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I must say I am quite surprised by the English that is being used on Facebook these days. I understand some abbreviations, and indeed use some myself, but the kind of language I now read, such as people writing to us about the Road Accident Fund saying, “I jst wanna c if dey ar really doin’ deir job.” I am always sympathetic I must say I am quite surprised by the English that is being used on Facebook when I see somebody clearly does not know how to write, probably because of the shocking state of education in South Africa, especially during the apartheid era, but when it is clearly some type of lingo, or abbreviation, it is concerning and I think those types of abbreviations are really excessive and ridiculous.
We get people, using that type of language actually apply for jobs at the firm. People also ask for help, saying that their claims are with other attorneys and writing, “Made a claim to de lawyer since den till now no letters even phone calz.” It is almost like reading another language, it is extremely difficult to understand at times what people actually mean, and one certainly cannot hire people who write so poorly.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Tuesday 28-Jan-14
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Caron said:
on Monday 03-Feb-14 09:08 AM
Like everything else language must evolve too.
Tersia said:
on Friday 31-Jan-14 01:32 PM
I think to type like that is so unnecessary. If you can go through all that trouble to type in such odd way you can just as well spell everything correctly. I do shorter a few words when I type on my phone but at least you can read what I am saying and understand.
Henrietta said:
on Friday 31-Jan-14 12:07 PM
Sometimes it's okay to use it that depends on where and why. For e.g if I want to sms my mom and I only has so many characters left I shorten my word but that is to my parents and friends. I think its very unprofessional to talk to professionals in that matter no matter what the reason. And sometime it takes forever to find out what the person is actually trying to say.....
Cornelie said:
on Thursday 30-Jan-14 04:39 PM
Then we wonder why our kids fail at school because of the social networks these days you are born with a cell phone or with a play station. Where is the days kids will read and play doll house etc.
Cindy said:
on Wednesday 29-Jan-14 02:34 PM
And worst of it all is if they use a exclamation mark as an "i"... for example "! love b!rds"...
Nicolle said:
on Wednesday 29-Jan-14 09:08 AM
Grammar Nazi Noun: A person who uses proper grammar at all times, especially online in emails, chatrooms and instant messages; A proponent of grammatical correctness. Often one who spells correctly as well.
I am privileged enough to work alongside my fellow Grammar Nazis'.
Catherine said:
on Wednesday 29-Jan-14 06:53 AM
This is extremely annoying to say the least. In the long run it makes one very poor in spelling. I can only imagine what the next generations English will be like.
Angelique said:
on Tuesday 28-Jan-14 04:06 PM
I must agree with Kaylee! It is highly annoying. Laziness is not even an excuse any more. That is a whole different language! Instead of trying to learn English, some people have just decided to create their own version of it.
Iola said:
on Tuesday 28-Jan-14 03:53 PM
Social networks like Facebook have made people stupid
Juliet said:
on Tuesday 28-Jan-14 02:38 PM
I cannot handle spelling or grammar errors, and worst of all, pronunciation errors - especially when you are in an open space and are forced to hear such verbal torture.
Jade said:
on Tuesday 28-Jan-14 01:58 PM
I can't believe that people actually use such slang to apply for jobs at law firms and expect even a response, let alone an interview. How did they manage to obtain an LLB degree without expressing themselves in full sentences? Bizarre.
salomie said:
on Tuesday 28-Jan-14 12:51 PM
People are too lazy to write full sentence of the actual word.
If you write like this because you dont know any better or the lack of education then it is very sad
Sally said:
on Tuesday 28-Jan-14 12:35 PM
I cannot read or understand this language. And this short language is causing our children to not learn to properly read and spell
Yolandi P said:
on Tuesday 28-Jan-14 12:10 PM
I agree with Brenda! I hate receiving messages like that. It shows that people too lazy to think. And those that claim that they didn't know any better are just to lazy to read.
Safia said:
on Tuesday 28-Jan-14 11:56 AM
it sounds so funny, like Nicky Minaj's song" nobody here understands my lingo?"
It is a written form of dialect of a modern wired world. But i doubt they themselves can understand each other fully, it is like a person talking while hiccuping, you catch a word but miss the next one.
Elektra said:
on Tuesday 28-Jan-14 11:47 AM
Writing in such slang/abbreviated text just proves your level of sophistication, and how could anyone take you seriously?
Melissa said:
on Tuesday 28-Jan-14 11:31 AM
This definitely makes a person lazy, and the best we can do is to never get into such a bad habit, to even start making use of all these abbreviation.
Lourien said:
on Tuesday 28-Jan-14 11:23 AM
The only problem is that unfortunately these people using such bad language and trying to shorten every single word, will never be taken seriously especially in a legal profession.
Brenda said:
on Tuesday 28-Jan-14 11:17 AM
I must say that nothing irritates me more than someone writing on facebook using such poor language. To me it is not cool at all. I am an adult and i expect to be spoken to like an adult, and i expect to see other adults acting and writing like adults as well. I have seen updates on facebook made by educated people and i cant make head or tail of what exactly they are trying to say? I don't know how this "shorthand" ever started but it is as you say... Ridiculous.
Bianca said:
on Tuesday 28-Jan-14 11:17 AM
Always be clear and write / type well. There will always be someone who does not know (appreciate) you, who will think that you are highly uneducated or worse.....
Sorea said:
on Tuesday 28-Jan-14 11:15 AM
I cannot speak to (or text) people that use that language.
Kaylee said:
on Tuesday 28-Jan-14 09:59 AM
I can't stand poor English! I constantly want to correct people's spelling on Facebook, It makes you look poorly educated even though some of the people are in fact educated. It also makes your brain lazy because you constantly use abbreviations and slang sayings! I can't handle it, I wish people would speak properly.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!