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It is amazing how, despite the fact that year after year we see higher temperatures, many people still deny global warming. In fact, the Republicans in the American government now make it one of the basic beliefs of their party not to admit that there is such a thing as global warming. Sometimes they concede the temperatures are warming, but they say it is not because of man.
Around the world we are starting to see more and more bizarre weather and weather patterns. It is clear that something is amiss with the weather, and it will become more and more difficult for people to stay in places that are really hot. If this trend does continue, and if you believe in science you will know it is going to continue, then people will find it far more attractive to move to areas which are now cooler. In the meantime, we all have to, in our own way, start seeing what we can do about the environment and the way we are living. There are plenty of things that one can do - beginning with recycling your rubbish, minimising your wastage and packaging materials and pushing politicians to adopt more environmentally friendly laws. The fact of the matter is we all have something invested in this – not only the future of our children, but the value of our houses. If temperatures continue the way they are, people may not want to live in Johannesburg in summer in 20 years’ time!
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Tuesday 25-Jul-17
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Nicolle said:
on Wednesday 23-Aug-17 08:07 PM
Lets cut through the global warming noise and lays out the facts: The greenhouse effect increases the temperature of the Earth by trapping heat in our atmosphere. This keeps the temperature of the Earth higher than it would be if direct heating by the Sun was the only source of warming. We have experienced this right here at home. Suddenly winters are warmer and shorter, summers are longer and more hot. So, no, Mr Trump, global warming is indeed real and not "a concept created by the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive." - lol, how is this guy president?
Nikita said:
on Tuesday 08-Aug-17 08:40 AM
As long as there are greedy human beings on this earth the rate of global warming will increase. Unfortunately not many people live with the future of the environment in mind. Global warming is not only affecting the temperatures but everything in nature. It was only the last week of July and I already had blossoms on my peach tree. Normally this should only come in September. Never mind the winter rains we got in the middle of July.
Jolene said:
on Friday 04-Aug-17 04:33 PM
Global warming is very concerning and scary, is not just a distant concept anymore it is very really and people normally don’t realize this until it is too late. Each and everyone must do their part to make a difference.
Brenda Du Toit said:
on Tuesday 01-Aug-17 09:38 AM
I agree, we need to stand together and make a difference for the future.My fear is what summer will be like if winter is not even winter.
Prishani said:
on Monday 31-Jul-17 05:37 PM
I think that our society needs to be educated on the harsh effects of global warming, maybe then people will start realising what a real threat this is and start making plans and taking steps to minimise the effects.
patrick said:
on Monday 31-Jul-17 04:13 PM
I always ask myself questions why people like Trump are busy lying to the world when the world is burning. Besides their investments in Oil producing companies am sure there are other more business which will take a huge cut if they were to admit
Sinead said:
on Monday 31-Jul-17 02:43 PM
It's actually scary how people are just so uneducated about Global Warming. It is a real thing! If we don't start making changes, things are only going to get worse.
One person can't change the world but if we all contribute and try, only good can come of it.
Mathilda said:
on Monday 31-Jul-17 01:52 PM
Global Warming is real and we can notice the changes in the temperature all over the world
I mean our winter this year is not cold at all comparing to the previous winter
It’s sad that there are people who actually do not believe that Global Warming exists all the signs are clear and its getting worse
Alexis said:
on Monday 31-Jul-17 08:54 AM
Humankind is a virus...we destroy everything beautiful in this world and it was just a matter of time before we destroy the planet we live on. We come, take over, demolish and move on to the next thing.
Jadine E said:
on Monday 31-Jul-17 07:10 AM
Thinking about the future and the environment is a very scary thing especially when it comes to global warming.
Helen said:
on Friday 28-Jul-17 10:21 AM
It is very sad that we all know about the global warming and what damages it is causing to our mother earth but still all people are not changing their daily routine, the government does not enroll new rules. I was reading article about how UK is planning to encourage all people to drive only electronic cars by 2040, to avoid using petrol or diesel. Still 23 years to go, so much can happen to earth still this time!
Ashleigh said:
on Thursday 27-Jul-17 09:06 AM
I fear how bad Global warming is becoming and honestly I don't think that people know the seriousness of it. Global Warming should be spoken about in schools and the news so that people could play their part in preventing it further. People would be able to become more conscious about it and live accordingly.
Liz said:
on Thursday 27-Jul-17 08:24 AM
It is mindboggling how political leaders in the most developed country in the world can still deny global warming. I recently watched the environmental documentary " Before the Flood" and it is extremely disturbing to see what is happening while we continue with our bad habits, thinking that global warming and making a difference is someone else's problem.
Michelle said:
on Thursday 27-Jul-17 08:20 AM
People need to realize that Global warming is not a joke, it is real! And we are starting to see all of the affects even more every year. On 12 July 2017 an iceberg twice the size of Luxembourg broke off Antarctic ice shelf. We would not have experienced this if we had Global warming. And this is just one of the many signs of Global warming that people chose to ignore.
Angelique P said:
on Thursday 27-Jul-17 07:22 AM
Just think about our winter this year, it's not cold at all. It's really scary to think about Global warming it affect us all. If some people just start thinking about everyone and not just themselves it will go much better
Zanell said:
on Wednesday 26-Jul-17 04:59 PM
Global warming is real, people need to wake up. We all need to do more about it and start fining people who don't recycle, there won't be much difference if it only gets done by the minority
melindi said:
on Wednesday 26-Jul-17 04:55 PM
With so many obvious signs in todays time its impossible not to believe in global warming. A good thing though is that many companies have started introducing incentives to employees to make considerate effects to reduce global warming.
Daniella said:
on Wednesday 26-Jul-17 11:28 AM
Global Warming isn't really that people discuss regularly which is where the problem is, its an issue that is constantly swept under the rug. and everyone is aware of it but doing nothing about it. i am personally terrified to see what happens to earth in a few years! but I'm also hoping that it wont get to that point and we actually start making the changes necessary
Jadine Richards said:
on Wednesday 26-Jul-17 09:38 AM
I am of the belief that humans are totally responsible for the increase in Global warming. I agree that we should all try to do our part, as the Government even if they adopt more ECO friendly policies cannot do it alone.
Henrietta said:
on Wednesday 26-Jul-17 09:13 AM
Ignorance and avoidance, they can avoid and ignore global warming as much as they like it is not going to make the problem go away. I agree we have to see what we can do for our environment and stand together to try and make a difference. This winter so far has not been unbearable cold, we had our odd day but not to a point where you have to wear 100 jackets and put the heater on because its so cold. We even had some rain in the winter which was really weird. Global warming is real
Angelique Jurgens said:
on Wednesday 26-Jul-17 08:26 AM
Government definitely needs to step in. Even if it means making it more easier to recycle by having recycle bins at different spots. People would be more likely to make a difference if it were easier. I am not using it as an excuse however it makes a difference. In the complex I live it they have put out different recycle bins and people actually take out their trash and recycle! They also need to make awareness around the issue and not simply deny it. As individuals we also should start educating ourselves more in order to want to make a difference. The key in this is knowledge/education about global warming.
Melissa van Tellingen said:
on Wednesday 26-Jul-17 08:26 AM
I remember growing upo thinking that Global Warming isn't that bad. But I agree. The weird weather lately like rain in winter is something that we didn't experience a couple of years ago and now we do. We need to stand together and make a difference for the future of our children. Very scary when you think about it.
Safia said:
on Wednesday 26-Jul-17 12:54 AM
Greedy politicians who only want to please the rich donors who in turn want to rip the planet apart just for their profits.
to be honest with you it does seem that humans are behaving like parasites eating away the planet. And what is the outcome of any parasite's life ? when the host is dead, the parasite dies as well. Our children and grandchildren will hate us for what we are doing to this planet .
Suzanne said:
on Tuesday 25-Jul-17 12:59 PM
Unfortunately global warming is the reality and the sooner everyone admits it, the sooner changes can be made. As many have mentioned in the comments - this winter alone is proof thereof.
Melissa said:
on Tuesday 25-Jul-17 11:25 AM
I agree, we should all stand together and see where we can make a difference to make the world a better place.
Nina said:
on Tuesday 25-Jul-17 08:42 AM
Can't imagine that there are actually people that do not believe that global warming is a reality. These days it is quite clear that things are really starting to change and I cannot see it stopping, or getting better if we don't do our bit.
Clare said:
on Tuesday 25-Jul-17 08:35 AM
Global warming is really bad problem that our world is going through I really think that people should focus on the planet then on the fashion and the best famous person in the world.
Bianca N. said:
on Tuesday 25-Jul-17 08:20 AM
This winter certainly has not been a real winter. I am not looking forward to this summer, it is going to be extremely warm.I can't understand how people can deny Global Warming when it is so clearly a real problem.
Bianca R said:
on Tuesday 25-Jul-17 08:09 AM
The effect of Global Warning is huge, absolutely everything is effected and one can certainly feel the change. This winter has not been winter at all, we honestly haven't experienced extremely cold and miserable weather. My fear is what summer holds if this is "winter." I think most people are in denial and believe it is something that will rectify itself, it's not going to happen!
Jessica Apfel said:
on Tuesday 25-Jul-17 07:58 AM
Global Warming affects agriculture, animal migration etc - all will be out of balance soon (if not already) and we shall pay the price! We will soon not have access to fresh produce that we have become acustom to. Green House gas emissions need to be radically reduced! Your deodrant is one such green house gas and of course exhaust fumes being the most obvious. People need to be more cognisant of their life choices!
Zindy said:
on Tuesday 25-Jul-17 07:50 AM
I do agree we should all try do our part for a healthier environment. Reduce, Reuse and recycle. From when we were growing up to now things have got a lot worse I can only imagine when our kids are our age.
Thabitha said:
on Tuesday 25-Jul-17 07:31 AM
If the weather continues like this I think there would be no cooler place in coming years, Johannesburg needs a spring cleaning that place is a mess
David said:
on Tuesday 25-Jul-17 07:10 AM
this winter has been the warmest i have ever experienced in JHB. I've worn a long sleeved shirt on about 4 occasions in total. can you imagine what summer is going to be like?
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!