Attorney Michael de Broglio on: South Africa, Law, Politics, Attorneys, Sport, Photography, Technology, Gadgets, Media, Crime, Road Accidents Fund,
Divorce, Maintenance, Personal Injury, Medical Negligence
It is very disturbing to read in recent media reports that the Public Protector has been asked to give up her investigation of Nkandla. Nkandla is of course the R200 million plus project of allegedly adding security to Jacob Zuma’s house, which security includes a Tuck Shop for his wife, a sports field and various other added features to his personal dwelling.
Apparently, approaches were made to her to consider letting another arm of the government investigate this, namely the office of the Auditor-General. She has refused and is intent on proceeding which is of course good news for us as citizens. It is certainly worrying for the Auditor-General, because it does give an impression that the office of the Auditor-General is considered to give opinions more “friendly” to the Presidency than that of the Public Protector. When one reads that the desire from high placed politicians was rather to have the Auditor General do the investigation, one’s automatic thought is, “I won’t take anything the Auditor-General says in future as seriously as before.” The Public Protector is there to look after our interests and given that R200 million of our tax money has been spent on this project, we are perfectly entitled to know whether it has been legitimately spent or not. Understandably, with an election approaching, politicians are not eager to have a report out that they seem to think could possibly be damning. I am not sure why they think it is damning, because all of the statements in Parliament have all made it quite clear that there is allegedly nothing wrong – and if that is the case, they should have nothing to fear from the Public Protector doing a full investigation and releasing her report to all of us.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Thursday 12-Sep-13
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thembi said:
on Friday 13-Sep-13 03:38 PM
So sad that the corruption will never end and its really shocking.
Angelique Jurgens said:
on Thursday 12-Sep-13 06:08 PM
What more needs to be said, as that itself says it all! Our president can get away with whatever he wants and us who vote need to accept it. So instead of sitting at home on the public holiday to allow us to vote, get up and go and vote! Zuma is able to do as he pleases, when he pleases!
iola said:
on Thursday 12-Sep-13 04:43 PM
oh, more of peoples tax money not being used to improve our economy but the lifestyle of our goverment
Kaylee said:
on Thursday 12-Sep-13 04:00 PM
I cannot read this without getting annoyed, and I would like to stay in a good mood
Thabitha said:
on Thursday 12-Sep-13 02:29 PM
People like Zuma they don't care about people like Biko and people like Mandela SA is going down
Safia said:
on Thursday 12-Sep-13 01:58 PM
Zoomer, lol@David , i like it . Hopefully Zoomer will not turn into a Doomer for all of us not to be doomed in SA
salomie said:
on Thursday 12-Sep-13 10:13 AM
its sad, we can only hope that it gets better soon
Sarah said:
on Thursday 12-Sep-13 10:09 AM
SA is going down hill, this country is not improving just get worse.
Benita said:
on Thursday 12-Sep-13 09:30 AM
It makes me sad to see what our country is becoming
Juliet said:
on Thursday 12-Sep-13 09:10 AM
Does anyone have any self-respect anymore? Will the Auditor-General really care what the silly little people in the country think of him as he is driven home to his Houghton home tonight in his Merc? There are no repercussions in South Africa
Alexis said:
on Thursday 12-Sep-13 08:57 AM
I have nothing!!! There are so many problems in this country and you would rather spend our money to build this instead of fixing up schools, making more houses for the underprivileged - creating more jobs for the people who need it - this country is going down and all because of greed
Liesl said:
on Thursday 12-Sep-13 08:45 AM
Proof is in the pudding. Nothing this government has ever done was proven to be legitimate why would this project be any different. Probably not possible but perhaps every tax paying citizen in this country should refuse to pay another cent until a stop is put to this daylight robbery.
Bianca said:
on Thursday 12-Sep-13 08:44 AM
I had a discussion last night regarding this exact type of corruption and it was said by numerous people that although our country is extremely beautiful, people are growing to hate living in our country because such behaviour is tolerated and swept under the carpet. Very disappointing - we can certainly hope that this is all exposed but the sad truth is that, nothing will be done about it.
Sorea said:
on Thursday 12-Sep-13 08:39 AM
It is disgusting that this type of thing happens often enough that the general populace becomes "fatigued" and looses the ability to really care about the fact that their tax money is being used as the personal purse of those in charge.
Brumilde said:
on Thursday 12-Sep-13 08:27 AM
It is really shocking to read about things like this.
Tanya said:
on Thursday 12-Sep-13 08:27 AM
I wonder for how long SA is going to allow this kind of corrupt mismanagement. Then again if you look at the general population and its views on these issues... probably till we go bankrupt... again.
david said:
on Thursday 12-Sep-13 08:16 AM
Zoomer is a crook of the highest order. If he is the best the ANC have for us, SA is screwed.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!