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I used to believe that I would be lucky enough to avoid inheriting the migraines from which my mother suffered. Unfortunately, the last two years have shown me that that is not the case, and I have suffered from some terribly debilitating migraines. I think people who’ve had simple headaches don’t really understand how chronic a headache or migraine can be – with or without visual disturbances, which is something that I don’t get.
My worst headache starts off as a sharp piercing pain, which is quite manageable, but grows in intensity during the day, usually starting in the morning, and is not stopped by painkillers. The only thing that gives any relief is a very powerful drug called Maxalt RPD which apparently if taken for more than a few days in a row turns your blood green – something that they say is only temporary! When you are running a busy business, you just cannot take time off, so I would invariably still have to go to work but I must say that when one is in intense pain, it firstly makes you a lot more irritable, and secondly, once you’ve had the pills, a lot more dopey and stupid! If I was working for somebody else, I would undoubtedly take the day off, but I do think people would get tired of somebody who needs one or two days off a month – but I don’t have that luxury, so I suffer through the day. It would probably help to have “migraine alerts” for staff members to that they do know when one is suffering – it is definitely not the kind of day to come and ask for a favour or explain a drama!
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Monday 20-May-13
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Melissa said:
on Tuesday 11-Jun-13 08:25 AM
I found that just before my migraine gets worse I take two grandpa's that immediately takes the pain away... a migraine is the worst thing to have on a bad day
Sinead said:
on Monday 03-Jun-13 12:58 PM
I am lucky not to suffer from Migraines. The occasional headaches I get aren't too bad though and they always subside within an hour or so.
Julie said:
on Monday 03-Jun-13 11:50 AM
I used to get migraines when I was younger - and the only thing that helped is to sleep - if possible. Also had the nausea. My eyes are light-sensitive and I get an immediate headache if something upsets me - bad headaches but no migraines. Hallelujah!
It is terrible to sit in an office with noisy busy people and machines, etc. I would get terribly irritated and short-tempered. Some high-pitched voices around....
Henrietta said:
on Monday 27-May-13 08:42 AM
I am glad I dont suffer from migraines. My school friend suffers from it badly, her eyes swell and she just sleeps the whole day. The doctor told her she suffers from migraines because of caffeine. now that is bad.....
Catherine said:
on Friday 24-May-13 03:50 PM
I do suffer from normal headaches every now and then. Am greatful that I have never suffered from a migraine and I hope I never have to because it sounds unbearable.
Thank goodness that is a problem that I don't have.
Yolandi P said:
on Friday 24-May-13 08:56 AM
I used to get severe migrains when I started at varsity. It would sometimes get so bad that even my ability to walk would be affected as I could not maintain balance. Luckily they seem to have subsided in the last two years but I have deep empathy for those who do suffer the attacks on a regular basis.
Sarah said:
on Friday 24-May-13 07:55 AM
I am so glad I don't get Migraines, but I do get bad headaches.
Angelique said:
on Wednesday 22-May-13 03:31 PM
I have never suffered from migraines let alone a headache. The other day I found myself having one and I was wondering if I should pop a pill or let it go. I have decided to stop smoking so hopefully I don't get any symptoms such as headaches or migraines as I have seen people suffer and it doesn't look fun. However one should try get a migraine cocktail from dischem - I've heard the stuff knocks you out for a day but definitely helps.
thembi said:
on Tuesday 21-May-13 08:16 AM
Thank God l do not suffer from migraine headaches and l heard that the pain is unbearable.
sheena said:
on Tuesday 21-May-13 07:55 AM
I feel sorry for people who suffer from migraines. I know how terrible it is when you have a headache. so glad I don't suffer from migraines
Joyce said:
on Monday 20-May-13 03:39 PM
I sometimes do have strong headache but the migraines headache sounds like unbearable horrifying pain.
Sundome said:
on Monday 20-May-13 02:41 PM
I have never had a migraine, I have had the sharp piercing pains which hurts a lot and sometimes it will carry on for hours but luckily it has never turned into a migraine.
Ashleigh said:
on Monday 20-May-13 01:11 PM
I've Had Migraines now and then. I worry about it becoming a usual thing to have. I pray not going to be the case as its very uncomfortable and painful.
Tanya - The T said:
on Monday 20-May-13 11:55 AM
As a kid I had to call 911 a couple of times to come and pick my mom because she dehydrated and lost consciousness because of a migraine. So far I have not had 1 as bad as she has, but good heavens the day I do I might kill myself. Lets hope they find a way to make less life threatening or a lot less severe soon.
Cherise said:
on Monday 20-May-13 11:24 AM
I suffer from the worst Migraines ever. which I have found out over the years is triggered by light, cheese and the list goes on. I got my first ever Migraine when I was in grade 11 and had no idea what was happening. I was perfectly fine and then in the most intense pain.
I take the migraine kit or "waver" - which is placed under your tongue and Is very effective ,when I get mine. Its really not a nice thing to get however.
Brenda said:
on Monday 20-May-13 10:09 AM
A migraine is NOT something to be taken lightly! I have suffered from a few migraine's myself and can honestly say that i am not of any use to anyone when i am in this condition! It takes everything out of you, and all you want to do is just sleep so that you don't have to feel the pain! So as soon as i feel a migraine coming i immediately get something to try and prevent it before i am in an immovable state with no will for anything but burying myself under the covers!
salomie said:
on Monday 20-May-13 09:38 AM
I suffer from migraines just like my mom; unfortunately the only thing that helps is to sleep it off. That is not always possible for me and I have to come to work and try to get through the day, you can take migraine kits and painkillers to try and manage the headache but ultimately you need to sleep it off and someone that has never experience the pain, nausea and the wish of dying since its got to be easier than this pain wont understand
Juliet said:
on Monday 20-May-13 09:12 AM
Luckily I have not ever had a migraine and since no one in my family has ever had one I doubt I ever will, luckily
Yolandi C said:
on Monday 20-May-13 09:07 AM
I suffer from Migraine headaches as well. I use the Maxalt Wafers and find that they work best when taken as soon as first warning signs, such as sensitivity to light or nausea prior to the headache occur.
Migraines are really, really terrible. Sometimes they last for up to 3 days.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!