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I have spent a lot of time walking in the last month, and the results on my waistline and my weight have been fairly good. It is just a reminder that apart from healthy eating, exercise is essential, and you don’t have to run, you don’t have to gym for hours – although those will always be useful – and that the simplest exercise, and one that does not cost you anything, works just as well.
To me the key is to get one’s metabolism burning at least twice a day and that means a walk in the early morning before work and in the evening. I know a lot of people will have excuses about what time they will have to get up and go to work, etc and that is why I have timed my blog for this time of the year – because with the holidays ahead there is nobody who cannot do a lot of walking – even if you get to your 10,000 steps by marching around a shopping centre looking at what is on offer for Christmas! The best time to start a fitness regime is not on the 1st January, although rather then than never, but if you can start the new you before the New Year, when you have time during the holidays, it will certainly help. Walk or exercise twice a day for more than 30 minutes each time and ideally try and target at least about 90 minutes a day of walking, do that 21 days in a row and you will see small, but noticeable improvements.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Monday 12-Jan-15
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Monita said:
on Thursday 15-Jan-15 08:43 AM
So true, and it is also very important to drink a multivitamin! It helps a lot when trying to lose some weight, and staying healthy!
Catherine said:
on Thursday 15-Jan-15 08:34 AM
I'm glad to be back to my routine of jogging in the morning, it is very refreshing.
Melissa said:
on Wednesday 14-Jan-15 07:19 AM
I agree, walking is the best way to lose weight and become fit in no time.
Bianca R said:
on Tuesday 13-Jan-15 08:19 AM
I know that Anna walks or runs every day and she thoroughly enjoys it. I would also like to get into this routine however it will need to take place in the evenings as I am not a morning person at all and getting out of bed to walk a number of kilometers would not make me happy :/
Elektra said:
on Monday 12-Jan-15 11:59 AM
I have been saving to buy a treadmill. I am always cautions when taking a walk, its not always safe to walk outside if you are not in a secure Estate. Although I really enjoy the outdoors, I make sure my weekends are spent actively outside.
Jolene said:
on Monday 12-Jan-15 11:30 AM
Cardio is one of the best ways to relive stress it keeps you healthy, fit and dont cost you anything.
Sorea said:
on Monday 12-Jan-15 09:30 AM
Good advice for those who want to hear it.
Zindy said:
on Monday 12-Jan-15 09:16 AM
Went and bought a treadmill for home this weekend. Not all areas are safe for woman to go walking and jogging in anymore. Now i can exercise with peace of mind in the comfort of home, Not having an excuse :)
Clare said:
on Monday 12-Jan-15 09:04 AM
This is so true, i have been back at Gym for a week now and i have been doing a lot of walking, and i must say not only do i feel good i have so much energy like i feel refresh what i love the most is the that feeling of success because i working on me and that's awesome.
Lourien said:
on Monday 12-Jan-15 08:58 AM
It true that when you do want to start exercising that you should not start at the beginning of the year, as I found that normally only last two weeks. I have also started exercising since November because I wanted to make sure by the time its new year I will already be in the routine which has been working wonders.
If I do not have time in the morning I definitely make time in the evening, 15 min a day, I found is more than enough just enough for that toning you need.
Luckily for me I love to eat healthy and I do not have to change my diet at all. So a little bit of exercise and eating well goes a long way...
Anna said:
on Monday 12-Jan-15 08:57 AM
I walk or run at least 5km every day of the week. Love it!
Juliet said:
on Monday 12-Jan-15 08:54 AM
Walking is great for losing weight as long as you do it properly. You have to pull your tummy in and squeeze your bum and walk with purpose, dawdling around a mall while licking an ice cream isn't going to work. A bonus of having a very active and energetic 5 month old is that you have no time to sit around and lifting him up and down is like doing weights all day long
Kaylee said:
on Monday 12-Jan-15 08:21 AM
I agree, walking is the best way to loose weight. I also find that if you are walking on a treadmill, the best way to burn the most calories is to put the treadmill at an incline as you actually burn double the calories. It really does take small changes to include walking in your life, instead of taking the lift, take the stairs. If you live near enough to shops rather walk than drive.
I have to say its really easy to include 30 minutes of exercise everyday. I lost 8kg's in the last 6 months by including exercise in my routine everyday (and obviously diet changes)
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!