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If there is one area that really is booming at the moment, it is the Sandton CBD. One would have thought, many years ago, that there was not much room to build anything anymore, but that excludes taking existing buildings, blowing them up and then rebuilding them bigger than before! I see that huge residential blocks are going up, additional office blocks are going up and those who had the foresight to get offices in the Sandton CBD some years ago really must be smiling these days. Almost any decent location is already gone and there does not really seem to be any more space to grow – until the next block is bought out, blown up and rebuilt! Sandton City itself has expanded massively and the only thing that they have not thought of in the area yet is how to get all of the cars out of the Sandton CBD at the same time every night when work is over. Traffic really is chaotic in the Sandton area at peak hours.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Wednesday 18-Sep-13
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iola said:
on Thursday 19-Sep-13 12:56 PM
I remember going to Mandela Square in santon once but i was in grade 11 and there was hectic traffic then already
Sinead said:
on Thursday 19-Sep-13 09:40 AM
Sandton is amazing!!! Getting lost is easy to do though... I think I should go there again sometime. I just love shopping there
Ashleigh said:
on Wednesday 18-Sep-13 01:55 PM
Dont know when last Ive been to Sandton but Im sure if I had to go now I would be surprised at the change.
Salomie said:
on Wednesday 18-Sep-13 10:44 AM
Parking and traffic has always been a problem in Sandton. The people who has their offices in Sandton are now paying outrages amounts for rent, dont know if the money is worth the space
Sorea said:
on Wednesday 18-Sep-13 08:57 AM
Yay for Sandton .... :)
thembi said:
on Wednesday 18-Sep-13 08:46 AM
Oh what a beautiful especially at night.
Thabitha said:
on Wednesday 18-Sep-13 08:40 AM
Sandton its beautiful and growing but the traffic is bad.
Liesl said:
on Wednesday 18-Sep-13 08:30 AM
Traffic was already a problem when I worked in Sandton some years ago, cannot imagine what it must be like now
Alexis said:
on Wednesday 18-Sep-13 08:27 AM
Do not go to Sandton much - not my favorite. Both my brothers work there and same as Juliet - get to work at 6 in the morning and leave at who know what time in the evening
Kaylee said:
on Wednesday 18-Sep-13 08:22 AM
I love all the new apartments popping up everyone, it's becoming like New York, what a dream...
Simone said:
on Wednesday 18-Sep-13 08:20 AM
I absolutely love Sandton, it reminds me so much of Cape Town with all it's prettiness. Although I would not want to live in Sandton because of all the traffic. These days you can barely find parking even to go to Sandton City mall, it's way too crowded.
Bianca said:
on Wednesday 18-Sep-13 08:20 AM
Sandton is beautiful, every time that I visit Sandton it just looks better and better!
Juliet said:
on Wednesday 18-Sep-13 08:19 AM
I worked in the Sandton CBD for 8 months last year. In order to avoid traffic I arrived at work at 6am and left the office after 6pm. It is crazy. Sandton is also quite a cold place or perhaps it is just that it is more of an international terrain. Most of the restaurants are filled with business men from out of town. It doesn't have a suburb vibe. It is really exciting though to see all the new buildings going up and some of the new ones are so beautiful it makes you proud that at least we have one CBD that is aesthetically pleasing
brumilde said:
on Wednesday 18-Sep-13 08:15 AM
Sandton is so beautiful. Especially at night. Growth is always good
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!