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People who have the iPhone 5, and did the upgrades to LTE, are having tremendous problems at the moment, which are written about on many forums. Essentially, when you travel through an area which has no service, your cell phone loses its signal and sadly it does not pick it up again once you are in an area with service. That means two or three times a day you lose your service for the rest of the day until you realise that the reason you are not getting calls or messages is not because nobody is contacting you but because your telephone has gone off line. I am sure this is just a software problem, but it is something that Vodacom needs to sort out soon and there is no doubt that it came straight after the LTE carrier update.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Saturday 16-Feb-13
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richard said:
on Monday 15-Sep-14 12:43 PM
I have had my iPhone 5 for over a year. For the past few months I have been getting plenty of missed calls. When people phone they say they get cut off, and the phone doesn't even ring, or they say it rings on their side and only after 5 rings or so does my phone ring.
This is very frustrating. I live in Cape Town and am with vodacom.
on Sunday 23-Jun-13 04:08 PM
I purchased the copy version iphone 5 and am not getting signal of vodafone india. don't know what is the issue.
can you tell me the solution pls.
Arnold said:
on Wednesday 19-Jun-13 03:50 PM
so it almost the end of June, and the Vodacom LTE "iphone5" problem has not been sorted. Vodacom??????
Thabitha said:
on Tuesday 19-Feb-13 04:57 PM
Sounds like a bad service they must fix the problem, what if you are injured and you need help you can die while you have your phone.
Dereck said:
on Monday 18-Feb-13 12:18 PM
100% correct. I phoned Vodacom and they did something, not dropping or losing signal and roaming towers for signals. Was told “they” had issues but now resolved, maybe a call to them might improve your reception? Data Help 082 155.
cherise said:
on Monday 18-Feb-13 11:56 AM
two good friends of mine recently purchased their iphone 5's and have only complaints about the signal they never seem to have. I really hope this gets sorted out before I make the change to iphone :-)
Gareth said:
on Monday 18-Feb-13 11:14 AM
I have been having this exact problem and actually wanted to return the phone to Vodacom for repair. Its ridiculous!!!
Simone said:
on Monday 18-Feb-13 10:38 AM
I wonder if this is only a problem with Vodacom or the other networks as well?
I do hope that they get this bug fixed ASAP before they loose clients.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!