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Apple to release cheaper phones

Apple is apparently going to be releasing cheaper models of their phones as well as a phone with an improved chip. One of the factors affecting Apple’s profitability is that apparently people do not change high-end phones as quickly now as they did previously – probably because they don’t introduce that many new features in each model. They also have the problem that a lot of phones are being produced with tons of gadgets far more cheaply than Apple.

Apple is of course still the leading brand (and certainly is so by market capitalization also) and experts say that if Apple can produce a lower cost phone, perhaps in the $300 range, that that will convince a lot of people to pay an extra amount to have the number one brand in phones. At the moment, a new iPhone costs in the region of $650 around the world, and that is out of the reach of most. If they can produce a model, perhaps missing some of the bells and whistles at half the price, it will allow them to attack the android phones with more success that they have had thus far. That will then also give it a far more chance of making big inroads into the market it really wants, i.e. China.

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Tuesday 10-Sep-13 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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Kaylee  said:
on Sunday 15-Sep-13 01:28 PM
But the "bells and whistles" make the Iphone THE Iphone, or perhaps not, I am completely biased and a devout apple user, but still I cant imagine the Iphone without all its fantastic features. Apparently one of the marketing features is that the B grade Iphone comes in differant colours like pink and purple, as if that matters.

Angelique  said:
on Wednesday 11-Sep-13 12:20 PM
I am enjoying my Apple I-Phone 5! Sad that its already old :) I dont mind the data thing becaus eyou can put a cap on it - which I have done. Once my data runs out I can just buy more if needed! Perhaps if I knew a cheaper one would be out, I could have saved a little money!

Alexis  said:
on Wednesday 11-Sep-13 08:30 AM
I would also never buy an Apple product - Samsung will be my next choice after BB

sheena  said:
on Wednesday 11-Sep-13 08:19 AM
Agreed with everyone. I prefer Samsung

Catherine  said:
on Wednesday 11-Sep-13 07:52 AM
As long as the lower cost phone is of good quality why not?

Sarah  said:
on Wednesday 11-Sep-13 07:07 AM
I agree with everyone else Samsung is much better then apple

benita  said:
on Tuesday 10-Sep-13 04:48 PM
I prefer samsung

Sorea  said:
on Tuesday 10-Sep-13 02:32 PM
I am not sure if a cheaper price tag will make me want an iphone.

Yolandi P  said:
on Tuesday 10-Sep-13 02:24 PM
I disagree with Sinead. I moved to iPhone last year, bought a Mac this year and I have never had any issues. Yes, I agree that it is nice to get all the free downloads with Samsung but i have personally experienced that apps paid for work 10 times better that the free stuff. I guess if you are not willing to spend, then iPhone is not for you.

I just hope that the new cheaper phones will not decrease the quality of service.

Juliet  said:
on Tuesday 10-Sep-13 12:21 PM
Samsung vs Apple - The battle continues.

Sinead  said:
on Tuesday 10-Sep-13 12:02 PM
I will never buy Apple products. There are still many problems other than the price of their devices. Good luck to them... I'm sticking to Samsung

Jessica  said:
on Tuesday 10-Sep-13 11:27 AM
This is awesome news, but I see Samsung has managed to make the inroads and people are loving the fact that they are cheaper and give more options with free downloads. So good luck to Apple, even though they are thee best brands, they not the most affordable one and that will always be their down fall.

Bianca  said:
on Tuesday 10-Sep-13 11:25 AM
I think that this is a fantastic idea and way to take over the market that is being run by android etc. If people can have an iPhone at half the price, why not? iPhone's are extremely expensive to buy and run as the data costs are far more expensive than an android phone for example. I think that this will be a success if it is done.

iola   said:
on Tuesday 10-Sep-13 11:23 AM
I am not a Apple fan even if it does become cheaper


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