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Crazy month

I am sure I have written about this before, but to me the two most difficult periods of the year are late January until mid-February as well as November.  There is always such aggression in the air, particularly in Johannesburg, during November as the business year winds to an end.  It is only round about the first or second week of December when people start to relax and calm down.  Until then, there seems to be a lot more hostility and I have often experienced it with our clients.  We don’t have the same issues that we did in the past, because we have much smaller number of clients than we did 7 or 8 years ago before the system changed, even if they have bigger cases now than the average case of 7 or 8 years ago.  What is also significant is that the vast majority of clients have now accepted that they have to wait a lengthy period for payment and they have become far more patient than they might have been in the past.  Nevertheless, there is always pressure from people, not just clients, towards the end of the year.

I always try at this time to remind my staff of some of the basics – and that is to control your own temper, to bear in mind that you might be picking fights with people for reasons that are not entirely valid and to try and always reduce stress and pressure by exercising healthily. There is no doubt that a good session of weights, aerobics or running will so often calm one down and allow one to make a more rational decision in handling a matter than one might if one typically allows all the energy and negativity to continue to build up without any release.   

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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Melissa P  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 08:43 AM
Stress levels this time of the year is defenitly higher. Everyone has a bit more presure with the festive season around the corner. I have a wedding along with the festive season to prepare for and I feel that I really struggle to get my mood up with everything going on. I try staying positive but it gets to me sometimes.

Tamaryn M  said:
on Thursday 24-Nov-16 12:44 PM
Towards the end of the year people grow tried of the same old routine, the same old faces, the same old attitudes that one has more energy to deal with at the beginning of the year when everything seems "new" and "fresh". Thank goodness for a break at the end of each year where everyone can forget about their routines and everyday environments and return to a new year recharged and positive.

Tamzyn   said:
on Thursday 24-Nov-16 11:12 AM
I think there is pressure the whole year, however I think everyone feels it more towards the end of the year when all they are wishing for is a holiday. Not long to go until Christmas, which will brighten up peoples moods.

Catherine  said:
on Wednesday 23-Nov-16 09:59 AM
There is definitely pressure all year round and tempers tend to flare every now and then. I agree that people need to learn to control there tempers, accommodate one another and learn how to deal with each other because we all deal with things differently. AT the end of the year people become anxious for the holidays but still,that is no reason for people to rude, disrespectful and demean others.

Suzanne  said:
on Wednesday 23-Nov-16 08:49 AM
This is so true! I am feeling the pressure from all around. People are definitely a lot more agitated as we get closer to the end of the year and it feels like a major rush for everyone to get things done before December.
I would not say that I am big on exercising, but I did go for a walk over the weekend around our area, which is very beautiful and farm-like and felt MUCH better afterwards. I am going to do this at least twice a week to relieve some of the personal tension and anxiousness.

Tersia  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 07:17 PM
Through experience I agree that exercise does work when you're having bad day. I tend to express my feelings to those closest to me or keep it first for myself before I say something that rather could have stayed. It's better to think about it, sleep over it and when you have calmed down about a situation - take it on as your perspective will be much more relaxed.

I do think that the time of year that is the most stressful will depend on your field of work. Different work environments have different time frames where work is more stressful.

I have not felt that this time of year does get more stressful, maybe it's the way a person handles the stress as well, but I do feel stressed all year round. This time of year I just try to look forward to the break that's coming.

Nicky  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 04:50 PM
I think it also helps to just deal with what needs to be dealt with and move on. I agree with Alexis-music does definitely help and so does reading.
I think though that the holidays are also too short because I find that just when I finally unwind and am completely relaxed its back to reality again.

Prishani  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 03:56 PM
I think that most people are tired and just can't wait for the year to be over! However I don't think that reason should stop people from working even harder and supporting each other, this is one way to end the year off on a good note!

Jessica Apfel   said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 03:54 PM
Perhaps it is fatigue that leads to the rise in temperatures at this time of year, people are anxious for their respective breaks! Moreover, people may feel that they have overcome the hurdles throughout the year and that gives them permission to coast until the clos of business?

Sally  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 03:23 PM
I agree with the blog, but stress and tempers are there the whole year and I think that one tends to feel and see it more towards the end of the year because one is tired. We need to appreciate that we still have a job in todays economic situation we are in, and respect the people we work with.

Nikita  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 03:08 PM
I get way to excited for the end of the year - holiday season and my birthday. I actually find it easier to get up in the morning and I have more energy. I am loving the daily walk routine we have implemented and I noticed most people are in better spirits when they return from this midday walk. People need to learn to appreciate that they are in the last few days of another year and end it on a positive note.

Melissa  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 02:57 PM
I still say things will be much better if people treat one another equally, and yes it doesn't mean if you are an attorney or an advocate you can treat people the way you want to. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. Things will be better if everyone works together as a team and that way you will be more relaxed and there will be no tension between one another.

charlotte  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 02:25 PM
The crazy months for me are always mid-year (June and July) and the end of the year Nov and Dec. I battle to get through those months. But once I'm through them, things go much quicker then.

Thabitha  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 02:22 PM
This time of the year is the most difficult time of the year, too much pressure and lots of demanding but everyone is trying their best.

Anna  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 02:21 PM
I find incompetence annoying at any time of the year. I don't find it entertaining having to repeat myself time after time and no longer make up excuses for people who just do not seem to care about the work they produce. Everybody in every firm/company/job situation would find their employment a lot less stressful if everyone else they worked with, or in my case litigated against, just did would they were supposed, didn't make fake promises and displayed a proper work ethic

Zanell  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 02:15 PM
I think people become annoyed this time of the year because they are exhausted and need a holiday. Exercise does really help a person with their moods during this time.

brumilde  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 01:49 PM
People are def getting ready for the holiday time. working the whole year and it finially time, but the more eager you are the more stress and we all know murphy... just hold on almost time

Michelle  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 11:33 AM
There is definitely more stress this time of year. Especially the reason that December is around the corner and everyone know they will spend more money than usual.

I am so glad we can walk a bit around to block for some fresh air at work it really helps and even gives a better vibe here at the office, a little exercise definitely work for relief.

Jessica M  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 11:16 AM
I think the whole year is a crazy time, it never gets any easier or harder. You are constantly under pressure. I just really need to go on leave now to recover from all the stress.

Mathilda  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 10:07 AM
I agree with the blog and I definitely feel more stressed this time of year and even more tired and demotivated ,But every morning I get up and just think about how privileged I am to have a work to go to ,good health and food in my tummy then it makes it worthwhile .
I must agree the clients are much more patient this year than the years before but you still get a few that cant understand that they have to wait for payment

Joyce  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 09:58 AM
I think it is very important and helpful to stay calm at this time of the year and to remember not to get into arguments as some people are very sensitive and become irritated at this time of the year

Liesl  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 09:25 AM
Nobody likes to be ill treated and disrespected, regardless of your race and/or education level. I find that by the end of the year everyone is fed-up and exhausted from the fires they have had to deal with in both their professional and personal life and everything in you wants to start winding down but you can't because much still needs to be done before you can. For me this is where inner strength and self-control comes to play. Albeit hard try your best to make a decisive decision to remain focussed, and when you lose your footing, try to veer back on to your decision until you can finally take a bit of break before next years challenges starts showing face. Let's be honest each year comes with it's own challenges, it's how you deal with them that makes the difference. You will either let the challenge or difficulty make you bitter or better, only you can choose

Dune  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 09:05 AM
I agree 100% with this blog! I think everyone just reaches their breaking point during end October, November. The smallest things gets you worked up and you lash out on the first person you see. This tends to happen at home as well, I then just take a walk around the estate, breath and go back home. You feel like a new person and actually realize, you might have been unreasonable!

Bianca  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 09:02 AM
One just needs to remain calm and take one day at a time at this time of year. I personally find that remaining positive and setting short term goals such as getting to the end of the week does encourage you to be a "nicer person" at this time of the year. Everyone is extremely tired, burnt out and honestly just really looking forward to time with family and friends and perhaps sleeping late a few days. We all need to remember and take comfort that we are all in this last stretch together and really make the most out of the days that we have left of this year. Embrace the moment and instill a positive mindset, it really does do wonders.

Zindy  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:53 AM
I think every company has stress this time of year. To get all outstanding funds in or finish up work before the end of year. The only thing is fighting or getting agro will not help better the situation. Rather think twice before saying unnecessary things and regretting it later. Just take a walk outside for some fresh air just to clear your mind. Holidays are around the corner one day at a time, we are nearly there!

Sinead  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:51 AM
I think the pressure is really on at this time of the year because you reflect on the whole year's work and you think about how much you've done or what you could have improved on. It is also hotter and people tend to lose their cool a lot easier.
I like going to the gym to run off the frustration. Seems like this time of year is when I spend the most time in the gym or with friends - destressing

Angelique Jurgens  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:46 AM
I have learned that at the end of the year, rather keep to yourself and lay low. Keep one thing in mind: End of year summer holiday. I agree with Alexis, avoid it by listening to your music and "getting on with it". The heat doesn't help and makes everyone more irritable. Clients are no exception especially because they all want money before the end of the year... There really is no avoiding the inevitable.

Juliet  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:43 AM
All I can say is bring on 2017! Please let 2016 float far away to a distant island! I agree with the idea that the end of the year is high stress. Suddenly clients want to sign up quickly and want to know if they will get their money before Christmas! And existing clients want their money even though their trial dates are in 2018... I think it is the pressure of Christmas, presents and holidays and keeping up with the Jones's.

Henrietta  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:42 AM
Its a terrible time of the year. Its hot, people are irritated, moody and tired. With the holidays around the corner and days feeling like it drags makes people even in worse moods. I agree with Alexis to avoid these moods I just put my music on. Exercising does help to relieve tension. Its hard but keep a positive attitude by just reminding yourself that we have less than a month before we go on holiday and start a new year. YEAH!

Nina  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:41 AM
I think everyone feels the same this time of the year. The holidays are so close and everyone just wants to relax and forget about work. It is scary how time flies. Can't believe December is around the corner.

Jolene   said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:40 AM
I definitely agree with this blog, we just need to get through November, its almost over. Everyone is tired and the smallest thing can upset someone. I always try to finish what I can so that I can start the new year fresh and enjoy my holiday.

Nicolle  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:39 AM
In order to reach our summer holiday we have to deal with the stresses that the last few weeks of the brings. End of year exams. Wrapping up as much work as possible and simultaneously preparing for the new year, a new year which is looking quite promising. And of course one also has all of your own personal life stresses, heaven forbid you fall sick at this time of the year! So how can we handle all of this stress? Well:

1. Snap out of it! Stress isnt so much about your situation as much as how it is that you perceive your situation;
2. Be KIND to yourself! Having unrealistic expectations of yourself will only elevate stress levels:
3. Practicing a positive attitude towards all of the problems you are facing.

Remember you eat the elephant one bite at a time.

Cornelie  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:38 AM
We are all tired and want to go on leave and just relax a little bit before the new year start again. We must take each other in consideration when you are irritated, the next person problems might be bigger than yours. The walks that we do take away that anger that you had for the day. Most Employers are also stressed this time of the year as it is bonus month, yearend functions and a lot of expenses that go with it. Also some places are more quite this time of the year and it is also a temper riser.

Helen  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:37 AM
I also noticed that every year the November is the longest and stressed month, and this is so True that Joburg does get all stressed out!! I can feel all this energy around me, even in the traffic too! Leaving by the sea is very different, sea does make differences in people's behavior. In Odessa I just used to take a walk on the beach and all stress will go away, here in Joburg will have to find other way to let stress go! I think it is a great advise to exercise more to take your mind away from all the problems.......................

Angelique P  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:35 AM
I cant believe there is 39 days left of 2016. I am just glad its almost holiday just to relax and have time to do whatever you want to do.
I think the rest is very necessary so that you can start 2017 with a positive mind.
If I feel lots of stress I just go exercise its a great stress reliever but sometimes your body needs some off time as well.

Brenda Du Toit  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:35 AM
Around this time we are all under a lot of pressure and we all have to take a minute to relax and take a deep breath. Its almost the end of the year and then we can go and relax and have a nice holiday. If I want to relax I make me an nice cup of coffee and the walk after Lunch helps an lot.

latoya  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:33 AM
Its always this time of the year when the pressure levels are very much high and people are at the edge and are waiting for happy holidays to relax with family and friends,I also must be honest the walk we take everyday makes a huge difference.We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.The question is have you prayed about it or talked about it the most?

Ashleigh  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:33 AM
People are really drained this time of the year. They have worked hard all year and this last month feels worse then any month of this year. We are mentally preparing ourselves for some relaxation time as Holidays are creeping up. But I must be honest every time I tell myself I must relax this holiday, I never do relax and need a Holiday from my Holiday. Also colleagues have been in each other's faces all year long and the break away does some good.

Natasha   said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:33 AM
Everyone is tired by the end of the year and need a break so at the end of the year everyone breaks and fights start. Take a deep breath relax and go make yourself a cup of coffee or just go walk for a bit just to calm your self I think exercise works very well .even if you rinse your face with cold water.

Kaylee  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:29 AM
This definitely true and become just become grumpy towards the end of the year! I think everyone just wants the year to finish to enjoy a holiday and time with family and the days seem to drag on a bit. I really agree with exercising relieving stress, I started up a hectic program about a month and a half ago and I am definitely feeling happier and have more energy.

Clare  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:29 AM
This time of the Year everyone is crashing, our systems are overloaded and boiling out, I always tell myself to be positive and not let thing break me it does get heard specially when someone else goes for you all the time or they attitudes of everyone trying to control you. But at the end you just have push through and remind yourself who you are. I pray that next year will be 10 times better.

Brenda van den Bergh  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:29 AM
Power of the mind is essential at this time of the year, and as read in memo's it is not only the temperatures that rise, but tempers as well. It is better to rather concentrate on what is more important by holding one's mouth in a tense situation. As difficult as it is, it is better to take a deep breath and move along, as it can prevent an explosion of emotions that is entirely unnecessary, and can be damaging to any form of relationship. Everyone is under immense pressure and everyone is feeling the strain of an entire year's workload, but when you can focus on the break ahead, it puts one at ease.

That being said, minding your words and keeping your emotions under control can lead to a build up of aggression and eventually become a ticking time bomb. It is then where i agree that going for a run or doing any form of exercise is essential to release the anger, as it definitely does work.

Melissa  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:08 AM
The best way to relax myself is to stand up from my desk and go and make myself a nice cup of coffee. I think exercise is also the best way to get rid of all your anger and frustrations.

Sarah  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 08:02 AM
Around this time we have a bit more pressure on us cause we want to make sure everything is sorted out for the year, so we don't start a new year off with last year work and we need to make sure everything is ready for the new year. Try to relax and think before reacting.

Alexis  said:
on Tuesday 22-Nov-16 07:29 AM
Here, I tend to just tell myself to relax and take a deep breath - it is easy to lose it. It is the end of the year, people are tired and the pressure is still on. Or to avoid it, I put my music on and just carry on with it


Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!
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