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Today is the day for the budget speech by the Minister of Finance. There is quite a bit of speculation each year as to what will be in the speech, although it would seem that media commentators simply have no idea because they never really make any specific predictions as to what will be in it and the usual debate is simply about whether or not taxes will be raised for high-end earners and whether or not the VAT rate will be raised.
Commentators are predicting that neither will happen this year but at some point something is going to have to give because what we are spending as a country exceeds the taxes that are coming in. Of course, anybody can predict that the taxes on alcohol and cigarettes will go up, and from an anti-smoking point of view, in my perspective whatever they go up, will be too little. I would have smokers subsidise their later hospital stays by working out what the actual cost of hospitalisation is for smokers, and calculating the taxes with direct reference to that – in other words, pay for what you need. Smokers, who always say they have a right to choose, would surely not have a problem with the obligation to pay for what they choose?
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Wednesday 27-Feb-13
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Alexis said:
on Friday 01-Mar-13 07:21 AM
Prices are constantly increasing, the petrol alone is madness. Yes the choice to raise the taxes on smokes and Booze is the best thing to do as they do not bring anything to this world.
Sarah said:
on Thursday 28-Feb-13 03:38 PM
It is the same thing every year. I agree with David's point of view. Unemployed people benefit more from our taxes and they just sit at home, well we work and see our hard earned money given to them to sit at home and do nothing.
Sinead said:
on Wednesday 27-Feb-13 02:34 PM
I agree with Julie. Sigh and adapt. Nothing else can be done
Jessica said:
on Wednesday 27-Feb-13 02:28 PM
Same thing every year, every time petrol goes up so does everything else.
cherise said:
on Wednesday 27-Feb-13 01:46 PM
I agree with Julie not matter the outcome all we have done and will continue to do is adapt to the changes.
safia said:
on Wednesday 27-Feb-13 10:00 AM
To live in a country with the freedom from taxation.Pure capitalism.
moenisha said:
on Wednesday 27-Feb-13 09:50 AM
I think it is just a very bad habit which unfortunately some can give up and others just can't, personally it is better than alcohol because no matter how much you smoke you are still by you senses i.e.Cigarettes.
Liesl said:
on Wednesday 27-Feb-13 09:05 AM
Some people need the help and those people I really don't mind helping. Then there are others who have simply grown accustomed to their daily ride on the gravy train. It's like putting a bird feeder in your garden. At first you will attract a few birds in the vicinity before you know it the birds won't go and look for their own food they will come straight there and bring all their friends as well.
Yolandi P said:
on Wednesday 27-Feb-13 08:37 AM
Those who choose to smoke will pay whatever they have to to keep the habbit going. Personally I think it is their perogative and they are unfortunately the group who have been placed in the spotlight and are judged continuously.
david said:
on Wednesday 27-Feb-13 08:33 AM
bend over joe public. prepared to be screwed so that the unemployed can continue to sit at home and suip their grant, while you work to pay for it.
Julie said:
on Wednesday 27-Feb-13 07:51 AM
I agree on the smoking thing. I wouldn't mind cigarettes becoming unaffordable. Same goes for alcohol. Facts are - whatever is decided has to be excepted - not much you can do but sigh and adapt.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!