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I often send my staff memos with advice that does not actually relate to anything to do with work, and in a recent one, I gave them advice on what to do with bonus money paid at the end of the year. So many people in this day and age go out and treat themselves straightaway, or use the money to upgrade some aspect of their life instead of focusing on the important things. The important things are settling debt and providing for one’s retirement, not to mention the ups and downs of life.
The comparison that I gave my staff is that bookmakers find it a profitable business to take bets on sports because most sports, and certainly the most popular ones are popular because things don’t always go as expected – and that is exactly like life. I have written about golf in that way previously, because golf is very much like life. You can hit a fantastic shot but it bounces on something hard and takes a tremendously bad bounce and you are in terrible trouble. Sometimes a whole combination of things lead to the team that cannot lose, playing against somebody who has never beaten them before, losing and one would think of the Springboks and Japan in that regard.
At other times, it really gets down to the bounce of the ball, and a rugby ball is no doubt shaped deliberately as it is, to bring the element of chance into a game. The reality of life is that it is not that different to many of the sports events we watch. Sometimes it goes as expected but on many occasions it does not and during the course of the event, or one’s life, there are ups and downs and good luck and bad luck. You have to ride the good luck, you have to capitalise on it, and you also have to prepare for the bad luck. You have to put money aside and keep money in a rainy day fund, or whatever you call it, so that if somebody does go wrong you don’t have to explain to everybody else how you have been tremendously unlucky and something completely unexpected has happened and that is why you never planned for it or had any money set aside. The point is you should expect the unexpected, because it does always happen to one, and unfortunately on more than a few occasions during your lifetime. The unexpected is not unexpected.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Tuesday 09-Feb-16
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Nikita said:
on Friday 12-Feb-16 04:24 PM
I think that in todays age this might be easier said than done. I think the important part is that you are saving what you can, where you can. As long as you are not living above your means the rainy days will not be as rainy.
tamaryn said:
on Friday 12-Feb-16 09:15 AM
Save on the sunny days and the rainy days will be taken care of
Nicky said:
on Friday 12-Feb-16 09:07 AM
I think that the best way to save is to keep money for necessary expenses and save the rest.
Prishani said:
on Wednesday 10-Feb-16 03:38 PM
Saving is extremely difficult but so necessary, I think as people mature they realise this. I think its all about will power and really sitting down and thinking about your future!
Brenda Du Toit said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 04:06 PM
To save is an Good thing
Lourien said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 04:06 PM
Saving our money is such an important part of our life today and we always need to think about tomorrow and the day after that, as well as everything that can go wrong and make sure that we are well prepared anything that come our way. Budgeting has to be done every single month.
Tamzyn said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 03:15 PM
Very true words, one just needs to resist the instant gratification of spending. I was always told to look after the pennies and then the notes will look after themselves.
Zanell said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 03:05 PM
we have so many things to save for, a retirement fund, the unexpected, a house one day. I suppose it is all about discipline when it comes to saving money and putting other things that aren't that important aside.
Sinead said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 02:50 PM
Saving is very important to do. As you say, the unexpected is not unexpected at all. Save for that 'unexpected' day. You never know what might happen and you might need to dig deep into your pocket for it...
Melissa P said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 02:07 PM
I's so grateful for parents who showed me the value of money from a very early age. I now know the importance of saving.
Kaylee said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 12:51 PM
Various people in my life has criticized me over time for how much money I save. I guess i'll be the one laughing all the way to the bank when I've retired and they are eating dog food.
Liesl said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 09:25 AM
The older you get the more scary the reality of saving for your retirement gets. I try and increase the amount I invest into my pension annually. I opened an account dubbed "rainy days" and I make sure that I put some sort of an amount into it every month, even if the amount seems small and insignificant it's not just about the money but the discipline. I like what Brumilda said "what you should do and what you can do are two opposite things", that is also a truth that brings all sorts of challenges into your life.
Mathilda said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 09:20 AM
Better to know you have back up for whatever Financial situation that might come your way than to be shocked when it actually happens
Juliet said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 09:19 AM
Everything is so expensive and draining financially, even just basic living. I don't know how people afford holidays or shopping for clothes and jewellery with children! I am so aware of how life changes and changes quickly. Even moving is expensive, you need to pay a huge deposit, pay the moving company etc etc. Saving is so important and one of the things I will teach my child when he gets his first pocket money :)
Michelle said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 09:12 AM
Rather save than sorry. Start saving NOW,before its to late.
Brumilde said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 09:01 AM
what you should do and what you can do are two opposite things. yes i would like to put away more. but like the rugby ball you think it will go one way then it bounces another way. but it does keep you on your toes
Johann said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 09:00 AM
I wish the Government would take note of this advice.
Melissa said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 08:57 AM
Saving is essential for every person
Sandra said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 08:57 AM
Having a Savings Investment Plan is necessary especially if you don't know what lies ahead in the Future, even if you just put away like R 500 per month - it's something, considering people have things they need to pay off and and and. It's sometimes easier said than done, so any penny you can save, will be beneficial to you later
Angelique P said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 08:56 AM
Life isn't always fair. You must always be prepared for the unexpected. You never know what tomorrow holds. Saving is a very good thing to do. In case of an emergency you'll know that you have some money to use if you need it.
Jolene said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 08:55 AM
We are very fortunate to get bonuses every year, at my previous firm there was no such thing&.ever! Dont spend money that you dont have!
Natasha said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 08:40 AM
I think it is a very good idea to start saving as soon as possible maybe in the future you want to get your own house or new car or even want to go study for something
Daniella said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 08:40 AM
I agree you should always expect the unexpected .
Angelique said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 08:39 AM
Sometime it feels like all your money goes to are those rainy days and saving and living. Besides going out there are other essential things one needs to pay for such as studying so there really is never nearly enough to save for a rainy day. I'd usually spend my bonus on school fees for myself and text books but I should save it and rather pay off my studies with my salary instead. It is also really nice to have a big amount of money in your savings account, I find it motivates you more to save!
Clare said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 08:32 AM
Saving is very good i have stared my son's savings account since he was born.
Alexis said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 08:26 AM
I believe in saving as much as i can. As soon as i started working i started saving. Even if i do not do well for a month - budget wise, i at least know there is something there in case i need it. And i never touch it. I refuse to be in a situation where i am in trouble.
Daria said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 08:23 AM
We all should plan for the unexpected. Saving is always the way to go.
Jessica Apfel said:
on Tuesday 09-Feb-16 08:21 AM
Great sports analogies ! Save, save , save - a recession is imminent
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!