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Master Sabina wins the Summer Cup again

Master Sabina won the Summer Cup for me on Saturday for the 2nd year in a row.  Other than the Met and the July it is South Africa's most prestigious race and the biggest on the Highveld so its certainly something I am delighted about!

The race is one I will never forget.  I cannot recall any major feature race where the winner has come from so far back and had so many traffic issues to deal with and still gone on to win.  The horse who came third, Master Switch literally almost squeezed him out of the race but he kept his line and barged his way through a gap that didn't exist.  In winning Master Sabina beat the July Handicap winner from this year also.  A big thanks to the jockey Gavin Lerena and the trainer Geoff Woodruff.

Sporting Post described the race this way, "A heartstopping burst through a nearly non-existent gap by Summer Cup double hero Master Sabina....Saturday’s  tackle buster, reminiscent of Springbok rugby legend Danie Gerber in full cry, will go down as his bravest victory to date"

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Saturday 26-Nov-16 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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tamzyn  said:
on Wednesday 30-Nov-16 03:58 PM
Well done to all involved, I am sure you must all be very proud.

tamzyn  said:
on Wednesday 30-Nov-16 03:58 PM
Well done to all involved, I am sure you must all be very proud.

Prishani  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 05:59 PM
Congratulations on a wonderful race! There is nothing better than enjoying a hard earned win!

Nicky  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 04:30 PM
Wow congratulations to everyone involved-what a well deserved win.

Nicky  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 04:29 PM
Wow congrations to everyone involved-what a well deserved win.

Nicky  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 04:29 PM
Wow congrations to everyone involved-what a well deserved win.

Nikita  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 02:28 PM
This was such a thrilling race to watch! I won R500 off Master Sabina! Congratulations on the win.

Melissa P  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 08:57 AM
Congratulations Michael. I can only imagine the hard work and training that went into a race like that. You must be so proud.

Zindy  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 08:25 AM
Congratulations to all involved. You must of been so proud watching as Master gallops to the finish.

Jessica Apfel   said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 07:50 AM
Gavin rode an absolutely fantastic race!! For a moment I thought Master Switch had it. Congratulations. Master Sabina is a beautiful horse. Any plans to breed?

Tamaryn M  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 06:16 PM
Such a chilling and we'll deserved victory! Master Sabina is magnificent and I am sure all involved in his glory can be very proud! Well done to all and wishing you many successes in the future :)

Suzanne  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 02:00 PM
How amazing is that! Well done to Master Sabina and everyone involved in getting him there.

Helen  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 01:16 PM
Well Done Master Sabina! What a race, was very interesting to watch how Master Sabina came from nowhere right to finish line! Congratulations to all team and to you Michael!

Nina  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 12:37 PM
What a great win. I can imagine the nerves of all involved during that race. It must be a great feeling. Congrats to everyone.

Brenda van den Bergh  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 12:07 PM
Where there is a will there is a way, and Master Sabina with his Jockey surely proved that saying to be true. That was impressive skill delivered on the track on Saturday leaving Master Sabina the well deserved winner of the Summer Cup.

Nicolle  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 11:46 AM
Absolutely! There was virtually no room to manoeuvre! Absolutely stunning win! Congratulations!

Sinead  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 10:56 AM
Wow what wonderful news :) Congratulations Michael! I should go and watch the video as well...

Daniella  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 10:23 AM
That is Awesome! Congratulations! so much hard work and dedication was put into this and its great to see that it all worked out.

Angelique Jurgens  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 10:19 AM
Well done that is excellent. I saw the video that you sent out, Master Sabina just came out of nowhere and squeezed through - It looked quite scary and dramatic but he made it. What a great way to end the year.

Joyce  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 09:55 AM
Congratulations to team.

Michelle  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 09:47 AM
Wonderful news on a Monday. Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard.

Lucretia  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 09:24 AM
Congratulations to all, the jockey for handling the MS the way he did, MS for his determination and you as the proud owner. Always a most enjoyable watch when it is nail biting.

Lucretia  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 09:23 AM
Congratulations to all, the jockey for handling the MS the way he did, MS for his determination and you as the proud owner. Always a most enjoyable watch when it is nail biting.

Dune  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 09:08 AM
What a race that kept you on the edge of your seat! I have really grown fond of the races. Congratulations Michael and Master Sabina on a spectacular race!

Juliet  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 09:02 AM
What a thrilling win! The team behind this horse must be so proud of the result after all their training and efforts. This is one for the history books! Congratulations again!!!

Jolene   said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:59 AM
Congratulations, you must be so proud. Master Sabina is a real Champ. Well done to the jockey and the trainer, hard work pays off.

Tersia  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:49 AM
Congratulations!! I am sure you are very pleased. Hard work does pay off.

charlotte  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:45 AM
Congratulations to Master Sabina and you Michael! I am pretty sure you are very proud at this moment!

Liesl  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:45 AM
A well deserved WELL DONE to all, it sure is a proud moment for you! May Master Sabina continue to make you proud - here's to many more wins in the future

Cornelie  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:42 AM
A super well done to Master Sabina for a second won in a row. And a well done to the Jockey, the trainers and Michael for having such a well trained horse.

Ashleigh  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:39 AM
Congratulations Michael. I hope that Master Sabina is going to be spoilt rotten with some well grooming and awesome delicacies to eat for the win :)

Natasha   said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:37 AM
Congratulations on the win for the second time Michael you must be so proud

latoya  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:37 AM
Congratulations to Master Sabina aswell as the jokey.And you
Michael for all the good work,Its not a shock to me as Sabina is a good horse and always wins.Keep up the good work and train well for the next event!! Whoop Whoop go Master Sabina!

Sally  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:37 AM
Congratulation to all. Great job done by Geoff Woodruff and Gavin Lerena for all the hard work put into training Master Sabrina each day and getting him in such top shape. Great achievement to do this two years in a row

Brenda Du Toit  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:36 AM
Congratulations to you and Master Sabina and the Jockey for running such a great race .He made us all very proud. I love the Pictures for Master its so Beautiful.

Thabitha  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:35 AM
Congratulations to Master Sabina and to you, wow you must be delighted to see him making you proud its amazing.

Kaylee  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:33 AM
Well done Michael that's really fantastic news, I am sure you are really proud! It definitely goes without saying that you really do need a good trainer and jockey and it definitely is a team effort.

Henrietta  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:31 AM
Congratulations to you and Master Sabrina. Must be such a great privilege for Master Sabrina to win for the second time. You must be once proud owner and I believe there is no greater feeling. Again congratulations!

Alexis  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:30 AM
Second year in a row - congratulations Michael. I would also be just as elated. Well done to Master Sabina and the Jockey for running such a great race

Angelique P  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:30 AM
This is a big achievement.
Well done to Master Sabina I know this is very hard work to get a horse to be ready for a race and it takes dedication and hard work for the trainers. Congratulations to all!

Bianca  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:20 AM
That is absolutely fantastic! I heard the news yesterday, Master Sabina is running fantastically and must be receiving a lot of training and attention. He's a great talent, well done Michael and Master Sabina! What a good way to welcome December!!

Clare  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:17 AM
Congratulations to you and Master Sabina, and To you as well he is a Horse to be proud of. And so Strong, I also love the Picture of him he is Beautiful.

Sarah  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:17 AM
Congrats to Master Sabina and Michael. You must be so proud Michael. Well Done Champ!!!

Zanell  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 08:00 AM
Congratulations to you and Master Sabina. He made us all very proud. What a champ!!!

Mathilda  said:
on Monday 28-Nov-16 07:41 AM
I am so happy he won! Congratulations Michael
It was actually expected that he will win again
I actually saw the post on Facebook early Sunday Morning


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