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The recent firings of half the Cabinet Ministers and Deputies illustrate that the powers given to the President in South Africa, are far too great. In other words, irrespective of whom the President is, the right to appoint just about everybody, on just about every commission, court or otherwise, and hire and fire every Cabinet Minister when and how they like, seems to be a bit too much. On a side note, it is fascinating that politicians who feel that people must be given certain rights by companies, don’t give those rights to politicians – in other words, there is no hearing before you are fired, there is a press conference at 11pm at night where your name is read out and that is the end of your job!
A system where the person in charge never has to listen to anybody else, or feel that other opinions should be respected, because the majority of his or her Cabinet could vote against them, is an unwise one. I cannot see how it helps that the President can hire, fire and reshuffle whenever he or she feels under a little bit of pressure from the majority of the Cabinet, who obviously don’t agree on some or other issue.
Another thing that makes it particularly problematic is that you just end up with no continuity with one new Minister after another in some departments. Many forget that, for example, when it comes to the Minister of Finance, we are essentially onto our fourth appointment in the last 18 months. That does nothing for stability, but how would you expect the health department or the education department to run if once every two or three years, for political reasons and not because they are not doing their job (which they may not be doing anyway) people are just moved from one department to another. These are complicated areas, and no sooner do you have a grasp of things than you are moved. What makes it worse is that in many cases it seems to be the real reason you are moved is because you never approved something or took action in a way that the President wanted you to – irrespective of whether or not the President was right. It creates an impression that the only safe portfolios at a Cabinet level are those where none of the President’s associates, friends or interests, have any interest. If they do have any interests, and you want to keep your job – well then you know what you have to do.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Monday 22-May-17
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Nicolle said:
on Monday 05-Jun-17 09:41 AM
Animal Farm. Animal Farm. Animal Farm.
"Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet, he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself." ? George Orwell
brumilde said:
on Thursday 01-Jun-17 12:34 PM
if i was zuma i would stay inside my house. this country is fed up with him,. but NO matter what we do, he still stay in control. he is still supported by the Anc
patrick said:
on Wednesday 31-May-17 05:41 PM
these proofs that even in a Constitutional State there is elements of unconstitutionality. the drafters of the constitution are the ones who left us with dilemma by giving such powers to one person. If am also in that position I will always to use it as my secret weapon to crush decent. the way to go about it is to also change these thing of party state were we elect a party which then imposes an individual on us. if it was constituency based I can assure you the incumbent would long being re called. Hai is sad.
Liesl said:
on Wednesday 31-May-17 10:32 AM
In the book The Shackled Continent: Africa's Past, Present and Future - Robert Guest openly states in his book "...Africans are shacked by corrupt officials, predatory rulers and "vampire governments"...
Brenda van den Bergh said:
on Monday 29-May-17 09:33 AM
So lets forget about what is right and just do what the president says so that he can benefit more and more. Does he have no shame in the status of this country. A man that was elected to lead and empower a new South Africa has taken so many things into his own hands that the well being for his people is the furthest from his mind. It is all about self benefit. God help our country. We are doomed.
Zindy said:
on Monday 29-May-17 09:23 AM
The greater the power, the more the dangerous the abuse.A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.
Liz said:
on Friday 26-May-17 05:46 PM
This has all the attributes of a totalitarian government. Zuma is acting like a dictator and it is sad that a beautiful country such as ours is bearing the brunt of this corrupt, power- hungry" leader".
Nikita said:
on Friday 26-May-17 03:36 PM
Despite the call to have him step down we still sit and wait for anything to happen. Appointing Zuma to be president was the worst decision ever made by the ANC. This country has so much potential and we were on route to such a beautiful and bright future but it took only the power of one man to destroy 20 odd years of work!
Melissa van Tellingen said:
on Friday 26-May-17 03:16 PM
ZUMA MUST FALL. Why does he never have to give reasons for his actions and we have to live with the consequences?? It's unacceptable! There will always be issues in South Africa if he stays president. He has way too much power and abuses it!
Ashleigh said:
on Friday 26-May-17 01:30 PM
I'm sure he is the most powerful and richest president in the world? His power is so great that he does not even need to answer to the citizens of the country and they must not dare ask either.
Sarah said:
on Friday 26-May-17 12:04 PM
I agree fully with this blog. Zuma must fall. He is not for the country or the people. Great power comes great responsibility .
Prishani said:
on Friday 26-May-17 09:50 AM
There will always be problems in a country if the President holds all or too much of the power or “say so”. This is exactly the difficultly we are facing in South Africa. I think that the President should be accountable for his actions and should answer to the people of the country! He must uphold and be bound by the laws of this country!
Dune said:
on Thursday 25-May-17 05:01 PM
And I quote "When a government betrays the people by amassing too much power and becoming tyrannical, the people have no choice but to exercise their original right of self-defense - to fight the government" - Alexander Hamilton
Jadine Richards said:
on Thursday 25-May-17 04:16 PM
I am in total agreement that the President currently wields too much power. Hopefully, this current situation will give the legislature a urgent need to re-look at the current laws of the country and ask themselves if it is not time for change? The laws & the Constitution were changed to ensure that the Apartheid atrocities could not re-occur again, but these same laws are now giving certain individuals the right to abuse their power. We would all benefit if the country laws were based on the same compliance and process rules that apply in the Corporate world. After all it is these Corporate laws that keep our businesses viable in South Africa, so why not let them work the same way for our Political affairs?
Lourien said:
on Wednesday 24-May-17 05:39 PM
Too much power, too much money and too much about him, maybe our president needs a financial advisor that will handle all his affairs as he is not capable of handling a country. Unfortunately if his Cabinet doesn't vote for him and as he would like them, they get voted out of cabinet.
Joyce said:
on Wednesday 24-May-17 10:24 AM
Sounds like power abuse, could not even consider the advice of the deputy president. Confusing act and not great decisions.
tersia said:
on Wednesday 24-May-17 09:40 AM
#Zuma_Must_Go!! I would rather not freely express my opinion that I have about him, but I don't think he was the best choice and that he has not been very good to our country. I still wonder to this day how he got there but such if life, that is now the way it is. I really do hope that some change will come in the near future and we will be able to see a new president, one who will look better after South Africa.
Zanell said:
on Wednesday 24-May-17 09:05 AM
Just makes you aware of how corrupt the Cabinet members are too, because they are too afraid to do or say anything. These cabinet members will never excel in their positions and we will never benefit from this government.
Michelle said:
on Wednesday 24-May-17 08:06 AM
Daniella couldn't have said it better. I think as President of a country you obviously must have more power (say in some aspects) than the Cabinet Ministers and Deputies. But giving someone too much power can be dangerous, especially when it comes to life and death decisions. I would think that someone as the President should have someone to assist him while making very important changes etc.
Daniella said:
on Tuesday 23-May-17 05:26 PM
With great power comes great responsibility. A concept I doubt our president considers. With him having the power to Dismiss any of the Cabinet Ministers, i can say with no doubt that he will use it to the benefit of himself.
Henrietta said:
on Tuesday 23-May-17 11:53 AM
Jacob Zuma has far too much power and is abusing it. I have so much disrespect for this man it's scary. How much more damage is he allowed to do to our country before he steps down. I think the fact that there is no system in place for hiring and firing is shocking, needless to say that you can shuffle around as you please is scary. Just when you think you know what you doing then you get shoved to the next department how will they survive, how will we survive. This man really has nothing between his ears, well that is the picture he is painting for me.
Bianca said:
on Monday 22-May-17 04:18 PM
Our president has far too much power and as a result, does exactly what he pleases without considering the consequences or not caring. I am not sure what drives his need to create disaster but it is an absolute abuse of power. I honestly believe that if you can prove that you are capable of making informed and reasonable decisions then you should have the power. If you prove not, then no power.
Mathilda said:
on Monday 22-May-17 03:59 PM
I can't understand HOW Jacob Zuma is still our president ,it blows my mind to think someone as incompetent as him has so much power over a country just shows you what Idiots his "People" must be ...
A quote I love -Arguing with Idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the Bird is going to crap on the board and strut around like it won anyway
So does not matter what we say or do South Africa will go nowhere as long as Jacob Zuma is our President because he does not think he is doing anything wrong
Angelique Jurgens said:
on Monday 22-May-17 03:37 PM
The Constitution.... ah the Constitution our supreme law - gives him much freedom as he is not legally required to consult anyone before hiring and firing. It is a political decision made by the president. He obviously felt comfortable in firing the Minister of Finance because the important leaders supported his decisions.No accountability. It's like we are stuck, stuck with an incompetent president who is dragging our country down. When you think it can't get any worse it does. Reshuffled the twitter King, Fikile Mbabula from Sports Minister to Minister of Police?? With what experience? Now he is shouting shoot to kill and just ranting and raving that "there is a new sheriff in town"... I just can't imagine that any motion of vote of no confidence will ever succeed when all of his people are in those deep pockets of his. South African's have had it, I know I sure have!
Jolene said:
on Monday 22-May-17 10:48 AM
I do agree that the president has too much power, he can’t just hire and fire whoever he wants to. Maybe if he actually consults with the other Minister they will inform him what the implications of his decisions will be. I think it is ridiculous that a democratic government gives so much power to one person.
Angelique P said:
on Monday 22-May-17 09:57 AM
This is shocking. How can the president work like this? Just because there are some pressure from them does not mean you just fire a person. How will there ever be stability if he fires everyone?
I agree that the president has too much power and this is a big problem in South Africa but then again we are talking about Zuma you can’t expect too much.
Juliet said:
on Monday 22-May-17 09:56 AM
And the results of this wildly free power are reckless decisions and a country that is deteriorating.
Thabitha said:
on Monday 22-May-17 09:48 AM
Our education is going down because of him, our economy is in bad condition because of him, health facilities are in a bad condition because of his carelessness, employment is in 0% and crime rate is above the sky because he is appointing people day and night who doesn't know what they are doing and he thinks he is above the law.
Nina said:
on Monday 22-May-17 09:39 AM
I agree 100% that the president has to much power. If any of the ministers become some sort of a threat to Zuma in any way, he will make sure to get rid of them, regardless of what the country or anyone else in the parlament thinks. There should be some sort of process in the parlament when it comes to hiring and firing people, just like in any other company in South Africa.
Clare said:
on Monday 22-May-17 09:30 AM
I have actually given up keeping up with this Country's politics because it actually makes me so annoyed, because regardless of how bad our country is getting with crime, protests actions happening everyday its so bad and things don't even seem to change.
Zuma must Fall, DA all the way.
Alexis said:
on Monday 22-May-17 09:27 AM
I really do feel that he has too much power, it should be that he gets questioned for the decisions he makes on a daily basis. There is no consistency and all is up in the air. You should be hired for a job and only if you do not do your job that you should get dismissed...with regards to here however......
Jessica Apfel said:
on Monday 22-May-17 09:14 AM
The constitution is supposed to provide checks and balances, but clearly our President has a blatant disregard for the Constitution. It was proven that he breached his oath of office but alas he remains our leader! It seems even if there are ways and means to curtail his powers - he still manages to swindle his way out of it!
Jadine E said:
on Monday 22-May-17 08:27 AM
As much as it is interesting to see how they take over within their field, not everybody will be happy with whoever they appoint.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!