safia said:
on Friday 07-Dec-12 03:58 PM
Everybody gossips and everybody gets jealous at times.Normal reaction as long as people do not kill each other or harm each other. Violent men should be avoided in life and also those who undermiine girl's confidence by constantly critisizing and cheating.
Genevieve said:
on Friday 07-Dec-12 03:44 PM
Jealousy is good in moderation because it means that you will strive even more for what you want. However, people do not know the concept "in moderation" and therefore jealousy becomes an ugly thing. Everyone gossips, it is human, but some do not know when to draw the line and tails are added to any story. People don't always understand what the results can be of constant gossiping about someone/something.
Genevieve said:
on Friday 07-Dec-12 03:44 PM
Jealousy is good in moderation because it means that you will strive even more for what you want. However, people do not know the concept "in moderation" and therefore jealousy becomes an ugly thing. Everyone gossips, it is human, but some do not know when to draw the line and tails are added to any story. People don't always understand what the results can be of constant gossiping about someone/something.
Catherine said:
on Friday 07-Dec-12 03:33 PM
Both of these two evils are dangerous and to be avoided at all costs. The will cost one family, friends and relationships.
Sarah said:
on Friday 07-Dec-12 03:21 PM
Jealousy is a very nasty evil thing. Insecurity is a big thing when boyfriends start accusing you of things. If you haven’t given your partner a reason not to trust you then there shouldn't be any reasons why they will start accusing you of things you never did.
zandra said:
on Friday 07-Dec-12 03:19 PM
jealousy is just insecurity wearing a super-ugly mask. Sometimes, it takes a lot of magic to remove the mask safely.
Alexis said:
on Friday 07-Dec-12 03:16 PM
You need to trust the one you are with and if you do not then there is no point in being with them
Kalinke said:
on Friday 07-Dec-12 12:32 PM
I think jealousy is one of the things that can make a person very ugly even if you are beautiful from the outside.
Julie said:
on Friday 07-Dec-12 12:26 PM
Insecurity is the biggest problem. If you have no self-confidence you won't trust someone else and if you are insecure within yourself this is what will happen. It might be good to "re-think" such relationships and get out while you still have time. You have your whole life ahead. And for those who think you will "change" a person, think again. Not going to happen. You cannot MAKE someone happy who has already decided NOT to be happy.
Angelique said:
on Friday 07-Dec-12 11:59 AM
I think that happens regardless whether at the office party or in the office. One needs to learn not to feed into it or entertain it and just brush it off lol. I agree with Tans but wow thats an explanation and a half! Sounds like a minister speech but I agree 100%. It really is not nice to be the victim and one only realizes how ridiculous it is once you are the victim. Regardless people will always gossip whether its today or 10 years from now
Sinead said:
on Friday 07-Dec-12 08:48 AM
I agree with Tans. As for the conservative girls getting into trouble - I don't understand it either. Where Michael says that the boyfriend is accusing his girlfriend of misbehaviour, that is a sign of major insecurity.
david said:
on Friday 07-Dec-12 06:46 AM
don't do office parties...
Robyn said:
on Friday 07-Dec-12 06:21 AM
Quite a few girls at our firm had this problem with the last office party. I was not one of them though :) And it really is the more conservative girls that got into trouble. I don't understand this.
Tans said:
on Thursday 06-Dec-12 09:41 PM
Jealousy and gossip have been two best friends for a long time since human beings have started relationship among themselves. When jealousy is the state of wicked mind, gossip is the twisted expression of jealousy. Gossip is the oldest and still the most common means of spreading trivial, hurtful and hateful rumors, scandals, and socially unproductive information. Gossip could potentially paralyze the free flow of productive and constructive information and enforce jealousy among people. Gossip is saying things against someone, behind someone's back by sick and twisted individuals. They stir up trouble, disturb the social order, and break up friendship because they have the state of evil minds perhaps destined to do mischievous things. The disease of jealously expressed by gossip is a malignant cancer of the state of mind that creates disorder and chaos in any friendship / / relationships / business / community and causes hostility and deformity among people by inflicting conflicts. It is all so unnecessary and a waste of precious time.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!