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Changing channel

I was disappointed to hear that the new Public Protector, Busisiwe Mkhwebane, has no sooner taken office when she changed the TV channel that is displayed on TV in their offices.  Sometimes you have to learn from the smaller signs that something is not right, and this is not the smallest sign in the world.  

To go from E-News – and I can’t say that E-News is my favourite news channel – to another news channel would have been fine, but not if that was a channel owned by the Gupta’s.  Her staff were in fact however told to change all the TV channels from E-News to AMM7 – a channel owned by the Gupta’s.  That is about the worst signal she could possibly send, and although no doubt we will be told later that she flicks on to other channels from time to time like CNN or SABC, the directive to her staff in that regard sends all of us a terrible, terrible signal as to her independence and one can only worry about what her future steps will be. 

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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Zindy  said:
on Tuesday 15-Nov-16 08:12 AM
People are so gullible in this life time and if the public protector clearly supports the Guptas and there channel then she is trying to brainwash her staff in doing same.

brumilde  said:
on Thursday 10-Nov-16 09:55 AM
Well she clearly has not need to hide her position or who she affiliates with, i sometimes think though they are just doing there things to get attention and get the public talking... to generate more news...

Prishani  said:
on Thursday 10-Nov-16 08:42 AM
This is a scary thought, especially because she is the head of an organization that should be a completely independent body with no political affiliation! Hopefully she has made this choice based on the right reasons, it was a pretty bold move to make.

Nicolle  said:
on Wednesday 09-Nov-16 04:31 PM
There are questions hanging over advocate Mkhwebane's head that have not been adequately explained if they can be explained at all. As a nation we cannot continue to appoint people to positions of trusts where there are unresolved concerns about their integrity and bona fides.

Angelique P  said:
on Wednesday 09-Nov-16 02:59 PM
It's true sometimes the smallest thing can make a big difference.
I like to watch E-News it keeps me updated but sometimes it only upset me
I hope Busisiwe Mkhwebane surprise us.
I just think she did not make a good first impression but you never know maybe she has a reason for doing what she did.

Melissa  said:
on Wednesday 09-Nov-16 11:13 AM
Don't judge a book by it's cover, maybe she has a good explanation for the choice she made and how she will operate

Sally  said:
on Wednesday 09-Nov-16 08:46 AM
All people has different opinions and reasoning's behind their choices and we cannot judge someone on his jacket. Only time will tell

Jessica Apfel   said:
on Wednesday 09-Nov-16 08:31 AM
There have been murmurs the she too is 'captured'. Gupta owned tabloids have put such a spin on the recent state capture report - The New Age headline read 'Thuli report is flawed'? So subtle? I think Busi has very big shoes to fill and think every step she makes will be scrutinized.

Joyce  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 04:52 PM
I also think it is a terrible signal indeed and that there is terrible news behind all this changing of channels

Nicky  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 04:29 PM
I agree that changing from E-TV to ANN7 is not very subtle and I think its an indication of on which side of the fence Busisiwe Mkhwebane is and also an indication of her impartiality.
This is concerning, especially for a person in her position and even more so when compared to Thuli Madonsela and how unbiased she was as a Public Protector.

Henrietta  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 04:13 PM
I agree with your blog, you sometimes learn a lot from the smaller signs that something is not right. One can just wonder what her intentions are to demand staff member to change the channels to a channel the Guptas own, no caring that it would shine the spotlight on her. This is just getting worse and let hope that people open their eyes by the time we have our next election.

Lourien  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 04:11 PM
This is very sad and disappointing to find out, although it is very interesting as I don't think Thuli would have done the same, and one wonders if she would in fact take her position as serious as Thuli did? When you see all these changes and decisions that she is making at this time one can only hope for the best. I will definitely not be watching the Gupta's channel.

Nikita  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 03:03 PM
The only hope this country had was Thuli! If only she would run for president we may actually have hope. The amount of corruption within our government and politics is sickening.

Tersia  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 01:25 PM
What a nightmare!! Everyday something new crops up with a capital C. She is supposed to be the protector. Will this ever end?

Dune  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 10:23 AM
I really do think we had something good with Thuli Madonsela it was sad to see her term come to an end. She really caused an up roar n the country with her state capture report. Hopefully Busisiwe Mkhwebane will fill Thuli's shoes and not wonder off like most in parliament. However after reading your article it seems like she is already wondering off the path of the Gupta's

Liesl  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 09:21 AM
Well now that, that trumpet has sounded no one needs wonder any further, it's as clear as a bell...I suppose we really shouldn't be surprised

Brenda Du Toit   said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 09:18 AM
This is very interesting, makes one wonder as to what is the truth behind her choices! however i don't watch those channels anyways.

Zanell  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 09:15 AM
I have never watched ANN7 but does seem a little suspicious that she would watch that channel knowing that it would send mixed signals.

Tamaryn  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 09:08 AM
This is possibly the worst news- mind the pun. An independent office watching a Gupta owned news channel. That says it all and I'm afraid it is not a good sign.

Ashleigh  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 08:58 AM
I don't watch SABC and DSTV to be honest. SABC annoys me with their shows and their ads. DSTV constantly has repeats. I prefer hiring series and movies and watching with no interruptions and or repeats.

Jessica M  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 08:57 AM
Oh my word is there nothing in this country that doesn't have Gupta's on it? but whatever floats their boat I guess. I wouldn't watch these channels anyways. I find them boring.

latoya  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 08:56 AM
All I hear everyday everywhere is politics politics. This country has so much corruption going on,You dont know who to even trust.Well only time will tell what Busisiwe Mkhwebane is capable of.

Thabitha  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 08:53 AM
Disappointing and I do not understand what is wrong with our country people are just corrupt and it doesn't end, what is going to happened to this country from now on wards I am scared I just don't want to think about it.

Sinead  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 08:52 AM
Wow we need to need to watch out... As for ANN7 - it is the worst load of crap ever!
Time will tell what her true intentions are. Let's hope she finds a good reason to change channels

Bianca  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 08:43 AM
Hmmm sometimes it just takes a very small change to see the bigger picture. I was extremely sad to see Thuli Madonsela finish her term and she honestly was a fantastic Public Protector and did not dabble in the corruption with the Gupta's. I think we may need to watch our for our new public protector and how pure her intentions really are.

Clare  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 08:42 AM
I dont know anymore on what is the Appoint of these Changes that should just leave the things alone, How Ever i do agree with Alexis as Well we can give this women her the Benefit of the doubt

Sarah  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 08:39 AM
She is obviously not hiding anything since she changing TV channels so openly but Alexis has a point knowing how our country operates, she might be busy with all the corruption.

Angelique Jurgens  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 08:38 AM
That is quite a big sign that she is changing all the channels to Gupta owned ANN7 and so arrogant about it. Also her remarks about Thuli Madonsela cannot go unnoticed. She deliberately coming in with a bang and is showing us "who is the boss". She is clearly showing us what team she bats for - she is not neutral but personal agendas are in the horizon.
She is clearly not reading any pages from Adv.Thuli Madonsela books! Lets hope this is wrong and she stands for what is right and is not a mere puppet!

Daniella  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 08:37 AM
I actually havent heard about this until now, not to say i am surprised one day the Guptas are going to be running our country.

Kaylee  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 08:25 AM
It never ends does it? The corruption! There was a lot of controversy around her appointment and her objectivity but I guess only time will tell. I really thought Sharise Weiner would have been the best choice for public protector.

Debbie  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 08:18 AM
This is very interesting information. Obviously time will tell how she is going to operate

Alexis  said:
on Tuesday 08-Nov-16 07:25 AM
These people get chosen for a reason. However maybe there is a reason why she decided to change channels - possibly a good one, but knowing this country and how it operates - one cannot give her the benefit of doubt


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