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We all have to do our bit to look after the environment and small steps can make a big difference. It can be at home and at the office – and ideally both. One must try not to waste much and to recycle as much as possible.
At our offices, the hot water comes a solar geyser on the roof of the building and we have recycling boxes inside our office for paper, so that drafts and wasted pages can be recycled. I am always looking for more ideas and would welcome any suggestions you have as to how one can recycle and do one’s bit for the environment, not only at home, but especially in the workplace.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Monday 15-Apr-13
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Lucretia said:
on Thursday 18-Apr-13 01:57 PM
My biggest worry is the wasting of paper. When I see the amount of paper one wastes, I see forests being destroyed which, has a direct impact on our eco-system. Let's start by saving paper - ONLY one copy per case will suffice.
Sinead said:
on Tuesday 16-Apr-13 10:13 AM
I think we should get recycling bins at our office and so should everyone else. Recycle, re-use and reduce =) The three 'R's for a better planet.
Benita said:
on Monday 15-Apr-13 03:22 PM
I am all for recycling. We learnt a lot about being environmentally friendly in environmental management and recycling is one of the major ways of being environmentally friendly as well as solar panels.
cherise said:
on Monday 15-Apr-13 01:06 PM
I agree with everyone that we should get the bins and recycle further. If it also helps raise money then we killing two birds with one stone.
Angelique said:
on Monday 15-Apr-13 11:02 AM
I agree with Sheena - we should get those bins and can do our bit by recycling as well as raising funds. It could be for others or like Cornelie points out a year end function. We have nothing to lose and I think it will also make others aware and help us to recycle - soon you will be doing it everywhere not just at home and the office because one will become accustomed to it.
Sarah said:
on Monday 15-Apr-13 10:45 AM
The shops where I stay have the different bins for recycling. So if you don't have money or time to get the different bins then just take your recycling stuff to the shop and empty it out there.
sheena said:
on Monday 15-Apr-13 10:44 AM
I agree with Cornelie. Its a good Idea and a good way to raise funds for things that we need.We can even start to recycle plastic and raise funds that way to.
Tanya - The T said:
on Monday 15-Apr-13 10:41 AM
Companies should be fined for not participating in recycling and other environmentally friendly forms of doing business.
Cornelie said:
on Monday 15-Apr-13 09:36 AM
I know that if you recycle and waste people come and fetch it they pay you a little, its not a lot but if you save it up until December it can contribute for a year end function or contribute to what ever the office need.
Julie said:
on Monday 15-Apr-13 08:50 AM
Recycling also created a few job opportunities for a few. You see guys with their own-invention-trolleys (which also seems to become quite a sport - some of these men really know how to manoeuvre that thing downhill and around corners) very early in the streets looking for stuff they can recycle for a few bucks. Again, we appreciate so little we have.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!