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Divorce, Maintenance, Personal Injury, Medical Negligence
One of the things you learn in law, and I am not talking about clear-cut cases like motor accidents where somebody drives into somebody else from behind, is that there are two sides to almost every story. That is particularly true in divorces, most litigated matters and any matters involving two people or more! That does not mean that there is not one party who is more right than the other party, but typically speaking, things are never as clear-cut, once you have heard both sides of the story, as they are when you only listen to one side.
It is a lesson that all of us can learn, because it is not just in law that that happens – it is in everyday gossip, stories or the kind of idle chit-chat that we all make. We are invariably presenting or hearing one person’s side of the story, and while that makes for far more juicy gossip and entertaining discussions than presenting a balanced picture, most of the time it is not the whole story. There is often more to the story, and while generally whatever the rest of the story is does not affect most of us, whenever one takes part in such a discussion one must be aware that it is unlikely to be the whole story. You also have to take into consideration the personality of the person telling the story – some people have, for example, the “victim” approach whereby they feel that they are always the victim of some or other conduct or behaviour and you also get those who sensationalise everything – the lady who believes every man is obsessed with her or chasing after her, and only her, or the man that vastly exaggerates his exploits, whether in business, dealing in shares or otherwise! The bottom line is, if one person’s story was the whole version, we would not need courts or Judges! It seldom is.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Wednesday 25-Sep-13
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Liesl said:
on Friday 04-Oct-13 10:08 AM
There is facts and personal truths. People often get tangled in what is a personal truth rather than aligning their mind to the straight and narrow truth. Often they do not know how to differentiate between the two.
Thembi said:
on Friday 27-Sep-13 10:39 AM
I agree they is always two sides of the story but only one is true
Joyce said:
on Friday 27-Sep-13 09:44 AM
I think listening two sides to a story is fair and it is likely the truth comes out
Thabitha said:
on Friday 27-Sep-13 09:19 AM
I agree its important people can make up stories especial when they know that you are going to take story from one side by doing so the other side is in trouble, the sad part most of the time is the side you didnt listen to is the innocent one.
Angelique said:
on Thursday 26-Sep-13 04:01 PM
There is always his side, her side and the truth. Both him and her at one point slightly over-exaggerate, perhaps to stay relevant. Either way if caught in such a situation, make sure you know both sides if you want to form an opinion.
Juliet said:
on Thursday 26-Sep-13 12:44 PM
Sometimes one side of the story is inconsequential like when a paedophile claims insanity. No one cares. Lock him / her up!
iola said:
on Thursday 26-Sep-13 11:27 AM
I agree there is always 2 sides to the story thats why people shouldnt jump to any conclusions until they get the whole story and it should be from someone who is objective in their opinion or who actually knows the truth and not someone who is just going on what they heard someone say who was there
Lucretia said:
on Thursday 26-Sep-13 09:04 AM
I have to agree with Sorea's principal. I have always believed there are 3 sides to any story, "yours", "mine" and the "truth".
Lizanne said:
on Thursday 26-Sep-13 08:34 AM
Al of this is so true. You have to listen to both sides of the story to get to the bottem of it all. I prefer to stay far away from gossip....not healthy!
Bianca said:
on Thursday 26-Sep-13 08:19 AM
It is always preferable in any situation to get both sides of the story. I see it often with arguements with friends and once you have heard both sides, an informed decision can then be made. I guess that this is what makes litigation fun!
Bianca said:
on Thursday 26-Sep-13 08:19 AM
It is always preferable in any situation to get both sides of the story. I see it often with arguements with friends and once you have heard both sides, an informed decision can then be made. I guess that this is what make litigation fun!
Catherine said:
on Thursday 26-Sep-13 08:09 AM
It is so true that there is always two sides to a story and the truth lies in between.
Lee-Ann said:
on Thursday 26-Sep-13 08:04 AM
Its always best to stay away from gossip. There is much more important things to do with your time then getting embroiled in unsavoury conversations....
Alexis said:
on Thursday 26-Sep-13 07:32 AM
Whenever there is a issue - it is always best to find out every angle of a story before you make any judgement - people will always be biased towards themselves and to hear everything is always better
Sorea said:
on Thursday 26-Sep-13 07:18 AM
My principal always said, there is party A's side of the story, party B's side of the story and then there is the truth. :)
Benita said:
on Wednesday 25-Sep-13 04:52 PM
And in the middle lies the truth
Henrietta said:
on Wednesday 25-Sep-13 09:00 AM
This is so true. Someone I know, parents is recently divorced which is not a nice thing at all but what makes it worse is how bad they badmouth each other. You dont know who is worse the father or the mother, instead of building a bridge to get over it. There are always 2 sides to a story and in some cases you'll never know what the actual story is but that doesn't give us the right to judge or make them bad. It's true what you state above if one person's story is the whole version why do we need judges etc......
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!