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Birth order

I think one of the theories I believe in, and I have certainly written about it before, is the birth order in which people are born and the role it plays with who they marry, and how they get on with others.  

Without going into it in great detail, essentially, and there are exceptions, an oldest child generally will get on better with a youngest child, in terms of marriage, and for example, two oldest children, if they are married, would normally have a lot of conflict.  The exceptions happen when there are gaps that are so big between the birth of children that a child may be the last born, but essentially brought up almost as an only child or eldest child, because of the huge age gaps.

I think of this quite a bit when I deal with my family because I resented it a lot, when I was small, that as an oldest child you are forever blamed by your parents as to anything that your siblings do wrong.  If they speak cheekily to the parents, the parents claim that they learnt it from you.  When they do something right of course, it was never learnt from you and as a result, and from an oldest child’s perspective, you are always to blame for something and almost never ever get credit.  

I thought about that when I spoke to my daughter the other day telling her that she must not just sit back while one of my other daughters does something naughty and she must do something about it and she said to me that they then reply to her, “You are not the boss of me”.  It just reminded me how many of the messages we give as parents are so contradictory, because I certainly do tell my children that nobody is in charge of anybody else and they must all speak up themselves, but then one sends a contradictory message of telling the oldest child that he/she must look out for the others.  I guess I sort of accepted that these contradictions are just completely normal and you have to tell children that they have to look after each other and at the same time that they are responsible for what they do themselves.  I guess older children will always come in for the most criticism, but in some ways they often get the best upbringing and the most attention from parents in their early years which often assists them in leadership roles.  

I am sure by now I have said enough things to irritate those who are not oldest children and I would love to know where you were born in your family’s sequence – in other words, are you a middle child, an oldest child or a youngest child – and what your perspective is as a result – How do you see oldest children typically, how do you see youngest children and how do you see middle children?

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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tersia  said:
on Monday 03-Oct-16 08:51 AM
I am the youngest child and everyone in my family always say that I am the brat! I must say that I did get away with a lot more that my other 2 sisters. As the youngest everyone will always see you as the baby no matter how old you get, which is not so great! My middle sister do suffer from middle child syndrome and I have seen that to exist in other people as well who are born in the middle.

Brenda van den Bergh  said:
on Friday 02-Sep-16 09:12 AM
I am the oldest and by quite far actually. I was 10 years old when my first sibling was born and 11 when my second sibiling was born (This is from my mother's side). That was a huge gap and being so much older than a sibling is not really ideal if you want to have a very close relatoinship with your siblings. I do however agree regarding the oldest getting along better with the youngest as I adored my youngest brother. It was only years later that I developed a strong bond with my first brother. As you get older your bond changes and now that we are all much older, we are much closer even though there is a big gap.

On my father's side, I was 14 when he had his next child and still today, I do not have a bond or a connection with my sister.... the story of my father however, will make a good novel one day.

It is not easy being the oldest sibling because yes, you do get the brunt of the blame throughout your childhood, but it is also a major role to play considering that you have younger siblings who look up to you and it is up to us older ones to ensure that what they look up to is worth it.

Nicky  said:
on Friday 19-Aug-16 04:48 PM
From what I've noticed in my family-The eldest is the more serious and responsible sibling. The middle child is more rebellious and a social butterfly, The youngest is usually relaxed and chilled. I also agree with Daniella-the youngest will always be seen as the baby-my brother is 23 and I still think of him as my "cute little baby brother"

I've seen the same pattern with my own children-my eldest daughter is more reserved and shy and my younger daughter is more wild and fearless.

I also always wonder how siblings turn out so differently if they were all raised "under the same roof."

Sinead  said:
on Friday 19-Aug-16 02:41 PM
I am a middle child and it's really annoying. I have middle child syndrome... It has it's perks sometimes. I think I must agree with David. Eldest is always that way I think to set a good example...

Sarah  said:
on Friday 19-Aug-16 02:16 PM
I am the middle child and we seem to be more like Ashleigh said Middle children also seem to be more placid for some reason

Liesl  said:
on Friday 19-Aug-16 09:21 AM
I have three siblings. An older brother and sister and one younger brother. The three older children being about 3 years apart each and then my other brother the 8 1/2 years later "laat lammietjie". We as the three older children and only children for quite some time were treated the same, my father was the disciplinarian in the house and never showed favoritism between his children. My mom on the other hand will never admit it but will always have an extra special place in her heart for her boys. We as the three older children could fight like hell sometimes but we also stuck together no matter what. We could fight with each other but no one else was allowed to touch one or the other. My younger brother pretty much grew up on his own and my parents were not as strict on him as they were on us, not sure whether it was because they are now older and perhaps tired or whether they convinced themselves that perhaps they were too strict with the older children at times. I suppose only they will ever know. We had a loving home and my father endorsed unity, respect and love between all siblings. If we were caught fighting by him we would get the hiding of our lives.

Suzanne  said:
on Friday 19-Aug-16 09:02 AM
I grew up as an only child as my 3 brothers are all about 20 years older than I am. My mom had 3 boys in 4 years and I know the 2 youngest brothers are very competitive, where the oldest one has much more my personality - laid back and on our own mission. I was always very spoilt - being a "laat-lammetjie" has it's perks!

Ashleigh  said:
on Friday 19-Aug-16 08:30 AM
I am the middle child. I suppose the middle child is mutual between being told what to do from the older sibling and then having the opportunity to tell the younger sibling what to do too. :) Middle children also seem to be more placid for some reason.

Jessica M  said:
on Friday 19-Aug-16 08:25 AM
I think as the youngest child you have it way harder, because your parents learn from how they were with their first born and how not to be with the next children. ha ha ha ha. Like one is always more protective over their first born child and then the last born is the least worried about. Like things you wouldn't allow your first born to do you learn that it actually wouldn't kill a child. As that saying goes (First born eats sand, you quickly rush them off to the doctor to see that they will be okay, second born child eats sand the you just wash off their mouth and give them something to drink, third child eats sand and you ask yourself if you still need to feed them lunch LOL.)

Natasha   said:
on Friday 19-Aug-16 08:07 AM
Its only me and my Brother but I'm the youngest we are 5 years, 5 months and a day apart I was very spoiled when I was younger I always use to get what I want even if it means I had to hurt my brother. The one time he was driving his black scooter and he didn't want me to play with it so I picked up a brick and threw it at him ,I then took his scooter and drove off haha, up until today I still have my dad wrapped around my finger.

Mathilda  said:
on Friday 19-Aug-16 07:48 AM
I am the last born with 2 older sisters, my oldest sister is 7 years and my middle sister 4 years older than me, My parents always tried to give us equal attention and not to play the blame game, when we did something wrong you were your own person from the start.
I hated being the youngest, Always had the last choice of were to sit in the car (then I usually had to sit in the middle #hated it) last to choose what video to watch and the worst of all getting the hand me downs and I always had to be the villain when we played princess princess ha-ha
But I must say I agree with Clare I loved how I can look at my Mom and Dad and I knew I am the favourite child till this day !

Joyce  said:
on Thursday 18-Aug-16 02:56 PM
I think being an oldest child turns to your siblings becoming your responsibility since parents expecting the older children to look after their siblings, I am the oldest child.

Jessica Apfel   said:
on Thursday 18-Aug-16 12:49 PM
I am the youngest in my family by about 10+ years. I can certainly get away with a lot more. Although it is not something to brag about, I do feel as if my parents are quite lenient towards me.

Sally  said:
on Thursday 18-Aug-16 12:35 PM
I am the only child and I cannot relate to any of the comments. I grew up without a mother and father and started at a very young age to be responsible for my self

Tamaryn  said:
on Thursday 18-Aug-16 12:31 PM
I am the youngest. I think my older brother had it harder than I did in that my parents were still trying to figure out life for themselves. Him and I are very similar though, in many key respects, and I think him and I are a definite exception to the youngest/oldest categorization.

Nikita  said:
on Thursday 18-Aug-16 12:22 PM
I have to agree that being the oldest child comes with a much higher degree of responsibility. I have a younger sister which I would die for and I was fortunate enough to have had the most beautiful little brother for a short 9 years of life. I know for a fact that my sister looks up to me in every way so I always feel pressure to not mess up. After losing a child my parents were never the same and my sister often turns to me for life advice and answers - which for some reason she thinks I am qualified to give. I think it is a very special gift to be given the role of an oldest child and I have loved being the bossy, overprotective Big Sister. I would not change it for the world. I do find that in my dating life I have always dated the babies or an only child - bizarre.

Melissa P  said:
on Thursday 18-Aug-16 12:16 PM
I am the youngest of 2 children and I loved it growing up. I can relate to the content of the blog completly. My brother got in trouble so much more than I did and I got away with a lot more growing up. However my parents didn't give one child more attention than the other. I feel like now that we are all grown up the rolls have changed. My brother now gets away with a lot more and because of the fact that I'm the only daughter I have a lot more rules to obide by than he use to have when he was my age. Funny how things turn out.

Cornelie  said:
on Thursday 18-Aug-16 12:07 PM
I'm the youngest of 2, when we were younger we had huge fights as we are getting older we get along so well as if we are best of friends I love my brother to bits I could not imagine myself with another sibling I think things would have been differently. I always feel sorry for a middle child all my friends that's in the middle "ai" shame.

Zanell  said:
on Thursday 18-Aug-16 11:56 AM
I have 2 brothers, one is 3 years older than me and the other one 3 years younger than me. I must say that their is definitely responsibility on the oldest child to look after the younger ones and be an example for the younger ones, I only realized this when I became the oldest in my house when my brother left to England at the age of 16.. I was however very spoilt, I think its because I'm the only girl.

Prishani  said:
on Thursday 18-Aug-16 11:47 AM

I am the oldest child in my household and I do find that more responsibility is placed on the eldest child when it comes to looking out for the younger siblings! I do sometimes find that in most households parents tend to be more lenient with the youngest child in the family!

tamzyn  said:
on Thursday 18-Aug-16 08:23 AM
I am the youngest of 2. I think it's very interesting to look at birth order, however there are so many other factors, personality, style of parenting, and many other influences that would, in my opinion, be a a greater influence on who you get on with and your take on life

Jolene   said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 04:41 PM
I am the youngest, my sister is 3 years older than me. We are completely different. We were raised very differently, my parents were very strict with her and more relaxed with me. Like Lucretia said, I could get away with murder but I will always be the baby.

Even though Im younger than her I have more leadership qualities. She is a typical mommy, always worried about me and very caring.

My fiancé is the oldest child and Im the youngest so that is at least good news J

Safia  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 02:27 PM
I am the youngest and i was very spoilt as a child. My older sister was blamed for everything, even if i stole her sweets after gobbling my share of sweets, she was blamed for getting angry about that because " sisters must be kind and share with baby sisters".
It took me many years to "grow up", or may be i am still growing out of "baby sister" and it is very hard to grow up!
I admire oldest children, they are more organized,harder working and more responsible and know better what they want from life.

Lucretia  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 02:17 PM
I am the 4th child out of 5. However, the first girl after 3 boys and, therefore, I got away with murder. As young children I got on with my second eldest brother who is 6 years older than me, however, now as married adults, even though I come from a very loving and close family , my favourite has now become my youngest brother who is 3 years older than me. I don't think it has anything to do with where in the family he fits, it is just that he is the scream in the family and I love his personality. As for standing up for one's self, I do, it often gets me into trouble with the bosses but, I have always felt, if I am right, why should I be afraid to say so. Bosses don't always like that though.

Helen  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 02:07 PM
I am the last born in my family and I have the eldest brother. We have 9 years difference, my brother for me was always everything, my hero, my teacher and other parent. And yes I would say that my parents did spoil me in the way with attention and love, where the same time I would hear from my brother that he is not getting enough attention from parents. Now being a parent myself and having my own kids with gap of 5 years, I would say it is not so easy to give the same attention and time to each child. My eldest was spoilt for 5 years and now having little sister, it took us time to learn to share and be responsible, but after 5 years I can see the difference in eldest and little one showing a lot more progress in developing then my first one did.

Angelique P  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 11:51 AM
I am the oldest.
My sister is 5 years younger than me and she gets spoiled a lot but I don't mind I had my 5 years.
I think the youngest gets it easy because parents are very strict on the first child and then with the second or third one they are more chilled.
We use to fight a lot because of the big gap but now that we are older we understand each other. I will always look out for my little sister.

Latoya  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 11:43 AM
I was the oldest out of all 10 brothers and sisters :) Was difficult as I had to lead a good example which I did not cause I was a very naughty and mischievous child ,I used to get the most beatings, Although I was a "Daddy's little girl" I could get away with a lot and didn't get me anywhere. Well I guess we all learn as we grow.

Melissa  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 11:39 AM
We are two children, I am the younger one. Me and my brother had so much conflict when we were younger, but as we grew up we started to learn how to be there for each other and that nothing in this world can break a bond between a brother and a sister relationship. We always stand up for each other and give each other guidance where needed. Blood is thicker than water. My brother and myself won't allow anything to come between family, we are like two soldiers and will destroy anything that comes in between. Family is the most important thing in our world especially our parents.

Melissa  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 11:37 AM
We are two children, I am the younger one. Me and my brother had so much conflict when we were younger, but as we grew up we started to learn how to be there for each other and that nothing in this world can break a bond between a brother and a sister relationship. We always stand up for each other and give each other guidance where needed. Blood is thicker than water. My brother and myself won't allow anything to come between family, we are like two soldiers and will destroy anything that comes in between. Family is the most important thing our world especially our parents.

charlotte  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 11:34 AM
This is so true! I am the oldest, and when we were children I was always the one to set the example, and to lead by example. I am just human after all, and I do make mistakes. My youngest sister is 7 years younger than me. As children, we had no common interest whatsoever. She was busy with her primary school things, while I had other more important things to attend to. About 6 years ago after my mother's death, we actually started talking to each other as adults, and I realized that being an adult, 7 years difference has taken it's toll on us. We have missed out so much together, and it is as if we need to find each other again. That's why we (my husband and I) decided that we would not do that to our children, and as pot luck would have it.... our kids are 5 years apart........

Thabitha  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 10:48 AM
The older child is expected to be more responsible and that time parents are also learning how to be good parents they contradict themselves with lots of things and they still got power and energy. what amaze me though is that when your siblings are cheeky then you are to be blamed for their actions and as a child where are you learning all these things or attitude from sometimes it goes back to them.

johann  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 10:42 AM
I am the oldest child. As one grows older I think these distinctions become less important.

Bianca  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 10:32 AM
I am the eldest child and it really is quite a job to be tasked with looking after and looking out for your younger sibling. You do often get the tongue lashing about how you're not the parent and "who put you in charge?" I suppose it comes with the territory and often if you're in trouble with your younger sibling, your parents would say, "you should know better being the oldest one...." There is truth in that remark and in all honesty, I am still extremely protective over my younger sister and always do look out for her even though she is already 21! Like any younger sibling, my sister copied me and did a lot of things that I did including back chatting my mother and it really does become your problem because it is said that you taught her how to back chat haha. One trend that she followed and that I have not lived down is the fact that my sister took up smoking, man was I blamed for being a bad influence on her! It's all a part of the job of being the oldest sibling though and no matter how annoying and frustrating it can be, we all love our job as the oldest sibling!

Angelique Jurgens  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 09:54 AM
I am the eldest child of 3 and feel like I had to break the ice with everything. We definitely occasional had an older cousin or two living with us which I would say would be kids my mom "took in". However I can relate to this blog post. I always got into trouble for the others, if either my brother or sister were cheeky "Because they learn it from you". Definitely did not get recognition if they did well. I was responsible for keeping them both out of trouble and in check. I feel like my younger sister got away with murder and was the "apple of my moms eye". Later on as we got older this changed and my younger brother, being the only boy and middle child became that. My mom had always been the hardest on myself but later on became quite strict on the youngest as I rebelled. My younger sister could skip school, not brush her hair, eat what she wanted etc whereas when I was younger my mom and dad were more strict on me: Like you said more energy in the beginning to do all those things.

As the eldest I definitely always tried to, and still do look after my siblings and would make sure they study and "help" them with homework essentially being bossy. Still today I would be forcing them to decide and study something etc.

Catherine  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 09:37 AM
I am the last born and no I was not spoilt. I agree with Daniella, you are always a child and your opinion is never taken seriously and always second guessed. Older kids have a responsibility to set a good example for the young and I have the utmost of respect for my older brothers and sister.

Juliet  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 09:14 AM
I am the 2nd last born and I think all of my siblings are ambitious and successful in their own ways. My older siblings definitely do have a caring role to the younger ones but at this age we are all really almost on the same level.

brumilde  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 09:07 AM
I had a younger brother we were 7 years apart. the conflict was bad. but i mainl grew up an only child. and no i was not spoilt as some would say. i beleived later on myself and my brother would have been the best of friends

Alexis  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 08:41 AM
I have an older brother, then sister, then it was me and then finally my yourngest brother - so one in the middle. The oldest had to take on a lot of responsibility and pretty much raised us. It could have gone horribly wrong, but he was and is a great person with good morals whom to this day I will never dissappoint.

Brenda Du Toit  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 08:33 AM
We are three kids and I am the middle one I was the spoiled one and then my brother came and let me tell you I thought I was the spoiled one but my brother gets everything. But it makes sense he is the only one in the house still and he is alone .

Lourien  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 08:23 AM
Well I am the oldest child and was mostly responsible for my two younger brothers and always keeping those two out of each others hair. My middle brother was always in trouble for either setting something alight or braking something and I always had to look out for him, as for my youngest brother he was the most spoiled and still in school.

I do find that both of my brothers never got in trouble for not doing house chores and always got around not doing theirs, but I was expected to do mine. My home work never got checked which I wish my parents did like they checked my brothers, I might off just got better marks.

All in all I still enjoy being the oldest and I do get away with saying I am my parents oldest child and only daughter.

Henrietta  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 08:20 AM
Im the eldest. You dont get away with a lot of things your younger siblings do and almost always needs to be set as an example, to be the role model so that your siblings can learn from you. I must say that being the eldest also makes you tough, you learn more responsibilities at a young stage without even realizing it and always protective over your siblings. The youngest is almost always the spoiled one and the middle like David stated is almost always go with the flow type.

Clare  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 08:12 AM
I am the last born with 2 older sister and 1 Older Brother, I was the "Spoiled Brat" but it was Awesome even though I got the most hidings. But I cant complain, I love how I can look at my mother and Father and I know I am the favorite.

david  said:
on Wednesday 17-Aug-16 07:19 AM
middle child - happy go lucky and get on with everyone.
i think the oldest child is always more driven, and usually more successful.


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