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Enjoying Westworld on TV

I have really been enjoying a new HBO production, and HBO of course made Game of Thrones, called Westworld.  It is a mini-series based on the 1973 feature film by Michael Crichton.  It is a science fiction drama set in an old west theme park where basically guests come along and interact with very lifelike robots.  Some of them are for example working as escorts, but they are really there for the people to do with as they please, including shooting them, in which case they repaired overnight.  They appear human in every respect.  

The trend these days for top mini-series is to have top actors and the main draw card of the series is Anthony Hopkins as well as Evan Rachel Worth and Ed Harris.  The reviews are excellent with ratings on Rotten Tomato of 89% and the production and the acting are first-class.  The reviews suggest that it is an exploration of what it means to be human, as well as the thoughtful critique of violent entertainment – while being violent at the same time and that should give you some clues as to whether or not you would want to watch it.  It currently flights on Mnet Edge channel 102 on Monday nights at 9pm.

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Friday 25-Nov-16 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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Melissa P  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 08:55 AM
This is really not my type of series. I don't like series that are too far fetched. I'll watch the first episode and decide for myself. It has to capture me within the first 20minutes otherwise I know I won't like it. 734389

Tersia  said:
on Sunday 27-Nov-16 08:57 PM
If any series has to do with robots and science fiction I don't even try and watch it. It something that does not interest me at all. And 9pm is way over my bed time anyway... I must add that I do like the actors that you have mentioned are in the series so I would think that they would make it worth your while to watch... Will maybe see to check it out one day

Sally  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 04:56 PM
I do not like science fiction and therefore will not be watching this series. Not even the best actors will change my seeing of science fiction movies

Prishani  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 04:54 PM
I don't know if this is my type of series, however I do enjoy watching a number of series, I normally know within the first 15min if its something I would enjoy! I wouldn't mind giving this one a try.

Brenda van den Bergh  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 04:54 PM
I must admit that I am not really a big fan of science fiction but having read what this series is about, i may actually just enjoy it. The word "theme park" grabbed my attention and I can only imagine that this series is quite thrilling. It would be quite interesting to see how the human race interacts with the robots and also allowing them to let out some rage.

I have learnt my lesson not to turn away from a move/series just by the title so i will watch this show when it comes to South Africa as I may very well enjoy it.

Kaylee  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 04:51 PM
try get into series but I get distracted and lose interest easily. I enjoy more comedies than Sci-Fi series. I will however try an episode and see if it catches my attention. I prefer to enjoy the outdoors and spend time with friends than to sit and watch series all day, but I definitely will give this one a try.

Jessica Apfel   said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 04:51 PM
This best way to describe this series would be avant garde! It certainly goes beyond the status quo - however, violence is not a draw card for me!

Nicky  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 04:50 PM
I prefer either funny or really deep and investigative series.
I am not a science fiction fan but I'm sure that the big actors will result in a huge viewership.

Jessica Apfel   said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 04:50 PM
I think that the best way to describe this series would be Avant Garde! It certainly goes beyond the status quo. However, voilence is not a very big draw card for me!

Cornelie  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 04:49 PM
I'm not into science fiction it never really appealed to me but I can understand the interest around these sorts of new age shows, after all I am a huge fan of Game of Thrones.

Brenda Du Toit   said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 04:49 PM
I am not really a Science Fiction fan.But i like Anthony Hopkins in the movies he acts in. I will watch more Game of Thrown than Science Fiction Series.I will follow up on Westworld maybe i will like it. i am a firm believer ; don't knock it until you try it .

latoya  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 04:48 PM
I am not a series fan just dont hvave time to watch series after series and wait patienlty for the next one to come out no.Anthony Hopkins is awesome that for sure but the Westworld looks interesting i guess you never know until you try it hey.I Just think series will make me bored of waiting and people telling me about whats about to take place in the series next.

Liesl  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 04:48 PM
I will give it a bash although I am generally not a science fiction fan. A lot of people have been fussing about Game of Thrones which I haven't watch either so I might be pleasantly surprised

Zanell  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 04:46 PM
I would definitely give this series a shot. It sounds really interesting. I really enjoyed Game of Thrones hopefully this would be just as good.

Sarah  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 04:46 PM
I will defiantly go read the reviews, I enjoy watching Anthony Hopkins acting. He is a brilliant actor. This sounds like my type of series to watch.

Nikita  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 04:39 PM
I have been told that if you love GOT this series is a definite must watch. I will probably start this weekend! Perfect weather to sit and watch series

Lourien  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 04:22 PM
I am sure this will be great, and I would really like to watch this as soon as possible, Game of Thrones is also a brilliant show, so I wont be missing this Westworld. I like science fiction movies.

Sinead  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 04:07 PM
Of all the actors, Anthony Hopkins is one BRILLIANT man!!!!!!!! Probably the best even. Solace was excellent. As was Silent of The Lambs.
I would probably enjoy this kind of series. Ed Harris isn't too bad either. Or maybe I just liked him in National Treasure because Nicolas Cage is a great actor!!! Lol. As for Evan Rachel Wood, I remember the one movie she acted in, "Thirteen" and that was really good.
So it seems this series has a whole bunch of good actors... I'd definitely give it a try...

Henrietta  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 04:05 PM
Wow, big names indeed. Sounds like a series that I would watch.I have to say that I enjoyed iRobot, not quite sure if you can actually compare it. It is hard to get into a show lately being so busy and missing an episode can put you off the show until you catches on again.

Suzanne  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 03:56 PM
I mostly avoid science fiction as it is not really for me - but I have heard so much about this series, I might give it a go and watch an episode or two.

brumilde  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 03:38 PM
My one friend actaully told me about this series. he says it is amazing. i have been so behind with the series these day. will def start to watch this one . HBO really have awesome series. true blood is another fav of mine

Dune  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 02:53 PM
I have watched 2 episodes, and then completely forgot about it. I would however have to get the episodes that I have missed because its one of those series where you can't miss an episode or you will be completely lost! The 2 episodes that I have however watched was interesting, but I must admit I am not a huge science fiction fan.

Mathilda  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 02:45 PM
I love Anthony Hopkins he is a brilliant actor
He played such a good role in silence of the lambs
I will definitely make time to watch this series

Helen  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 01:15 PM
Just reading the name Anthony Hopkins already made me very exited to look out for this series. So sad that great actors are getting old and not appearing to much on the TV. Very angry thought that this series are so late, I will never get up on Tuesday at 4.30 am to get ready for work!!!

Daniella  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 11:31 AM
I'm not really into science fiction movies. But i do like to watch new series and try something different because I'm always watching the same series and it gets boring once the season over and I have nothing to watch. So i will definitely try it.

Angelique Jurgens  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 11:15 AM
I am a huge Game of Thrones Fan but I do not enjoy Science fiction - as soon as Game of Thrones starts the theme of the the white walkers or anything unreal I lose interest. I don't think I would be into this series, sounds too sci-fi for my liking!

Angelique P  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 11:12 AM
I think I will like this show. .
I start watching series and I just can stop. It's much better than watching a movie because it never stops. I will definitely try to watch this series.

Joyce  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 09:39 AM
Westworld sounds like an interesting series to watch. And I think it is a well done job to Anthony Hopkins, Evan Rachel Worth and Ed Harris for making the HBO to be on the top level with their production

Juliet  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 09:25 AM
One of my favourite actors of all times is Anthony Hopkins but 2 genres of film / TV I dislike: Science fiction and Western, so this is definitely not for me. I cannot imagine what a negative effect a show can have on people where it is OK to shoot humans because they do repair. Entertainment is increasingly numbing the impact of doing wrong.

charlotte  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 09:15 AM
I love Anthony Hopkins. I will definitely make a plan to watch this series. My family enjoys sci-fi stories.

Jolene   said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 09:10 AM
Im not really into science fiction type of series or movies. I also dont like to wait for the next episode. I would rather wait until the entire series is available and then watch it all.

Jessica M  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 09:09 AM
I LOVE Anthoney Hopkins acting, I love all his movies and he is to me the best actor EVER. He really makes a huge difference in any movie I won't lie. So this is probably going to be a must watch.

Thabitha  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 08:50 AM
I don't know when was the last time I have watched tv or movie because in my house we believe that TV takes family time and study time, until kids are responsible enough to their studies then we will own one.

Tamaryn M  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 08:43 AM
If it has Ed Harris and Anthony Hopkins in it I am already interested. I will give this a watch as I love anything that explores the human psyche and I am certain this touches on many of the hidden human desires. Fascinating!

Catherine  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 08:34 AM
Science fiction, robots and violent entertainment is definitely not the kind of thing that I would watch. Having said that, it never hurts to try doing something new or different from what one is used to. I will watch Westworld and see how it goes!

Clare  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 08:33 AM
I love watching shows like this I will check it out and then give you my Review, Thank you for the Tip. I am also just going to leap out and Ask do Robots want to Start Killing the people in the Show because of they way they getting Treated, is this Like the Move with Will Smith I Robot??

Ashleigh  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 08:29 AM
I am not really a Science Fiction fan but if this series is from HBO productions and has Anthony Hopkins who is an excellent actor then I will really consider watching it. There are actually a few good actors in this series. Lets see. :)

Michelle  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 08:24 AM
I just love series!!!
Any type of series is fine just not NCIS stuff. Westworld actually sounds like something I would like to see. Its just irritating to wait a whole week for the next episode, especially if your really hooked on the show.

Nicolle  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 08:23 AM
Brilliant, captivating series! Unusual, different and above all intriguing. Definitely a good filler while we wait in anticipation for Game of Thrones.

tamzyn  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 08:22 AM
I love Anothony Hopkins, however I don't think this show is for me and probably wouldn't be able to watch it at (pm on a Monday Evening.

Bianca  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 08:21 AM
I don't favour any science fiction movies or series at all, I do however think that casting big names in a series is a fantastic idea and it will immediately draw people to the series just on the basis that there is a great cast. I personally choose movies based on the cast the majority of the time and generally if there are a bunch of randoms, it's not something I would look at watching.

Alexis  said:
on Friday 25-Nov-16 07:38 AM
It does not sound like my type of show - however you never know until you try it I suppose. Shows to do with robots etc not really my thing - however the casting is very good and Anthony Hopkins is probably one of my favorites.


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