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Spam messages seem to be forever on the increase. Some mail services like Google’s Gmail do an excellent job of routing out the rubbish, but even they fail to pick up some of the notices. Most recently, during the last week I received a number of e-mails, for example that I qualified for a refund from SARS. I think the only time I even qualified for a refund from SARS was the VAT payable on the purchase of a horse, and when we actually applied for it, we were subjected to an entire audit and many months before we were refunded, so only the naïve will believe SARS are about to refund them so quickly and are emailing them a link to ensure the payment is made.
On the other hand if your “business” model depends on a small percentage of people being fools by sending out millions of e-mails you will always recruit a whole lot of them. It is really a tremendous pity that more effort is not made to uproot the individuals behind this systematic fraud and imprison them.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Monday 22-Jul-13
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Kaylee said:
on Wednesday 24-Jul-13 04:41 PM
I hate spam in general, not really even a fan of those joke emails that get sent around, you see the same e-mail ten million times
Simone said:
on Tuesday 23-Jul-13 01:52 PM
It's much easier just to press "unsubscribe" and not get most of the nonsense. But let me just tell everyone that in this week alone I have won over 10 million pounds! How amazing!! sigh...
Sheena said:
on Tuesday 23-Jul-13 10:50 AM
Spam messages is a complete waste of your time and really annoying!
Alexis said:
on Tuesday 23-Jul-13 08:27 AM
Spam in just stupid and you never look at it in any case - what is the point if not to just annoy you
Catherine said:
on Tuesday 23-Jul-13 08:11 AM
Absolutely annoying.
Sarah said:
on Tuesday 23-Jul-13 07:32 AM
Spam is the most annoying thing ever and time consuming. You have to go through all your spam emails to see what is important and delete the rest.
Joyce said:
on Monday 22-Jul-13 05:02 PM
I think its not nice t receive spam messages
Bianca said:
on Monday 22-Jul-13 04:49 PM
I am "Opt Out's" best customer. I hate receiving anything spam related - if it is not related to me in any way, I do not want it. Any spam that does come through, goes straight to the trash with me.
moenisha said:
on Monday 22-Jul-13 04:43 PM
I have not received any here as yet
Ashleigh said:
on Monday 22-Jul-13 02:53 PM
Everyday I get hundreds of spam emails with my personal account. I just delete it all. Its too annoying to go through.
Jessica said:
on Monday 22-Jul-13 02:41 PM
Spam makes me want to pull my hair out, send as much as you want to my personal one but DO NOT send it to my work E-mail because I have too much work to do, rather than worry about this or that. But I guess either way I get irritated with Spam and the con's out there it's enough to make a person go crazy. We should have a place to report this stuff and they deal with it, or I would love to re-route those messages.
Angelique said:
on Monday 22-Jul-13 01:47 PM
SPAM is such a waste of time and the most annoying thing ever! I think yahoo email accounts get the most spammers - that's why I switched to a gmail account.
Sorea said:
on Monday 22-Jul-13 01:01 PM
I have found that you need to consistently work at blocking spam. Plus there are lists with TransUnion that you can join to let their affiliates know that you do not wish to be contacted. This does not work, however, for your average scammer trying to get your information. Bottom line, do not give your info out to anyone! And if in doubt, verify with the supplier trying to get your information.
Benita said:
on Monday 22-Jul-13 10:18 AM
Spam is honestly one of the most annoying things ever
Liesl said:
on Monday 22-Jul-13 09:20 AM
Just last week I got notification that I had "won" R250 000.00 sponsored by Nokia! I think a big part of our problem is that personal details is not protected like the "good old days". No applications were done over the phone and your ID number was privileged information that you would never give over the phone. Now in the fast paced society that we live in everything has been made easier but similarly it has made us more vulnerable to fraudsters.
Cherise said:
on Monday 22-Jul-13 08:53 AM
I always check my spam messages and make sure my inbox is up to date also making sure all unnecessary emails are deleted so they don't take up space.
Juliet said:
on Monday 22-Jul-13 08:45 AM
It is highly irritating to receive such spam but I try to always block repeat offenders which does help reduce the volume. I also try to do the same with spam smses however it costs you on average R2 each time you want to "Opt out" or "Stop" etc. So irritating how people can make such a nuisance of themselves and simultaneously ring up a nice bill for you!
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!