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Phantom 4

I recently bought a Phantom 4 drone by DJI Technologies.  I was quite surprised at the recent shoot at my offices for the 2017 adverts that we were busy recording to see my advertising company using the same drone.  It is a great drone and it has a 4k camera, but I do think that better cameras are available for specialists, but on the other hand, with this one retailing for R25,000 in South Africa, perhaps at that price it is good enough.  I have a cheaper drone before, and by cheaper, I mean one that cost about R3,500 and it just was not anywhere near the class of this one. 

Unfortunately, when it comes to things like drones, you really have to spend quite a bit of money if you want to get one because the cheaper ones really don’t last very long, they don’t work very well and it is just really a waste of money.  The fancier ones are completely different and are capable of flying about 120 metres high – which means you lose sight of it long before it gets to that height and up to 2 km away, although in practice I have never flown mine further than about 700 metres away before losing contact with it.

They are amazing for taking all sorts of pictures – think of couples in front of a wedding chapel from a bit of height, staff in front of the offices (it would have helped if all my staff members were there when they filmed it and not just one-third of the staff) or for property sales, in terms of the house you are trying to sell or surveying a piece of land.  Apart from that, they are just good old fashioned fun for boys – and boys love their toys.  Obviously, as the years go by we will see the use of drones for more and more things – it is already very common to use them in sport – but I am noticing that they are starting to use them in more documentaries and adverts – that after all allows you to get the kind of footage that a few years ago you had to have hired a helicopter and a full crew to obtain.  These days, for R25,000, in South Africa or the equivalent of about R17,000 overseas, you can get a drone that films in 4k – and a few years ago not even movie cameras could film in 4k let alone your own drone!

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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patrick  said:
on Wednesday 07-Dec-16 09:14 AM
technology is taking over and it does not come sure its a good thing to have.

Lourien  said:
on Thursday 01-Dec-16 04:38 PM
I cant believe they are so expensive, and yes it makes an amazing toy and its nice to have one, but unless you need to use it I will not invest in one at all as its just to expensive. I have to say the quality of the footage is also great and I would recommend it to any one that needs one.

Zanell  said:
on Wednesday 30-Nov-16 05:04 PM
I think if I had a drone that was worth R25 000 that I would definitely be too afraid to fly it. It amazing how technology is developing. I am sure that wedding photographers would starting using this soon, just to make their shoots different.

Brenda van den Bergh  said:
on Wednesday 30-Nov-16 04:33 PM
That is one fantastic piece of equipment and I would not mind at all to find something like that under the Christmas tree this year. I love photographs and I would have a ball with a drone like this. It will make for one exquisite family photo and some great action shots can be taken from an aerial view. But sadly, it does not fit in my budget just yet, but something to mark in the possibilities section right?

Cornelie  said:
on Wednesday 30-Nov-16 04:08 PM
It is a must have for estate agents, wedding venues etc. I have always wondered what is a drone until I saw the one that the filming people used. Also if you are a farmer it will be so much of a use to see where is your animals. I will love to have one just to play around..

tamzyn  said:
on Wednesday 30-Nov-16 04:06 PM
I have only ever seen the Drone that was used to shoot our adverts. It reminds me of a model aeroplane and looks like one would have great fun flying it. I am sure, like most electronics, they will come down in price and then most people would be able to afford them. .

Brenda Du Toit  said:
on Wednesday 30-Nov-16 03:27 PM
The Drones Interests me and how it works.I like taking photos of everything so I will definitely look into purchasing one my self.

Tersia  said:
on Wednesday 30-Nov-16 02:24 PM
Technology is growing everyday more and more!! The things they come up with is sometimes shocking to me. I have also realized how drones are picking up and being used everywhere, festivals to show the amount of people attended and to get a better view of the stages, think what great pictures it would also take for adventure driven people - that must be stunning!

Tamaryn M  said:
on Wednesday 30-Nov-16 12:57 PM
I am sure soon most people will have a drone in their private capacities- it seems to be the next biggest fascination! And rightly so, it gives man the sough after bird's eye view of his surroundings and the much desired ability to "fly".

Tamaryn M  said:
on Wednesday 30-Nov-16 12:56 PM
I am sure soon most people will have a drone in their private capacities- it seems to be the next biggest fascination! And rightly so, it gives man the sough after bird's eye view of his surroundings and the much desired ability to "fly".

Helen  said:
on Wednesday 30-Nov-16 09:24 AM
The drone what an amazing toy, I would like to have one myself. Maybe I should ask Father Christmas?! Photography has developed so much with the help of technology today and I completely agree that man does not have to risk their life to clime anywhere to do photo shoots, or even to hire helicopter with crew, like it is been mentioned in the blog! The drone is like extra pair of eyes, can overlook places where human cannot reach...

Nicky  said:
on Wednesday 30-Nov-16 09:18 AM
Drones sound like a good device to have around and its purpose will definitely increase over the years. The thought of the privacy issue though does give me a mini nervous breakdown;).

Nicky  said:
on Wednesday 30-Nov-16 09:16 AM
Drones sound like a good device to have around and its purpose will definnitely decrease over the years. The thought of the privacy issue though does give me a mini nervous breakdown;).

Melissa  said:
on Wednesday 30-Nov-16 07:39 AM
I agree if you want quality then you need to spend more. Drone seems like a very entertaining thing to have, I really won't mind having one

Prishani  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 05:57 PM
This sounds so exciting, a new and fun way to take pictures of special events. It is such a clever invention. I'm sure many people are dying for one of these! especially when our generation is all about photographs and capturing every moment with a photo.

Liesl  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 04:51 PM
By the sounds of it, it's probably one of the best "gift from me to me" jam packed with loads of fun. I'm sure it takes a bit of time to get used to working it properly.

Sinead  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 04:06 PM
If you want quality you will have to pay... Glad it's not MY hobby lol... It seems like a bit of an expensive hobby, but a fun one.

brumilde  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 02:13 PM
Sjoe expensive hobby. but the shots look amazing. i just wonder what new they will think of and how they will improve it. technology is such a wonderful thing. it never stops growing and evolving. hmm having scan sensors and seeing crime.

Thabitha  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 02:07 PM
I believe if something is expensive the quality is the best, we all love beautiful photos the people who are in the filming industry and photographers owing a drone will be the best.

Jolene   said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 12:13 PM
Drones are awesome, I must say I will cry my eyes out if I have to crash a drone that cost R25 000.00. I also heard that people have issues regarding their privacy, which is understandable.

Nicolle  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 10:56 AM
Drone owners be like: "I see you have guests."

In the drone era, curtains and blinds may be considered a better investment.

Mathilda  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 10:42 AM
I think a drone is a cool thing to have if you are into photography and also the film industry
I will not spend that much money just to have it for fun

Joyce  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 10:08 AM
I think it was best for perfect results to let the specialists do the job for you even if they were using the same drone as the one you have.

I think prices are very high in South Africa. As per the blog, Overseas you pay R17,000, for the drone and pay R25,000, in South Africa for the same drone.

Henrietta  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 09:58 AM
Amazing the way technologies grow. And I definitely agree with the Boys and their Toys comment. My husband also want one but Im a bit sceptic about this, apparently his work is looking to buy one, as an estimator and draughtsman he has to inspects the roofs etc. and with the drone he doesnt have to climb roofs and risks his life. I think if you have a good reason and going to use it often then yes why not but at that price I dont want something in my house that going to gather dust.

Juliet  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 09:57 AM
Drones are awesome and have brought about a new type of fun for boys.

Daniella  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 09:27 AM
Thats awesome! I cant afford it though and knowing me i would not know how to use it and it would just break! i would love to use one, I just wouldn't trust myself with one.

Nina  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 09:23 AM
I think it can be a lot of fun, but I must add that I will be quite nervous flying the thing knowing that if I crash it, it is quite a lot of money down the drain. But it is definitely great for ads etc and we are going to see a lot more of it in the future.

Michelle  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 09:19 AM
I totally agree with Kaylee, people will start to moan about their privacy. I saw a Drone not long ago and wondered what gadget it is. Now I know and its very expensive though, but the way technology develop these days are amazing.

Zindy  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 09:04 AM
I think they are awesome however I personally don't have that type of cash laying around. I'm sure its worth every penny for those that can afford it.

Kaylee  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 09:00 AM
Boys will be boys. I do think drones are pretty cool though although I do find them a complete invasion of your privacy. Last December we were standing on our balcony where my folks live by the coast and this drone was basically in our faces taking pictures of the view and the sea ect...
I think it's really cool but people should be considerate of invading people's privacy

charlotte  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 08:55 AM
I must say the drone looks like a very "lekker" toy to play with. But I don't have R25 0000 to pay for a toy like that. My old fashioned camera and cell phone camera must do for now. Hopefully my kids won't start asking for gifts like that soon.......

Dune  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 08:53 AM
Drones are definitely fascinating. I often steel my husband's drone that they use to take footage of the solar parks that they build, and some of them are football fields long. We have resort in Parys, Free State and its fun to fly it over the vaal dam or over the Chalets etc to see what is happening or just to check that the men didn't fall asleep while "fishing"

Lucretia  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 08:51 AM
I will leave these kind of toys to the boys. I don't think I will have a need to spend that kind of money on a drone. So to those who have one, enjoy, I am sure they are a great gadget to have.

Sarah  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 08:44 AM
I would first buy a cheaper one to learn to control it. It looks like it is very hard to fly it. You get lots accessories you can add on to it. It would be handy to take photographs of landscapes etc. You will need an open area to fly tho.

Sally  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 08:41 AM
I think that if you are in the filming and photography industry it is worth while to spend that amount of money but if you really want to be a boy with a toy I would look at the cheaper ones that is selling for about R 1 000-00 at Verimark

Angelique P  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 08:38 AM
I think that will be awesome to have one of those drones. Just imagine the beautiful pictures that you can take.
I know lots of photographers use drones at weddings and it's really great pictures.
I always say spend more money and then you'll know its good quality and it will last longer.
The cheap stuff only works once or twice and then it's time for a new one.

Jessica M  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 08:37 AM
I thinkg they pretty cool. I would so choose a drone over a selfie stick anyday. Men on the other hand always love new gadgets.

Melissa P  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 08:36 AM
The first time I saw one was with the shooting of our new advert. It was quite fun. Looks difficult to handle one. Seems like a handy tool to have.

Ashleigh  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 08:32 AM
I want to buy my son a drone. He wanted a Helicopter for his birthday but they don't fly high enough for him and he heard about the drone now so his mind is set on this. The drone is on sale for R800.00 through Verimark for kids obviously as its plastic. My fiancé would also probably land up playing with it as well. Men and their toys.... :)

Natasha   said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 08:30 AM
The Drone is a very interesting camera thing, it would work wonders if you have to take photos at weddings or when you go on game drives and you cant zoom in that close hehe just be careful that the animal don't chase you haha, its a lot of money for a camera but boys and their toys money are nothing to them if they want a new toy.

Latoya  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 08:30 AM
I don't know why for some reasons drones fascinate me so much, Drones are very awesome and would love to get one though, Just scared for the fact I might just damage it as I don't know how to use it my son would love a drone but not at his age of 2 maybe when his a lot older.

Bianca  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 08:29 AM
I think that drones are absolutely fascinating and they really do take fantastic shots and especially action shots. I imagine that if you are in the market to buy a drone, that you should lay out the extra money and rather get the best drone you possibly could. It must be such an exciting gadget to play with and experiment with and I can imagine that the angles and height options are endless to photograph or take a video. I do believe that you need to really be committed to using the drone practically at least once a week so make the purchase viable though.

Clare  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 08:29 AM
I think that it is very cool and I would love to get one, But one day when I am big, at this moment in time I still need to figure out what to buy my son for Christmas. I must Say that I would more then likely enjoy flying it around and Scare people.

Jessica Apfel   said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 08:28 AM
The images that the drone can capture are truly astounding! I think if you are a photographer or a real lover of photograhy then perhaps it would justify spending that amount - but as a mere hobby I think I would start off within the cheaper price range.

Alexis  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 08:27 AM
Not into droning and would surely not spend that much on same. However it is clearly a handy device to have - esp in the filming industry

Angelique Jurgens  said:
on Tuesday 29-Nov-16 07:14 AM
You would definitely need to buy the cheaper one first so that you can master using it and so that it doesn't just fall and break etc. I think it is amazing but not amazing or cool enough for me to throw away that kind of money. I can definitely understand the hype and should it get more popular, I can definitely imagine traffic for drones will need to be worked on lol.


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