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SABC to lose more money because of 80 percent local content

We all know that before the elections the SABC imposed an 80% local content on all stations and the results of that are now in.  The audience share of the SABC channels have already started dripping, with for example SABC3 having 7,6% of the audience in May 2016 and by September this was down to 6,2%.  Although that just sounds like 1,4% it is dramatic drop in what is already a poor share of the audience and even SABC1 has gone from 29,8% of the audience to 28,7% during the same period.  The SABC total share of the market since May, which was 52,1% between all of their channels is already down to 48,6% and I would imagine it is worse with some of the radio stations.  What does that mean?  It means ultimately they will have to charge less for advertising and it means advertisers would be less likely to promote their products on the SABC channels with the result that the SABC will be short of money.  I guess that does not matter if you can get it from the government and the government will just get it all from us!  

It just shows you however the folly of always trying to meet political agendas with the SABC, the labour laws, etc – we all end up paying for them in one way or another.  At the lower end of the market SABC has retained a share of the viewing time with eTV who has eaten into it and as we go up to the higher ends of the market the people are basically running off to DSTV.

To make matters worse, it actually costs more money to produce local programming than it does to import programmes.  There are of course benefits to having local programming, including building a South African identity and culture as well as keeping South African directors, producers, camera people and actors and actresses and work.  Unfortunately, directly or indirectly, you and I, who don’t want to watch their productions and are changing to other channels, will still have to pay for the cost of their productions.  Let’s see how long this particular disaster continues.

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Monday 07-Nov-16 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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Nicolle  said:
on Wednesday 09-Nov-16 04:20 PM
When this concept was first introduced, I to, was alarmed. Not that I had watched any SABC channels in years BUT I was concerned about how it would affect the radio stations that I listen to. That being said, I have more often than not been pleasantly surprised by our local artists. As Jessica has put it I feel more "patriotic" when I hear an amazing song by a local band! Local is Lekker after all.

Sally  said:
on Wednesday 09-Nov-16 08:39 AM
I do not really watch TV. But I must agree that if one can afford DSTV it is a better option than SABC although DSTV has a lot of repeats which is very annoying

Melissa P  said:
on Wednesday 09-Nov-16 08:31 AM
When I heard that local content was going to be increased, even on radio, I knew it was going to be a proble. I havn't watched anything on SABC in ages.

Helen  said:
on Wednesday 09-Nov-16 07:58 AM
Lets face it, majority of people, who can afford will rather choose to watch DSTV channels. Myself I do not remember when last time I watched SABC channels. There is no time at all to watch TV, and specially waist time on rubbish, which SABC showing, no way!!!

Nicky  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 04:41 PM
In theory,I think that the 90 %rule is good for local artists, directors, producers, singers etc and showcases local talent which may not have otherwise been noticed and there is some real talent in SA but because we're all pay more attention to international entertainment, the South African artists and talent are often overlooked. -so in that regard I think that the decision to have more local content was good one. Having said that though, when looking at the financial implication thereof, maybe that decision was not such a good decision and rushed into a bit hastily-what was the true reason for the sudden decision-unfortunately in SA we have to ask is it due to some political agenda again or was there a valid reason for this decision.

Dune  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 10:36 AM
More local content is being enforced all over, and instead of it being for the good it is turning out to destroy some business especially in the Solar Industry. I really cant even remember when last I watched an SABC channel, you can only watch Leon Schuster movies so many times!!

Zanell  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 09:11 AM
When I first heard about it I knew it was going to be a disaster. There will still probably be a lot of people who continue to watch SABC 1, 2 and 3 because they cannot afford Dstv, I do not watch SABC though because it's all old series and movies on there.

Liesl  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 09:09 AM
I do not watch TV as it features absolute rubbish. The only reason why I pay my TV licence is because it's compulsory. It infuriates me that the government keeps squandering public resources the way they do and don't even get me started on the insurmountable bottomless pit of bad business decisions they have made at our cost

Brenda van den Bergh  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 09:01 AM
Decisions on impulse without much thought is the biggest mistake in our country. Whilst I do understand why they would have wanted to make the 80% local adjustment, I fail to understand why they did not first introduce the decision to the public and get their feedback. It is after all the public that "benefit" from it and also PAY FOR IT!!

Because of their decision, there is now a decrease in viewers and instead of realising that they actually went about it the wrong way, they will just think of ways to suck the money out of all of us who have for years not even thought about SABC even before the big change.

Ashleigh  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 09:00 AM
I don't watch SABC and DSTV to be honest. SABC annoys me with their shows and their ads. DSTV constantly has repeats. I prefer hiring series and movies and watching with no interruptions and or repeats.

Sinead  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 08:44 AM
I didn't like the idea of playing so much local content when I first heard about it. They should have introduced it a bit more gradually - start off small and see how everyone responds to it.
On the other hand, I quite enjoy it now (well the radio version of things) I love that SA talent is being showcased more now... As for SABC, I hardly watch any TV but the SABC channels are the absolute last channels I would switch to.

Tersia  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 08:40 AM
In my opinion the SABC1, 2 and 3 do not appeal to viewers due to the quality of the programmes. If you compare to what we watch from abroad produced programmes, there is a big difference. In saying that I do support local as I do frequently watch the Kyknet and Via channels which is very much local content. I would imagine to encourage viewership they would have to lower their fees of
advertisement's which must be astronomically high. We, being the man in the street do not always appreciate the costs involved in the making of a good advertisement.

With regard to the enforcement of 80% local content to be aired on radio stations earlier in the year I was sceptical and was thinking must we now listen to our CD collection. But I must say it has not affected me as of yet especially on the radio station I listen to.

It is a shame that due to the Government's decisions a lot of producers, directors, camera production teams, actors and actresses will be out of a job or maybe leave the country to better prospects.

Clare  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 08:38 AM
I don't watch TV anymore i will i am so tired of watching the same thing over and over again and to top it off i am so tired of watching things that al turn into a nother Bold and the Beautiful.... I buy my Movies and i watch my Series.

Natasha  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 08:37 AM
I'm not a big fan of SABC all o ever watched on it was 7 de laan Days of our lives and Bold of the beautiful but DSTV IS ALOT BETTER

tamzyn  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 02:51 PM
I agree with Prishani, they should have started small and then grown the local content depending on ratings.

Prishani  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 02:40 PM
I'm all for South African productions, however I would think that the best way to introduce such content on local TV would be in smaller amounts, maybe they should have done a survey first to see how the public would react to such a drastic change! People of our country are still entitled to have a say on what is played on local television.

Daniella  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 02:11 PM
I cant even remember the last time I watched SABC, they need to start modernizing their channels, if by any chance I switch to SABC I am 100% sure that the shows that were playing when i was younger are still running.

Brenda Du Toit   said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 02:08 PM
I would rather watch DSTV then SABC .I Loved to watch SABC but everything changed so must i would never give up my DSTV .I cannot remember how long ago i have watch SABC.

Jessica M  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 02:05 PM
If ever there was one local show that I would watch, it was Isidingo which was a very well thought out programe. However I must say S.A has very minimal talent when coming to actors. However great singers. But like I said they should of balanced it out and could of kept their viewers. I must say I refuse to watch these channels. They never ever ever have anything worth watching besides for Isidingo.

latoya  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 01:56 PM
To be honest I have not watched an SABC channel in long time,its boring and doesnt interest me..I rather download movies and watch with my family..and listen to the radio for the news.I also havnt seen much people i know from years ago watch the SABC channels as they have DSTV which they always seem to complain about the repeats one way.

Zindy  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 01:56 PM
I agree with Lourien SABC is not what it use to be,then ago DSTV and all the repeats drive me up the wall to! I will just keep watching my Series and movies unless something interesting comes on.

Michelle  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 01:51 PM
Lately television don't satisfy me how it use to, I only watch movies and series. It is a lot cheaper and then I also save time by not looking at things I'm not interested. Although we still pay for SABC its not bothering me that much.

Catherine  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 01:40 PM
I listen more to radio than watch TV. On SABC, there are more advertisements shown more than the actual programs. DSTV is not any better because they also keep showing the same programs over and over.

Jessica Apfel   said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 01:24 PM
The 90% rule was implemented in South African radio as well and I must say that I quite enjoy South African music - it makes one a little more patriotic knowing that we have such great talent in our country. One cannot overlook the job creation that comes with an all South African entertainment. That being said we cant be closed off and isolate ourselves from growing world trends.

Lourien  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 12:19 PM
I honestly have to say that SABC is not what it was years ago, DSTV is just much better and I prefer watching it as there are so many different channels to watch and you will find something that you are interested in.

Sarah  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 12:09 PM
I haven't watched the SABC channels in a long time , last time I watched there was so many adverts now that they going to cut advertising SABS is going to lose a lot of money.

Angelique Jurgens  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 11:59 AM
Very seldom you find people watching SABC. If you ever driver past a squatter camp, just have a look - even the poor people somehow have DSTV - not that it is way better! They say it creates jobs - but what is the point where no one is listening to those radio shows or watching the programs? It is a waste of money. Lets be real - with that CEO/ex CEO whatever the case is - what did one really expect?

Angelique P  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 11:37 AM
It is so terrible to watch SABC channels, most of the time it is just nonsense.
Unfortunately we must always pay. That is all that we do in this country pay and pay and never receive anything good back not even good service.
I will rather download something that I want to watch and not waste my money on DSTV besides they replay everything over and over there is hardly something new.

Melissa  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 11:37 AM
SABC channels are really just a waste of money. DSTV is much better and yes DSTV also shows the same stuff over and over but anything is better than watching SABC.

Mathilda  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 11:36 AM
When this 80% local content was introduced I knew its not going to work
I can't remember when last I watched SABC , they literally show a bunch of rubbish anyway, And how about that paying AGAIN for something we do not want....
Even some of the Radio stations are only playing local content for example 5 FM , Im not listening to them anymore

Kaylee  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 11:08 AM
I had been saving some money recently and didn't have DSTV for two years and tried to watch SABC! Wow, its bad. I really don't see the point in paying for SABC channels. Although DSTV doesn't have much content either. I think we should read books and the news.

Bianca  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 10:51 AM
I must be honest, I have not watched a SABC channel in many years even though you have access to same with DSTV. It is shocking that we continue to have to pay for "services" that are not utilized by us, perhaps I will have to start watching SABC to get my money's worth lol!

Cornelie  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 08:44 AM
I would rather watch DSTV then SABC. The country sees money when they see us. If use the it or not somewhere somehow they will make money.

Henrietta  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 08:34 AM
I can't remember the last time I have watch SABC or eTV. There is absolutely nothing to watch and it's no surprise that more people turn to DSTV. I agree with Alexis, no surprise either that we pay for things we don't even use.

Joyce  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 07:43 AM
When the 80 percent local content was introduced by the SABC it sounded like the majority of people were happy about the SABC decision, but the stats here showing that it was not a good decision taken by the SABC

Thabitha  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 07:40 AM
SABC now is the platform for politics agendas and I am sure they are not worried about the stats or of the change they've make, is the same as E-tolls

Alexis  said:
on Monday 07-Nov-16 07:24 AM
Is that not the way of this country. We have to keep on paying for things we do not even use and on top of that ,pay for what we do.


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