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I read an interesting article recently in the New York Times, which I subscribe to on my Kindle for years, about prospective employees disappearing when a drug test was to be held. The article went on to say that all around America employers are struggling to find employees at the moment who can pass a free employment drug test, particularly amongst the white population. Apparently this is not such a problem for applicants who come from Mexico and now with marijuana legalised in some States, they say that, for example in Colorado, “To find a roofer or a painter that can pass a drug test is unheard of”. Another employer said that as soon as he says the words “criminal background check” or “drug test”, more than half the people waiting to apply for a job will leave straightaway!
One must not forget of course that in the USA the unemployment rate is currently just over 5%, so the vast majority of people have a job. At the end of the day it gets down to whether people want a job or not – those who want a job desperately enough are obviously going to give up drugs so that they can pass drug tests to get the jobs. On another level it has become increasingly more popular or more common for private schools in particular to do random drug testing of students – which they do by taking hair samples which can apparently show up any drugs and the type of drug taken in the last three months. Do you think schoolchildren should be tested for drugs and their parents advised if they do fail drug tests and what do you think about employees being tested?
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Tuesday 05-Jul-16
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lucretia said:
on Tuesday 05-Jul-16 09:00 AM
I don't do drugs, never have. However, i am a firm believer, what you do in your private life is just that, YOUR private life. As long as it DOES NOT affect your work it cannot be held against you. I worked years ago with a woman who in her spare time was an alcoholic, but, during the day at work she worked like a Trojan and no-one could fault her on her work and that is why our Financial Director who was her direct boss, kept her on because her work was always done and done correctly. Again, it boils down to the work you produce during office hours.
david said:
on Tuesday 05-Jul-16 07:18 AM
here, hold this for a moment, i'll be right back...
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!