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People still need me says Mugabe

SABC 3 will be showing a program on Sunday evening, where the 89 year old President of Zimbabwe will be interviewed. Apparently, Robert Mugabe told Dali Tambo during the recording of the show that his people still need him. He has to keep on leading Zimbabwe, on this version of his, because if people still need you, it does not matter how old you are, you cannot say goodbye! He apparently went on to say, in the interview which would be broadcast on SABC 3 at 8.30pm on Sunday that he is not a deserter and “… never … thought of deserting people. We fight to the finish: That’s it. I still have it in me here.”

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Friday 31-May-13 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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Julie  said:
on Monday 03-Jun-13 01:32 PM
Tanya - took the words right out of my mouth.....

Sinead  said:
on Monday 03-Jun-13 12:45 PM
He needs to step down. That is all!

Cornelie   said:
on Friday 31-May-13 04:38 PM
O my word cant' believe he says the people still needs him if you see how the people are going back words and strafing. My family stays in Zimbabwe and we visit every year and it is bad to see how that beautiful land is destroyed because of him.

Juliet  said:
on Friday 31-May-13 04:36 PM
He feels entitled to say things like this because no one opposes him. It is like watching a child being raped and no one says anything. Complacency is the facilitator of evil.

Caron  said:
on Friday 31-May-13 04:01 PM
In the beginning he was truly the peoples saviour, but, give a man an inch and he'll take five. Power corrupts and he's had far to much for far to long. Every country needs a new leader at least every five to ten years, as is required in terms of the constitution of true democracies (a country which has had at least three different political parties democratically voted into power).

Helen  said:
on Friday 31-May-13 02:52 PM
From all the documentaries I have seen about South Africa and neighbours I think Robert Mugabe needs serious medical help in one of Zimbabwean government psychiatric hospitals - this man is the danger to his own community.

Yolandi C  said:
on Friday 31-May-13 02:50 PM
When Robert Mugabe lost the 2008 presidential election, he was unwilling to let go of the reins. Why would he hand over the presidential power now?

thembi  said:
on Friday 31-May-13 02:44 PM
This man evil, he only thinks of himself and his family. He must just step down and let someone lead the country . Time is up he must accept it and stop being ignorant.

Catherine  said:
on Friday 31-May-13 02:41 PM
He is delusional.

Lucretia  said:
on Friday 31-May-13 02:27 PM
I cannot believe that he actually believes that given all the Zimbabwean's who have fled the country because of his reign. None are so blind as those who do not wish to see.

Jessica  said:
on Friday 31-May-13 02:21 PM
I think he meant to say the people DON'T need me. I can't imagine anyone ever even giving him this impression besides for himself. I agree with Tanya LOL.

Cherise   said:
on Friday 31-May-13 02:12 PM
Considering this man is so educated he has made horrible decisions in "leading" his country. He needs to step down and let someone else who has it in them to build Zimbabwe up to what it can be.

Sorea  said:
on Friday 31-May-13 02:08 PM
I have no idea how this man can still delude himself to believe that he is the best leader for his country.

Tanya - The T  said:
on Friday 31-May-13 01:59 PM
How has this lunatic not been shot yet...

Thabitha  said:
on Friday 31-May-13 01:57 PM
Whoever still wants this old man to be his or her leader something is wrong, Zimbabwe needs life

sheena  said:
on Friday 31-May-13 01:53 PM
I personally do not have any respect for this man and would rather make any comment about what I think of him...

Liesl  said:
on Friday 31-May-13 01:52 PM
I would really like to know what his "internal dialect" is that he proclaims that the people of Zimbabwe need him. A country which in its former state was prosperous and beautiful is now in its latter days nothing but ruins.

Ashleigh  said:
on Friday 31-May-13 01:46 PM
Anyone that would still need this man is as dumb as him saying that he is still needed.

Angelique  said:
on Friday 31-May-13 01:23 PM
He has had his time - it really is time for someone else to takeover and steer Zimbabwe into the right direction. Their people and economy deserve someone new who can hopefully not follow in the foot steps of Mugabe but of their own. Really hope his time has come to an end.

Yolandi P  said:
on Friday 31-May-13 12:13 PM
He has had his run at it. I think it is time for him to step down and allow fresh blood with new ideas and plans to take over. Perhaps getting out of the same governmental mindset that Zimbabwe has been if for the last 50 years is just what the country's economy and people need


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