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I am impressed with the way the FDA in America investigate so many different health issues. They take many years to attend to some of them, but at least they attack health issues faster in America than they have in South Africa as evidenced by the tobacco settlements many years ago. They are worried now that anti-bacterial soaps can lead to health risks such as bacterial resistance or hormonal effects. Hormonal effects are pretty serious if you are a lady and don’t want to end up looking like a man!
The anti-bacterial soaps that they are worried about are any soaps, and it can sometimes be perfumed soaps as well, that contain a substance called Triclosan or Triclocarbon. They are not confirming right now that they are harmful, although they believe they are, but they are insisting that producers, if they want to continue using it, have to conduct clinical studies to show the long-term health effects and the producers will be given one year to submit data and information in that regard. What they also want to see is the effect of Triclosan on the body’s thyroid hormone which is apparently especially important for brain development and function, particularly in children. They can also, and this will have to be investigated, appear to affect fertility.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Monday 27-Jan-14
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Yolandi C said:
on Friday 31-Jan-14 01:54 PM
I am sure the antibacterial in these soaps may also kill bacteria that are actually helpful to the body because they keep the troublesome bugs in check.
Cindy said:
on Wednesday 29-Jan-14 02:27 PM
I don't like hand sanitizer at all. That sharp alcohol smell is not nice.
Dune said:
on Tuesday 28-Jan-14 01:34 PM
I must agree with Juliet is does not make sense to was your hands with water free sanitizer, where does the dirt go? or does the nice fresh smell fool all of us?
Brenda said:
on Tuesday 28-Jan-14 12:16 PM
It is very important to wash your hands yes, but nothing you do can keep the germs away. You wash or sanitize your hands now and 5 minutes later, they are just as dirty as they were before. So unless you constantly sanitizing or washing, you are going to be exposed to germs no matter which product you are using. Unfortunately in today's time we are exposed to a lot of "worrying" facts with regards to products or food etc., but we cannot start to get paranoid about everything you have read.
Melissa said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 04:34 PM
Every product is different and unfortunately we never know what they add to their products. This is definitely not the only product to be cautious off.
Lourien said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 04:31 PM
I have never thought of hand sanitizers to be harmful, and I love using them especially when dealing with so many different people every day...
Yolandi P said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 04:00 PM
i totally agree with Juliet, but i am not really a "germaphobe" so normal soap works just fine for me. The human mouth contains on average between 500 to 1000 different germs at any given time (and that is in the mouths of those who take care of their teeth), so its a part of life that we have to deal with. It also strengthens the immune system
Safia said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 03:43 PM
Juliet, i totally agree with you. hand sanitizers are more dangerous than soaps.BTW here is an interesting fact : Japanese girls do not wash their hands with soaps often as they claim it ages their hands and they wash their hair with a shampoo using gloves to protect their hands from getting dry from harsh chemicals in shampoos. I do not know how they protect their health though, may be they do not put their hands in mouth, nose etc and use chopsticks for any food they pick up.
Sorea said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 02:27 PM
Hand sanitizers are useful when you are, for instance, at court and have to use their toilets (and tissues) but when you can wash your hands properly, you should.
What is the main ingredient in hand sanitizer?
Paranoia. :)
Nicolle said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 02:03 PM
Natural selection our biological traits have been effected by our inherited traits over the successive generations on the differential success/unsuccessful interaction with our current environment. As humans we have become far less resilient to our environment, our immune systems are weaker and we constantly live in a state of paranoia. We have a strong fascination with germs and keeping them away that we inevitably end up in our own bubbles and god-save the person who tries to penetrate that bubble. We live in the world with our very own simulated version of OCD.
Our immune system is like an athlete, in order for it to become strong and proficient, it needs training and practice. A hyper-sanitised environment will deny it that opportunity. Building a strong immune system is easier than attempting to kill every-single-last-germ.
Jade said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 01:33 PM
This is a huge concern when you think that it is emphasized constantly that washing your hands is a very important preventative measure to avoid sickness. It's meant to protect us, not create Triclosan-resistant bacteria & have negative effects.
Glad to know the FDA is intervening. Checking my soaps tonight and throwing out anything with Triclosan or Triclocarbon in it. Perhaps the hippies had it right with only using all natural/ home made products.
Love Angelique's comment!
Elektra said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 01:33 PM
Oh My Goodness, this is so alarming, I never go anywhere without a hand sanitizer. Had to check the ingredients of my current one in my hand bag right away. "Safe to say no manly features for me!!"
Must say Juliet does make a point, although I am one of those who loves using the hand sanitizes. Its just much more effortless.
Angelique said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 12:49 PM
That is quite an unexpected find. I would never think it could affect fertility. It's quite worrying that one needs to worry about which soap we now use especially if we have been using it for years. I would not like to wake up one day and find that I need to start shaving my beard all because of a soap!
Juliet said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 12:39 PM
With regards to the comments below, surely not washing a chemical off your hands is more dangerous than using one and then washing it off with water? I have never and will never use those waterless hand sanitizers. It doesn't make logical sense. It is like spraying your dishes with dishwashing liquid and then not rinsing it off.
Iola said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 10:35 AM
I am all for hand satirizes and maybe even once in a while the anti-Bacterial soap ,but, some bacteria needs to get in the system there are some bacteria's that are actually good for you and plus if it is true I don't want to start looking like a man
Brumilde said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 09:51 AM
And to think that in the old days soap was made from animal fat... Wonder what they would have said about that back then. . .
Lizanne said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 08:59 AM
I agree that everyone should have hand sanitizer in their bag, especially when you have children and to explain to them what it's about.
Liesl said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 08:55 AM
I find that a lot of these anti-bacterial soaps and hand washes to be very harsh on your skin so I don't really buy them.
Thabitha said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 08:39 AM
This is worring
Sinead said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 08:24 AM
I too always have hand sanitizer in my bag but I still prefer anti-bacterial soap and clean water. This is worrying though. I hope they keep us informed.
Bianca said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 08:13 AM
I love my anti-bacterial soap so this is quite a worry for me. Hope they do keep us informed regarding their findings.
Bianca said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 08:11 AM
I definitely agree with Lorette, there is no better thing for a ladies handbag than hand sanitizer.
Marzelle said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 08:09 AM
I agree, I also prefer hand sanitizer above soap. I always have sanitizer in my handbag.
Lorette said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 08:06 AM
I have to agree with Zelda. I definitely also prefer hand sanitizer. It is a must for your handbag.
Zelda said:
on Monday 27-Jan-14 07:52 AM
I actually prefer hand sanitizes above soap for the simple reason that no one else has touched it before me...
If you can't even wash your hands without having to worry if it's going to have implications, then i don't know what is happening to this world...
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!