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New research by Statistics SA says watching TV is the top leisure activity for people in South Africa. Most people in South Africa spend an average of 2 hour 43 minutes per day of watching television. Sitting in front of the TV certainly can provide relaxation but an average of 163 minutes a day seems a bit high! The least popular things, according to the survey, to spend time on include cooking, eating, drinking and listening to the radio. That should certainly mean we should all be more in shape but it is always sad to hear that cooking is not popular, because good cooking and a healthy diet certainly go together.
The average person apparently spends 67 minutes a day travelling, which is about half the time that I spend, and women apparently only spend 50 minutes a day travelling. An additional 1 hour and 8 minutes is spent a day travelling to social events. I assume by social events they largely mean moms having to cart children around, because I cannot imagine anybody socialises every day to such an extent that they have one hour of driving, even after getting home from work!
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Tuesday 17-Sep-13
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Joyce said:
on Monday 23-Sep-13 03:25 PM
I also like watching TV
Lucretia said:
on Friday 20-Sep-13 04:49 PM
It is sad because it is the sign of the times. With the rate of crime being what it is, most parents want to keep their kids in doors rather than playing outside like we used to as kids. Gone are the days were, "when the street lights come on, come home". I know there are other ways to keep your kids occupied while in doors, unfortunately, not everyone can afford educational toys, good books etc. Again, it is very sad.
Henrietta said:
on Friday 20-Sep-13 03:13 PM
I use to be addicted to TV - series especially but it's been some time now that TV doesn't interest me anymore. I am however addicted to my books that I download on my phone so I dont go anywhere without it :)....... Also anti-social but it's like being on a holiday just can help it.
Sinead said:
on Thursday 19-Sep-13 09:45 AM
I only watch certain series and some movies. I normally doze off in front of the TV though
Angelique said:
on Thursday 19-Sep-13 08:43 AM
I barely watch tv anymore, but if I am bored at home I must admit I can sit watching the Crime channel all day - once I start I cant stop, or e-entertainment because I start enjoying the reality shows. I agree with Tanya, I enjoy series but would rather download them and have a 'PJ day' and watch from start to end! (doesnt happen often though!)
With regards to the travelling, I fortunately live 6km from the office so don't spend more than 30 minutes a day travelling to and from work. Perhaps I should start walking!
moenisha said:
on Wednesday 18-Sep-13 08:43 AM
I normally have specific programs I watch and if there's a good movie on I like to watch depending what time it's on
Benita said:
on Tuesday 17-Sep-13 05:04 PM
I do agree that our TV stats are too high although the travveling one I would say is accurate. We travel 1 hour and 30 min just to get to home after work so it is 3 hours a day to and from work
brumilde said:
on Tuesday 17-Sep-13 01:29 PM
I love watching the crime channel. and the food channel. and the partner loves top gear. but we talk more that watch tv
Juliet said:
on Tuesday 17-Sep-13 12:13 PM
These stats are clearly incorrect. I drive at least 2 hours a day to and from work. And the correlation between TV and health, well I don't know many skinny people who are glued to the couch
Helen said:
on Tuesday 17-Sep-13 12:09 PM
It is amazing how people can spend in front of the TV more then two hours a day, with such as crazy rhythm in the Johannesburg there is no time for TV at all, I will agree sitting on the road for 2-3 hours a day and then after busy working day make ready cooked meal for family, get ready uniform and bags for kids, read night stories and so on ...... Ruther these last an hour spend to read the book before yeas completely closing.
Safia said:
on Tuesday 17-Sep-13 12:02 PM
My children watch TV once a week on friday. I agree with Bianca Tv is highly anti social so are computers and chatting online. It is a plague of the young generation and so many of young kids have no social skills. My oldest daughter writes and illustrates books and then she markets them to her siblings and they buy her books for R2 a book and read them before bed.that would not happen if they were all glued to the screens as it takes all creativity from a kid and creates a lazy mind
david said:
on Tuesday 17-Sep-13 10:06 AM
i own a TV for the sport chanels.
and on the traffic front: i usually commute by motorcycle, max 25 mins to work, but for the last 3 weeks i have been doing the school run, and have thus been forced into a car. what a cruel and viscous punishment... And the idiots and incompetents on the road... i have to get back onto the bike asap, before i kill myself or somebody else...
Yolandi P said:
on Tuesday 17-Sep-13 10:04 AM
I used to be addicted to series when i was at varsity but laterly between work, studies, outreaches, church and sleep there is hardly any time to think, let alone watch two hours of TV
iola said:
on Tuesday 17-Sep-13 09:56 AM
I watch tv when there is nothing better to do, but im really not addicted to tv
Bianca said:
on Tuesday 17-Sep-13 08:59 AM
I do not watch any TV at all. If I actually turn my TV on twice a year, that's a lot! I find TV extremely anti-social and boring.
Thabitha said:
on Tuesday 17-Sep-13 08:42 AM
I used to be addicted to my tv before but now tv is not my thing any more I don't know when was the last time I watched it.
Sorea said:
on Tuesday 17-Sep-13 08:27 AM
Pfft ... travelling an hour only. That is a one way trip for me.
On the tv front I am with Tanya, I watch some series and occasionally I will watch a movie but I am not a huge tv person.
Alexis said:
on Tuesday 17-Sep-13 08:27 AM
i try to be outside if i can, or read a book. It is nice sometimes to plonk in front of a TV after a long day and you just want to relax - but not to the extent that you have mentioned
ursulene said:
on Tuesday 17-Sep-13 08:27 AM
We spend 2 hours an 30 min on average travelling to and from work. 9 hours 45 min at work we arrive here roughly 6:45 everyday. Watching television or cooking is the last thing I feel like doing when I get home.
Kaylee said:
on Tuesday 17-Sep-13 08:27 AM
I actually havent watched TV in about a year, I think I used my TV as an ornament to put my books on. The only TV programme I watch at the moment is Suits and thats once a week.
Catherine said:
on Tuesday 17-Sep-13 08:23 AM
One of the reasons why a good size of the population is overweight in South Africa.
Tersia said:
on Tuesday 17-Sep-13 08:19 AM
I used to spend most of my time watching tv. Definitely spent more than 5 hours a day watching all of my soapies, but now I don't get time for it anymore. So I don't really see that its a bad thing, expect when your a child then its not good to watch tv the whole day!
Tanya - The T said:
on Tuesday 17-Sep-13 08:10 AM
I prefer just watching the series I actually want to watch on Its quick easy simple with no adds.
Charon said:
on Tuesday 17-Sep-13 08:09 AM
Having not owned a TV for 6 months and now owned one for a month without even removing it from the box, clearly i'm not a TV addict.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!