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It is old news now, of course, with the aeroplane landing at Waterkloof Military Base, but it is still a huge issue in South Africa. Where the people refer to the country now jokingly as Gupta-stan or the whole incident as Gupta Gate, there is no doubt that it is very embarrassing for us as a country that simple guests at a wedding can be treated like absolute royalty and bypass all of the protocol that would apply to ordinary people (which they were).
It is funny too though, with all the scandals that we’ve had, about arms commissions and the like, that this simple story should be this one that has provoked people so much, because in the broader scheme of things, it really is not as important an issue as the allegations of corruption, etc that we have all read about over the years.It is funny how sometimes it takes a smaller thing to galvanise people, and to see a new approach.I don’t think it is the biggest story in the world, but it is certainly one that everyone is following and it is going to be very interesting to see how it plays out and who ultimately takes the fall for it.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Tuesday 14-May-13
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Sarah said:
on Friday 24-May-13 07:57 AM
Money talks and it is also about who you know like Salomie said.
Henrietta said:
on Friday 17-May-13 01:45 PM
Just goes to show money talks and bulls* walks..... What I would do if I had millions hmmm definitely not to land at Waterkloof Military Base....
thembi said:
on Thursday 16-May-13 09:00 AM
Money talks and they was nothing that will have stopped the Guptas from getting what they wanted.
Cherise said:
on Wednesday 15-May-13 01:14 PM
I suppose if you have enough money you can do what you like. eventually this whole situation will die down and be forgotten. I still think they should of just had the wedding in India because they seemed to cause a lot of problems from arrival
Sinead said:
on Wednesday 15-May-13 09:48 AM
Money really does help. It is a sad truth that needs to be realized. Salomie said it exactly how I would have - It is not what you know but rather who you know.
salomie said:
on Wednesday 15-May-13 09:07 AM
its shows its not who you are but who you know
Thabitha said:
on Wednesday 15-May-13 08:10 AM
Mr Gupta himself was saying he invested lots of money in South Africa people knows him so to me that tells me that he can do what ever he wants anywhere in South Africa because of his money
Julie said:
on Wednesday 15-May-13 07:45 AM
If you're a friend of Zuma I guess you have liberties others don't have. Why get married in SA in the first place....
Caron said:
on Wednesday 15-May-13 07:38 AM
The Guptas' are nothing new or news worthy. Their corrupt ways are known and entertained by SAs corrupt government with them paying for favour and buying their way into favourable companies for their own personal gain (such as their attempt to do so with SAA). The corrupt to the core SA might as well hang onto the wealthy families prepared to wheel and deal in SA, as foreign investors won't touch SA.
Juliet said:
on Wednesday 15-May-13 07:29 AM
I don't think the Guptas think they have done anything wrong and must be laughing at how the lay people are making such a big fuss about them flying in like that when all they probably did was ask to do so and were allowed to. The real fools are the people in charge
Yolandi P said:
on Wednesday 15-May-13 06:47 AM
I think that this story is making the waves that it is because of the originality of it. South Africans are at this point very desensitised to the major issues in the country, and this is just completely different to the norm. The Gupta family will always be remember for this.
Brumilde said:
on Wednesday 15-May-13 06:41 AM
i think people should focus more on something else that can better them.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!