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Local rip-off

I have the new iPhone 7 Plus and I enjoy it.  I think the photographs it takes are indeed better, but I cannot say for anybody who had the iPhone 6, that the upgrade is really going to be worth the money – probably not.  If you have an older version, then of course it is time to upgrade by now.

What amazes me though is the cash price it is available for in the local stores which is approximately R18,500 for the 128Mb version.  The same version in the USA is approximately R12,500.  It is incredible that so many extra taxes and profit have to be put on a product before it is put on sale in South Africa and it stops us getting ahead as much as we would like because, while it is one thing to slap all of these tariffs, etc on imported clothing, I feel it is another thing on communication devices.  I would like to see widespread internet availability in South Africa and computer usage at low cost and when one accepts that for most people their phone is their personal computer, I think it is outrageous that phones can cost 50% more in South Africa than in other countries – especially when being sold by the same company, although as I understand it, the Apple stores in South Africa are not directly owned by Apple.  

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Monday 14-Nov-16 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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Sally  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:45 AM
I am not an IPhone fan and I believe that an IPhone is not user friendly and I really do not think that I will in future change my mind about it

Catherine  said:
on Monday 21-Nov-16 09:11 AM
I have a Nokia 1200 which works perfectly fine for me. I cannot justify spending over R18000.00 on a phone especially with the high crime rate in this country, one can loose it in no time.

tamzyn  said:
on Thursday 17-Nov-16 10:11 AM
I have an iphone that is about 3 years old now, I enjoy it, however I would not replace it with another iphone at that price. I would rather go for a phone such as the Huawei, with similar features at a fraction of the price.

Lourien  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 04:16 PM
I actually don't mind what phone I am using, although the apple iPhone 7 is pricy and I will certainly not buy one or take a contract out for one. I personally only use my phone for phone calls, whatsups messenger and to take pictures, paying that price will certainly not be worth it for me and I am pretty happy with my phone I have at the moment.

Nikita  said:
on Tuesday 15-Nov-16 03:24 PM
Never mind the cost of the phones in this country, the costs of our airtime and Data is even worse!

Debbie  said:
on Tuesday 15-Nov-16 01:07 PM
The Apple iPhone is one of many untouchable items the ordinary man in the street will not be able to afford due to the difference in prices locally. Nice phone though I'm sure

Nicky  said:
on Tuesday 15-Nov-16 09:54 AM
I definitely will not pay that much for a phone-I'm happy as long as my phone has internet and a radio.

Prishani  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 05:31 PM
I would love an upgrade like this! I never would have guessed that it would be cheaper in the USA! I also didn't know that the Apple stores in SA weren't directly owned by Apple!

charlotte  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 04:27 PM
I may be old fashioned - but I believe in a simple phone that can make and receive calls, send and receive text messages, with maybe a camera. I don't believe in spending so much on a cell phone that can be stolen very easily, or even break very easily. I use my computer at home for more "admin" things i.e. appointments, emails, music files etc. No need for me to spend so much on a phone.

Suzanne  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 03:56 PM
Ridiculous! I wouldn't spend that amount of money on a phone - especially as I am a Samsung fan and have had one for quite some time now with no issues.

Sinead  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 03:13 PM
This is a ridiculous amount of money to spend on a phone. That's how they trap us into contracts. I still won't get and iPhone though - it's the last brand I will buy into.
To be honest, the 7 looks like the 6. Does the 7 really have wireless earphones? What about the charging point?

Brenda van den Bergh  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 02:22 PM
I have seen the quality of photographs that the iPhone 7 takes and I must admit I am very impressed. However, I still cannot Justify paying over R18000.00 for mobile device that loses value extremely quickly anyway. These new smart phones are probably uniquely designed to only last for two years, which forces one to buy a new one every time. But that being said if I can buy a very small camera that takes quality pictures like that, I would buy that instead :).

Jolene   said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 12:08 PM
I am an Apple fan and would love to have the newest upgrade but I will definitely not buy a phone cash. That is ridiculous, I will rather wait for my time to upgrade and then look at the options available in my price range.

Tamaryn M  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 11:54 AM
I think the IPhone 7 is an absolutely stunning phone, however I would be hard pressed to spend such a handsome amount of money on it - regardless of how gorgeous it is.
On a different note, the cost of data in South Africa is unnecessarily high compared to other countries. I would like to see the cost of data coming into line with the lower costs of data worldwide!

Liesl  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 11:04 AM
You either a apple fan or not. I'm quite happy with what I have and I doubt I will ever change my mind regarding an IPhone

Helen  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 10:32 AM
I am considering to switch my Samsung devices to Apple products now after reading article about Samsung Glaxy Note 7 is banned from use on planes,following spontaneous explosions. There is battery issues with the Samsung smartphone, I do not know if all Samsung products have this issue, so we all have to watch out when we are charging Samsung!!!

Michelle  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 09:38 AM
I cant believe that people will pay that kind of money for a phone. Its surprising the amount changes of the countries. It wont even help to import the phone to pay less, because the travel accounts will be insane as well to pay.

Dune  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 09:35 AM
I have never had an iPhone, I am a proud Samsung supporter. I would however not spend that type of money on a phone, especially now that my little one thinks that my Samsung S7 edge is a chew toy!

Mathilda  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 09:34 AM
I will never pay that much for a phone...
I'm very happy with my Huawei P8 it takes amazing photos, so I don't think ill every get an iPhone

Cornelie  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 09:25 AM
To expensive for a phone. I will stick to my J1 Mini that cost R1200 :-)

Lucretia  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 09:14 AM
It is ridiculous that such high prices are added to our products, thus keeping the average person unable to keep up with change. It amazes me that even our bundles are higher than all other African countries. It just does not end, something is given with the one hand (choice of products) but taken away with the other (costs of the products)..........

Nina  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 09:14 AM
Can't comment alot on the iphone. Never owned one before. But i would also not be willing to pay so much for any phone.

Kaylee  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 09:11 AM
I really enjoyed the Iphone 6. Unfortunately, mine got stolen, typical! I am however not that excited about Iphone 7, I haven't upgraded yet so I am not sure whether I will and I might try something else this time!The problem I am having at the moment with Iphone is the cost of data and that may very well be the reason that I change to Samsung or something similar, just to save money.

Angelique P  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:55 AM
I have the IPhone 6S and I enjoy my phone. I just updated my software and it is as good as new.
I don't think I will go back to any other phone.
IPhone is expensive but in the end it is worth it. You get so much more out of an IPhone than any other phone.
It is ridiculous that a phone in South Africa cost 50% more than in other countries.

Joyce  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:53 AM
The iPhone7 sounds nice to have but I think it is a very expensive phone

Zindy  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:52 AM
Basically twenty grand for a phone. Absolutely shocking. I will rather keep to my Samsung which I'm more than happy with.I personally would not pay that for a phone to receive calls emails and smses.

Daniella  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:44 AM
What a rip off! even our internet is extremely over priced, which is weird because we are not a developed Country. Our cost of living should be measured by the statistics. Meaning the average earnings in our country. whereas everything now days cater to the wealthy.

Ashleigh  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:41 AM
I agree, its ridiculous that we cannot keep up with the technology that most countries have. What annoys me more is that we are forced to take credit because of how highly priced these things are.

Angelique Jurgens  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:39 AM
I am still using the 5s and I have absolutely no problems with it. Call me a Jew but I will upgrade when my phone gives in. I refuse to take out a contract and end up paying double the price for a phone and I most certainly do not have R18500 cash lying around to waste on a phone. We are definitely being ripped off and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it - except perhaps boycott the stores. I can't afford to spend that much on a phone that in a country I live in might be stolen the same day that I buy it. No thank you! There will most likely be a newer version out by the time I am ready to upgrade.

Thabitha  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:35 AM
In our locations you can own it for few days then it will be stolen and that time you have spend so much money.

Bianca  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:34 AM
I currently have the iPhone 6S and I am extremely happy with it and have no intention of upgrading to the 7 anytime soon. I would rather wait for the 8 or 9 when it would really be worth the upgrade. The price difference is shocking but you do need to consider the costs involved in importing the models into our country. I personally cannot see the need to upgrade if you're currently using the model before the current upgrade.

Zanell  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:33 AM
I would never spend so much money on an IPhone7. Even though most people can't afford to pay for their IPhone cash, the amount that they spend on cellphone contracts for an IPhones is ridiculous

Clare  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:29 AM
I must say the amount of money that this phone goes for I will rather by something more important or invest it or save my money. Phones do not phase me but good luck and enjoy your new Phone.

Henrietta  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:28 AM
I am not a huge fan of the iPhone. I love the Samsung and so far have not experienced any problems with it, so Ill just stick to it. Whenever I walk past an Apple store my cards want to run away, the prices are ridiculous and not a shop I see myself ever spending money. Its really a rip off. I had a friend who worked in England for 2 year and brought her GHD there came back and said it so much more expensive here. Although you can compare the prices I agree with you it is still a rip off.

latoya  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:25 AM
Wow Iphone is so expensive,I rather stick to samsung even though iphone is a great phone and indeed has so much features and ofcause the best camera megapixel.but R18,500 for the 128Mb geez thats alot of money.

Sarah  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:24 AM
I am not a apple fan. It is ridiculous the price with all the extra taxes here is South Africa.

Brenda Du Toit   said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:23 AM
For the amount you pay for the phone i will rather stick with my Samsung . I am not a big fan of iPhone but i hear it is a very good phone but i will not pay so much for a iPhone.

Jessica Apfel   said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:23 AM
That is a significant price difference, perhaps it is directly linked to the poor performance of the rand against the global economy. Import tarrifs that were previously not as singificantly high may now seem extradoniary merely because a dollar is some R14. Africa as a continent seems to be a few steps behind in terms of technology, but that may be because the little that circulates within the African continet is spent on items for survival and not that which is viewed as a luxury item.

brumilde  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:20 AM
its shocking, but its the same with for eg playstation from sony. the product is so much cheaper overseas. even when they launch the product if you compare it with the prices here it is really a joke. but at the end of the day the people still pay for it.

Melissa  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:20 AM
This is very expensive, I am more than happy with my Samsung.

Natasha   said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:20 AM
No thank you I will not pay that amount of money for a phone, I will stick to my Samsung thank you

Melissa P  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:20 AM
I will not spend that amount of money on a phone that is not userfriendly at all in my opinion.

Alexis  said:
on Monday 14-Nov-16 08:11 AM
For that amount of money, I think I will stick to what i have. It is ridiculous that it costs more here.


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