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I was recently sent a link by the designers of a new website called “Roadhogs” You can find it at and it is all about reporting bad drivers. Generally, they utilise a photograph, although one has to wonder how the driver of the other car is taking them, together with a description of what has happened in the accident. Recent reports include the vehicle YDG 680 GP driving in Roodepoort, where the person was allegedly on the phone the whole way and the comment is, “My dear … You might think you are the Stig, but I can assure you you are not … hands free kits are available for around R500,00 … Get one!” Undoubtedly some people who are reported are going to be reported incorrectly, and there is always that danger with sites like this, but I do believe that promoting good driving and reporting bad driving is essential to try and reduce the absolute carnage we have on our roads.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Thursday 03-Oct-13
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Thabitha said:
on Friday 04-Oct-13 03:11 PM
It is good idea and its going to be abused.
Yolandi C said:
on Friday 04-Oct-13 11:53 AM
I really enjoy browsing this website but I have to agree with Juliet - taxi drivers will most definitely not visit the site.
thembi said:
on Friday 04-Oct-13 09:45 AM
Interesting website, hope something good come out of it.
Henrietta said:
on Friday 04-Oct-13 08:38 AM
I honestly dont think this will be helpful at all unless it's a company car..... and the company will look bad. So many people just dont care about their driving what is a website going to fix? But there is still hope.
moenisha said:
on Friday 04-Oct-13 08:26 AM
Maybe it will make our roads safer
Helen said:
on Friday 04-Oct-13 07:36 AM
So great to have web site like that, but question is if guilty driver will ever see himself on the website? Majority drivers in the country does not have manners themselves, and if they are people who does not follow rules in their life and unrespectful to each other, then the driving will be the same.
Ursulene Olivier said:
on Friday 04-Oct-13 07:19 AM
I think it a very good thing to name and shame the people who ignore the rules of the road and ultimately cause unnecessary accidents. The downside is people lying on the site about other drivers for whatever reason. I suppose this is always a risk that is run with internet sites open to the public for complaints. Lets hope people use it , in the manner that it was meant to be used.
Joyce said:
on Thursday 03-Oct-13 04:49 PM
I think its good idea and hopefully going to reduce bad driving and not abused
Sally said:
on Thursday 03-Oct-13 04:40 PM
It is a good idea but people are going to abuse the site
Sinead said:
on Thursday 03-Oct-13 04:27 PM
One morning I told my mom about this site because there was a car zigzag-ing ahead of us. Unfortunately we couldn't remember the licence plate so we couldn't report him. Good idea but takes the focus off your own driving as well.
Sorea said:
on Thursday 03-Oct-13 04:25 PM
I suppose the intention behind this site is good ... but the road to hell and all that.
Angelique said:
on Thursday 03-Oct-13 04:21 PM
I must say I am quite enjoying this site! I myself was unable to take a picture but I managed to remember the number plate and as soon as I got to work I put it up on the site. It felt so good! Even though it is potentially dangerous, I think if you arent wreckless when doing it, it could be a very useful tool! Oh and you can search the database incase you too are reported on there!
Bianca said:
on Thursday 03-Oct-13 04:21 PM
I think that this is a fantastic site but like all complaint sites such as Hello Peter, eventually do lose their sting and people stop taking the complaints so seriously. I have had an extremely bad experience with Hyundai recently and when I told them that I was going to put a complaint of Hello Peter. They did not even flinch! But hopefully this will be different!
Kaylee said:
on Thursday 03-Oct-13 04:21 PM
Its a good idea, but open for abuse.
Juliet said:
on Thursday 03-Oct-13 04:16 PM
I don't see the point of this when the majority of bad driving is being commited by taxi drivers who I am sure will never visit this site as they simply do not care
Alexis said:
on Thursday 03-Oct-13 11:04 AM
It will be quite a cycle considering you trying to take a phot and get the reg no - will make you the bad driver as well. It is a good way to promote better driving - but as said, you will be reported for doing stupid things while reporting another idiotic driver
iola said:
on Thursday 03-Oct-13 09:17 AM
its good to have something like this hopefully something good comes from it
Jessica said:
on Thursday 03-Oct-13 08:41 AM
It is good to have, but also bad at the same time, you will have people that complain because you drive to fast or you drive to slow. But maybe this will help people to stop driving like idiots.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!