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I was interested to hear on the radio the other day some of the statistics that have been obtained in America with regard to texting while driving. Of course, most of these statistics come from America because with a population of over 300 million, they are obviously a far more sophisticated society, with far more researchers doing research into all sorts of subjects that we never get around to in a smaller country like ours. They found that it is six times more dangerous, based on accident statistics, to be texting while driving than it is to be intoxicated while driving! They also found that one’s braking reaction time is lowered by approximately 18% because of sending texts or SMS’s while you are driving. Most people assume that they can multitask and do both things, but they are not aware of the facts that their reaction times are now slowed down, and an 18% reduction in your time it takes you to react before you apply the brakes is far more likely to lead to more accidents. The shocking part though is to try and equate the drinking while driving with the texting, and to understand that while nobody is saying you should drink and drive, which is clearly idiotic, that it is in fact even more dangerous to send a text while driving. The problem is we all live in a world now where our clients seem to think an e-mail should be replied to within an hour or a few hours at worst, and in a day where our friends seem to think that their WhatsApp, text or other message also needs to be replied to immediately – and worse, we have all fallen into the trap of believing that.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Thursday 28-Aug-14
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Kaylee said:
on Friday 29-Aug-14 04:54 PM
I am generally not a big texter, I prefer to speak to people over the phone. I have a bluetooth kit in my car which I definitely think people should have installed in their cars for safety purposes.
Ashleigh said:
on Friday 29-Aug-14 08:48 AM
I only text people when I get to a robot and its just turned red and if Urgent, I stop on the side of the road. I prefer to reach my destination and then do what I need to do. One second of misjudging and looking at your phone can not only change your life but someone else's forever.
Joyce said:
on Thursday 28-Aug-14 04:01 PM
I think texting while driving is dangerous as I think driving needs all attention and no obstruction
Marzelle said:
on Thursday 28-Aug-14 03:21 PM
I absolutely hate it when I see people busy with their phones while they are driving, not only are you putting your own life in danger, but as well as the life of others, I check my phone sometimes while I drive, or I change a song, On Carte Blanch a while back they were also talking about the same topic, what an eye opener, accidents happens so so so fast literally in a blink of an eye, dont get to brave and comfortable on the road
Jolene said:
on Thursday 28-Aug-14 03:09 PM
Im one of the guilty ones! It was much easier to text and drive on a blackberry. When I received my Samsung I had an accident the very same day! After the episode on Carte Blanche I tried to text less when driving but its a habit and hard to not touch my phone when driving!
Lourien said:
on Thursday 28-Aug-14 03:08 PM
I have to say I have texted while driving, but only when standing still in traffic or when at a red robot... I get a little uncomfortable to text while I need to concentrate on the road... Meaningless accidents happens so easily when not paying attention...
Jade said:
on Thursday 28-Aug-14 11:22 AM
I have driven and texted before, mostly because getting stuck in traffic is so boring and sometimes that "I am around the corner" or "driving, will reply in a moment" can't wait, but it really can.I also watched that Carte Blanche episode and it really did make me reconsider doing this ever again. I think that switching your phone off or putting it completely out of reach is the best way to stop this.
Lizanne said:
on Thursday 28-Aug-14 10:14 AM
I am also guilty of drinking coffee and driving as well as texting and driving. And let me tell you, texting and driving is a lot more dangerous than drinking and driving. You concentrate more in depth on your phone then on the road, where as drinking and driving your eyes are constantly on the road. It also depends on what you drink whilst driving. I also agree with Corne about "stop en vat slukkies" for all the men out there that cannot multitask. LOL!
Elektra said:
on Thursday 28-Aug-14 10:04 AM
I definitely am a guilty party here, I saw this on Cart Blanch as well and have lowered my phone use while driving dramatically. Even being stuck in traffic is not an open window to now use your phone, you think the traffic is moving because you can see the lane next to you beginning to move and automatically without even looking up begin to slowly drive, when oh whooops, your lane was never moving and the half a meter you have stopped behind the other driver now turns into a bumper bash. It is a habit to break as traffic is boring and you think you will quickly check something on your phone after all you are standing still. But rather safe than sorry, try not use your phone.
corne said:
on Thursday 28-Aug-14 09:50 AM
Yet everyone knows that texting and driving is dangerous but still, everyone is doing it! Mmmhhh... Surely all men should know that only woman can and should text while driving cause lets face it, woman is much better at multitasking then men. "Lol"! Sorry guys but its a fact!
Tip to everyone out there regarding drinking and driving, don't drink and drive& stop en vat slukkies because drinking and driving is dangerous. LOL!!
Stephanie said:
on Thursday 28-Aug-14 09:01 AM
I am guilty I text while I drive but not often normally in traffic.
Brumidle said:
on Thursday 28-Aug-14 08:51 AM
I would think its logical that you will have more accidents. you take your eyes off the road
Liesl said:
on Thursday 28-Aug-14 08:50 AM
No matter how well you think you can multitask, texting whilst driving is a major distraction and it will only be a matter of time before it causes an accident. When driving in traffic you can immediately spot a vehicle where the driver is busy on their phone, they are completely out of sinc with the rest of traffic. Rather pull over if you must respond at that very given time.
Sarah said:
on Thursday 28-Aug-14 08:33 AM
People should leave their phones alone or should pull over if the text is that important, They need to focus on the road and not have distractions.
Bianca R said:
on Thursday 28-Aug-14 08:28 AM
I never text and drive, I used to until I started working in the MVA industry. Working in this industry has made me extremely cautious when driving on the road. I often see other motorists texting and driving and I often just think to myself, is it worth putting your life at risk and worse, the lives of your small children who are sitting in the vehicle with you? People also don't realize the impact that a delayed reaction of 2 or 3 seconds can make, it's the difference between missing an accident and causing one.
Brenda Du Toit said:
on Thursday 28-Aug-14 08:26 AM
Texting while driving is very dangerous,It can Course UGLY accident,
Clare said:
on Thursday 28-Aug-14 08:26 AM
I think the phone should be left alone while one is driving even a simple phone call can get you into problems, but if i have to see our law and the examples they are, i have see a couple of police men driving and texting so if he pulls you over doing the same thing can tick me of.
Alexis said:
on Thursday 28-Aug-14 08:22 AM
They had this on Carte Blanche the other night, they demonstrated that texting while driving was just as bad as driving blind, and considering how bad most people drive as well as how taxis can all of a sudden stop in front of you, you need to be alert and aware of your surroundings. I believe that you should not have any distractions while driving although not easy and if you are going to be tempted, put your phone somewhere out of reach
Melissa said:
on Thursday 28-Aug-14 08:22 AM
It is dangerous to text while you driving, but I only text when I'm stuck in traffic.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!