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Dressing carefully

I was recording new television adverts together with quite a few of my staff recently and as usual it was educational in many ways.  What I noticed this time, more than previously, is the tremendous difference that different items of clothing on you can make.  I am certainly not in my best shape at the moment, but with the different changes in clothes it is amazing how you can wear one shirt and look perfectly decent and in another shirt look bloated and overweight.  I was actually horrified with the one particular scene involving me walking with a client, where I think I look terrible, but it was too late to re-record it by the time I saw the effect.  

It is no wonder that most of the stars and the TV production companies all use stylists so they have somebody choosing what looks good on the people, pinning it if necessary and styling it.  If that was not enough, one of my staff told me that it is quite common for guys to wear make-up now to nightclubs.  That should probably be a topic for another blog!

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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Brenda van den Bergh  said:
on Wednesday 30-Nov-16 04:52 PM
I love that saying... when you look good, you will feel good. Ones choice of clothing plays a major part in their appearance and the choice of clothing can make or break your image.

Always mind what you wear and when someone raises an eyebrow when they see your outfit choice, run back to your closet and put another outfit on!`

Angelique Jurgens  said:
on Monday 21-Nov-16 01:42 PM
I have always heard that the camera adds a very extra kilograms - so even if you are in your best shape ever, TV will still add a few extra unwanted kilograms. I think it is really important for people to dress appropriately. I certainly know a few guys who wear make-up, at first its so weird but then you get use to it. If you feel a bit self-conscience and want to cover up or wear a little make up then by all means. Whatever makes you feel comfortable. Its 2016, it takes a lot for something to shock anyone these days!

Melissa  said:
on Monday 21-Nov-16 12:28 PM
I am very fussy when it comes to clothes, but I must say certain clothes makes a big difference and makes you feel different about yourself

Tersia  said:
on Monday 21-Nov-16 08:44 AM
One must know what looks best on you and what doesn't. Especially if one has picked up weight to know that the clothing you once would have worn would not look as good now. Quick tips on what to wear for your body type and age can make a big difference, it's actually quite educational to watch these stylist shows.

Helen  said:
on Friday 18-Nov-16 03:27 PM
I would only blame cameraman and stylist, defiantly it is their job that the look of actor on the scene is perfect. There are a lots of factors, which can change the look, working with professional team and not being photogenic, you can actually become completely different person.

Jessica M  said:
on Friday 18-Nov-16 08:26 AM
But then again lighting can also change how you look, you will sometimes look well tanned and sometimes you will look pale as a ghost. Sometimes the camera is just not good enough lol.

tamzyn  said:
on Thursday 17-Nov-16 10:15 AM
Clothes are important. I often feel better and more confident when I feel like i'm wearing nice clothing.

Tamaryn M  said:
on Thursday 17-Nov-16 09:34 AM
"Clothes maketh the man" (or woman). This is something my grandmother always instilled in us kids growing up! To this day my granny's handbag and shoes still match and she is 83 years old!
I really believe in the saying. It is true in so many ways- how you are dressed, and I don't mean the most outlandishly expensive clothing items, but a style that suits you and items that fit properly and match well are essential.

charlotte  said:
on Thursday 17-Nov-16 09:10 AM
It is very true that some clothing can make you feel "bigger and fatter" than you actually are. I was told once by someone when you wear striped shirts, to have the stripes go vertical instead of horizontal. Vertical lines make you look slender as appose to horizontal lines. I try and stay away from striped shirts. I found that some colours suites me better than other. I rather stick with those I know that work for me. Not really one trying out new ideas.....

Thabitha  said:
on Thursday 17-Nov-16 07:26 AM
To be stylish all the times its not easy and clothing can build confidence or brake it to some people.

Ashleigh  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 04:28 PM
Anyone would love a stylist at hand. Certain Styles are just for certain figures and sizes.

Safia  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 04:22 PM
Camera adds different dimension and widens person's face. There is a term photogenic and it is a well known fact that the most beautiful actors we see on the screen can be quite plain in real life and vice versa, some faces do not look good on camera but look gorgeous in real life.
but yes, camera adds at least 10 kg, it makes face,arms, legs and stomach appear bigger. it is a job of cameraman to reshoot the unflattering scene!

Nicky  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 03:48 PM
I agree that the outfit one wears and how it fits can make a huge difference to ones appearance. According to me, the outfit you wear also plays a role in how you carry yourself and your posture.

Sinead  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 03:13 PM
Clothing always make a huge difference to your appearance. You shouldn't wear over sized shirts etc because it would make you look bigger than you are (personal opinion). At the same time, you can't wear something too tight for the rolls to feature...
Colours and designs also have an impact eg. black is slimming, stripes make you look different (vertical = taller looking, horizontal = wider looking)

I must say that I also feel camera angles change what you look like. There are some angles that are just not flattering at all - and give off a 'double chin' effect... Lol.

Side note - I can't wait to see the new advert :)

Natasha   said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 02:21 PM
Certain colors make you look fat and different styles but same as makeup black is a big no on cameras and you have to wear dark color makeup as the flash takes away most of the color. So different outfits can make a huge difference.

Zindy  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 01:45 PM
Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak, keeping in mind that clothes wont change the world but the person wearing them might. Fashion looks better when you feel good on the inside to. Don't wear clothes that make you uncomfortable just to please others.

Prishani  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 12:42 PM
I agree, how you dress is so important! Some people have such great bodies, however the clothing that they choose doesn't necessarily compliment them very well. I think that just wearing neat clothing which is your correct size is a start and I suppose following all the fashion do's and don'ts that are regularly written about in the magazines could also help.

Juliet  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 12:08 PM
Clothes make such a huge difference in your appearance. I have always wanted to hire a stylist to go shop for clothes for me but the whole exercise costs about R10,000 and that is not including the clothes! Each body type looks better in specific clothes as well as each skin tone looking better in specific colours of clothes.

It is the responsibility of the TV crew to make you look good no matter what you look like in reality... and I am sure everyone looks great in the TV adverts and look forward to seeing them!

Michelle  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 12:03 PM
Its always interesting for me to see the people I work with everyday on television. I also believe that the way you dress is people`s first impression of you. Always dress appropriate, especially at work and if you go out the house. This is a very good blog.

Sarah  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 11:55 AM
Clothing does pay a big part in your appearance. The say the camera makes you look bigger as well, Some people good in some colors that you wont suit you or your skin type. Each person is different.

Jolene   said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 11:27 AM
They say the camera already adds a few kgs so dressing in a way that flatters your body will definitely be beneficial. I would love to have a stylist or be one. Before I started my law degree I did a degree in Clothing and Retail Management at Tuks, unfortunately I did not finish it.

Lourien  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 10:45 AM
This is true, and also the reason why I will not buy any clothing or something that I have not tried on in a shop, it might look amazing on a doll, but it might not be such a cute outfit once you try it on, too long or too short... I have learned a hard lesson of buying an outfit and not trying it on. I would love a stylist to choose what clothing would suite me, but then again not all of us are that lucky.

Lourien  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 10:40 AM
This is true, and also the reason why I will not buy any clothing or something that I have not tried on in a shop, it might look amazing on a doll, but it might not be such a cute outfit once you try it on, too long or too short... I have learned a hard lesson of buying an outfit and not trying it on. I would love a stylist to choose what clothing would suite me, but then again not all of us are that lucky.

Dune  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 10:02 AM
That is absolutely true, a change of outfit can make a worlds difference to your overall look. Its very seldom that you will find me in bright colors or odd patters, it just doesn't work with me. I wish I could have a 24/7 stylist by my side, because some morning it feels like nothing suits me!

Brenda Du Toit  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 10:02 AM
Clothes does make a difference especially the colours you wear. I heard from many people if you are big around your waist that you must not where vertical pattern clothing as this can make you look bigger than you should. from my point of view you should wear clothes according to your body size.

Mathilda  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 10:01 AM
I agree completely that you should always wear clothes that fit your body type and makes you feel good, the way a person dress tells a story of what type of person they are.
I love dressing up and looking good and also just feeling good about myself
And being a woman we have so much more variety of clothes to wear than men and so much more gadgets to make us look good, I mean if it was not for makeup some women would have looked like they are on the verge of dying lol

patrick  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 09:45 AM
i agree with your setiments completely.this is exactky why we have different types of cuts to accomodate different kind of body is very essential that one should always look for the cut that suit him or her perfectly.

Angelique P  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 09:26 AM
It is always good to know what type of outfits will look good on you and what will not work for your body.
It can make a big difference just to maybe tuck in your shirt.
I know some men likes to put makeup on if they have a photoshoot. It takes the redness away and let their skin look smooth.

Joyce  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 09:00 AM
I think clothing can play an important role in a person's look

Henrietta  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 08:52 AM
I agree, clothes does make a use difference to a person. The wrong colour or shape can make you look worse than you actually are. They also use to have the body type and clothes for certain body type what to wear and not to wear in magazines and I found it quite interesting. Not always sticking to it tough. I also heard about vertical or horizontal stripes that can make you look fat or slim again depending on your body type. As for the make-up, never seen guys where make up to clubs but heard of it and that is seriously a no-go for me. Also looking forward to see the new advert.

Daniella  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 08:49 AM
I am so excited to see the new ad, I think it will be awesome! I do agree though that clothing makes a huge difference! you need to find styles that suit your body type and complements you.

Kaylee  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 08:46 AM
This is so true! I feel like as you go through different stages in your life you have to dress for that stage. I definitely wore a lot more revealing clothes in my early 20's but as time progresses I have changed my whole look all together especially in the last two years! I do however believe that if you are in shape you can wear anything but its great that you can fall back on clothing to hide the wobbly bits. I have been enjoying a hectic work out schedule again before summer and have noticed how clothes feeling different on you. Looking forward to the new advert though and I'm sure everyone looks great!

Latoya  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 08:45 AM
Everyone has their power outfits. These outfits can change a person's whole outlook on life when they are worn.I am often asked if there is a special occasion that I am dressing for lol. Well of course there is and that special occasion is life. Treat everyday as a special day and everyday will become just that.Clothes are like makeup in that both can be used as enhancements (to make the person more attractive, and so forth). The wrong makeup can make a woman look unattractive, and the same can be said for clothing.

Clare  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 08:44 AM
I think that clothing can be a roll in you appearance take it in one way if a Big women had to where a very tight dress you would see a lot of rolls, and that is not flattering. But also in TV you need to consider the light and angel that also plays a part. Another point if you take a selfie some angel it shows you have a double chin and if you hold the camera from a birds eye view it shows a slimmer face. So much to think about before you starting making your self down. But you looked sharp!

Cornelie  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 08:34 AM
Clothing does make a different, especially the colour, you can look perfect in white and awful in off white. Also the shading, lighting of the setup can have an effect.

Zanell  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 08:33 AM
I have never seen guys wear make up to a club, unless they are gothic. Everybody has different body shapes and I just think if you know your body type you will know what will look good and what won't work for you. I also can't wait to see the new adverts

Lucretia  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 08:33 AM
There used to be a programme on Dstv, name escapes me now, where they would take ordinary people and dress them according to their colour skin, body shapes, etc and show them what a world of difference it made to wear the appropriate clothing for ones body shape for example, short people should never wear 3/4 pants, they should wear pants longer than their legs with high shoes to give them an element of height.

Liesl  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 08:31 AM
Clothes can definitely make or break you. I'm excited to see the new adds, I think they are going to be awesome

Alexis  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 08:25 AM
Clothes maketh the man.....I certainly agree that depending on the style and make and cut, it will certainly have an affect on ones self and how they look. Cannot wait to see the new ads though

Sally  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 08:23 AM
I must agree that clothing makes a huge difference on once appearance.

Anna  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 08:22 AM
I'm dressing a lot differently now that I'm in my 40s....there's a stomach to hide, flabby upper arms that don't always look their best when displayed in short sleeved tops and I suddenly understand the hype about Spanx! Having said that I'm lead to believe that the camera adds 10 pounds :-)

Bianca  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 08:22 AM
The right clothing can certainly make a huge difference to the way anyone looks and in many cases can "hide" anything that needs to be hidden and accentuate good qualities. I am often told that I need to wear more blue shirts as it brings my eyes out, it's honestly not something that I take too serious though but one does know what clothing to avoid if you're wanting to look good or slimmer.

Melissa P  said:
on Wednesday 16-Nov-16 08:21 AM
Can't wait to see the new advert. Was loads of fun seeing how everything is done.


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