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Working longer hours

No sooner did I finish reading my book about Mark Cuban, than I listened to a podcast about some American vendors who sell snacks at baseball games.  Mark Cuban had emphasised how he felt he simply put in more hours than other people and the podcast I listened to, which was extremely interesting, pretty much said the same thing.  You can download the podcast here:

It is something you can listen to on the way to or from work and it is about guys that work at a baseball stadium, which would be no different to the guys selling at the cricket or rugby stadiums in South Africa, and features a new young guy who has just started together with the guy who is meant to be the main sales person – the best guy.  They wanted to see what the best guy’s secret to making the most money was and they eventually realised that it was not actually about some amazing sales ability he had.  At the end of the night, by the time the young guy had already gone home and most of the other 50 odd vendors have given up, the number one success basically ran around the whole stadium selling things – being the last guy in the stadium from who you could buy anything.  In other words, just like Mark Cuban’s book, they said that really, it got down to the guy who was working the longest hours and putting in the most effort.  

That of course does not suit everybody, and various things that happen in our lives, such as having children, other responsibilities, or sick parents that one has to care for, ultimately determine the kind of hours you can put in.  It does however serve to remind all of us, and indeed me, that one of the ingredients to success is not that complicated – it is just hard work.  People want to believe there is some other secret recipe, there is something you can read that will let you cut the hours down, but I can tell you from my own experience and in my own offices that invariably the most successful people in my firm are those that work the longest hours.  Over the years if anybody has ever asked me about the hours I put in my answer has always been quite constant – I work longer hours than anybody who works for me.  That is absolutely the truth.  There are times now, in my 22nd year of practice, where I don’t put in the hours that I used to, which was at least 60 hours a week, but invariably, and even if I fall behind during the week or because I am managing other businesses and investments of mine, I put in the hours on a weekend.  I have always prided myself on the fact that, just like my mother, hard work has never ever frightened me.  

For example, you would never hear me say that I don’t work on Saturday or Sunday or that the weekend is not for working – because I don’t believe that.  

It is interesting to hear, whether it is the billionaire Mark Cuban, or it is the guy selling at the baseball stadium, that often the secret recipe to success that so many people are looking for is simply just putting in the extra hours.  That is not an answer that many people want to hear, but it is so true.

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Wednesday 02-Aug-17 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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Thabitha  said:
on Tuesday 29-Aug-17 12:47 PM
My granny used to say to us we mustn't sit on top of our hands and our minds we must work hard and always be loyal all the time.

Tamaryn  said:
on Thursday 24-Aug-17 04:56 PM
I remember an acquaintance of mine once proudly saying "work smart, not hard" and he would only ever work for himself etc. As wonderful as that all sounds, he is today not in any way successful, lives at home with his mother (he's close to 40) and borrows her car- yet he is the "smart working entrepreneur". There are no get-rich-quick schemes that come without hard work, blood, sweat and tears. I believe in both working hard and smart- and one certainly does not go without the other.

Jadine Richards  said:
on Friday 18-Aug-17 11:18 AM
Hard work and extra hours always pays off. I learnt that during my time at Uni. The students that dedicated longer hours to their studies and their assignments also came out at the top of the class.

Putting in the extra hours and going the extra mile always pays off with a positive return on investment!

Liz  said:
on Wednesday 16-Aug-17 02:48 PM
Hard work is the ultimate deciding factor when it comes to being successful or not. If you love and are passionate about what you do, you will not be rushing out of the office at 5 o' clock but rather making sure that you have not only done what needs to be done, but have gone above and beyond what is expected of you.

brumilde  said:
on Wednesday 16-Aug-17 08:13 AM
Aah so he worked smarter. and harder. you have to make a choice. some mothers work 2 jobs to keep the kids and home and family going. they work long hours. they miss spending time with their kids, but she does it so the kids have a better future and hopefully not have to work like her one day

Brenda Du Toit   said:
on Monday 14-Aug-17 03:43 PM
To work extra hours is always a Good Thing.The time you put in is what you get out. and the end of the day.

Jolene   said:
on Monday 14-Aug-17 03:31 PM
I have to agree with this blog, Hard work pays off. What you put in is what you get out, if you work hard you will be successful.

Ashleigh  said:
on Friday 11-Aug-17 08:56 AM
I also believe that your work should always be up to date and if it means you have to sacrifice coming in earlier or leaving later to do it, then so be it. Medico's constantly has work no matter what so even if you work a full day, you still cannot complete the work and say that you are up to date because the work is constantly there. You can only get to a comfortable pace in Medico's.

Liesl  said:
on Friday 11-Aug-17 08:44 AM
Nothing should ever possess you, possessing something and owning it is two different things. I too believe in hard work and will invest extra time to accomplish it where possible but to focus on one thing only making everything else die around you will not work for you in the end, it would be like only watering one plant in your garden and letting everything else die around it. The saying has rang true in some people "he/she is so poor all they have is money"

Dune  said:
on Tuesday 08-Aug-17 10:38 AM
I have a motto that I strive by. If the end of the day comes and I have not finished what is set out on my To Do List, then I will stay late and finish it. One can't leave something to roll over continuously, simply because the clock strikes 5. If you leave it for the next day, new issue will arise and you will eventually be swamped with work, or forget about something. Some days I come in early and some days I stay late, you have to bring your part and be the best you can be if you want to reach your goals one day. Don't just sit back and expect everyone else to do your work. Put in the extra effort and somewhere along the line you will be rewarded for it.

Nikita  said:
on Tuesday 08-Aug-17 08:53 AM
What you put in is ultimately what you will get out. I also believe in balance and not burning yourself out. There is no point in being successful financially if you are an unhappy person. Success is measured on different levels for different people.

Melissa van Tellingen  said:
on Tuesday 08-Aug-17 08:45 AM
My parents always told us that if you work hard and put in some extra time you will see a change and you will be rewarded for your hard work.

Melissa  said:
on Friday 04-Aug-17 01:53 PM
I agree, working hard is the key to success.

Angelique Jurgens  said:
on Friday 04-Aug-17 11:29 AM
The more time you spend on doing anything in life, the more that aspect in your life will flourish. It is important to have a balance and set our your priorities. I believe in dedicating specific amount of time to different areas of your life = planning otherwise one would procrastinate etc. If you are drowning in your work then stay later, work in the hours and eventually some pressure may be lifted from your shoulders. Success means working hard and smart - don't procrastinate or waste any time!

Daniella  said:
on Friday 04-Aug-17 11:18 AM
I watched The Pursuit of Happiness last night and I must say it is such an inspirational movie!! and is literally the perfect movie to describe this blog!

Joyce  said:
on Thursday 03-Aug-17 04:58 PM
I agree with the blog. I always believe that success comes from hard work, and think that successful people got to where they are because of hard work and working longer hours. Like that sales person who stayed at stadium and put in more hours and effort by staying continuing working while the other sales people had given up and left.

Natasha   said:
on Wednesday 02-Aug-17 02:56 PM
I Agree the harder you work the more rewarding it will be you cant expect to work 4 hours a day and be successful it will never work no matter what

Nicolle  said:
on Wednesday 02-Aug-17 12:59 PM
"The expert at anything was once a beginner" - one of my favourite quotes. The expert is also the individual who has a prolonged or intense experience through practice (time) and education (more time) in his or her field.

Angelique P  said:
on Wednesday 02-Aug-17 12:55 PM
If you really want something you will work harder and longer hours. That's the only way to achieve success. I know some people that only sleep 2 hours per day and if you look at their business it's a huge success and earns lots of money. The difference is she/he does all the work herself and does not depend on other people.

Anna  said:
on Wednesday 02-Aug-17 12:10 PM
Hard work must naturally entail longer hours of work. To get better results than anyone else, you have to do extra things and that would involve going above and beyond what would be considered to be your normal duties or workload.

Lucretia  said:
on Wednesday 02-Aug-17 09:32 AM
I have to say working hard is the answer, however, working smart and not always hard is also the way to go. If you watch what is going on around you and who is doing what, can make your choices easier to make and then your working need not be "hard" just smart.

Bianca R  said:
on Wednesday 02-Aug-17 09:26 AM
Hard work = success. Hard work often means putting in extra hours and I have worked excessive hours of overtime in the past to make deadlines happen. Sometimes pressures are so high that there is just not enough time in a day to finish the day's tasks. On the other hand, if you work smart and work fast but accurately, you can find a way to prioritize and make everything happen in a day. There really is nothing better than having a quiet office to yourself for a couple of hours after the normal working day, a quiet office will no disruptions allows you to fly through work.

Henrietta  said:
on Wednesday 02-Aug-17 09:02 AM
Hard work will always pays at the end of the day, I also agree with Jessica, the number one salesman was also clever and knew when the others left he'll be the only one running around, but then again we don't know the reason why the others did not put in the long hours maybe they are single parent but whatever the case might be they lucked out. I'm not saying work yourself to the bone but hard work pays and if you don't put in the extra effort you can't compare and expect to have what others who does put in the extra effort have.

Clare  said:
on Wednesday 02-Aug-17 09:02 AM
I have to agree with this blog but if you put in more time you get more out as long as you getting paid for the over time. If I got paid over time I would work in on weekends for a Few Ours if needed. However I am a mom and my Work is a non stop process we work Monday to Sunday 24 Hours.

Zindy  said:
on Wednesday 02-Aug-17 08:59 AM
I have to say I would love to do some extra work to catch up and get things in order if I was able to do so at home. A lot of people have children to look after and drop and fetch so it makes it hard to stay in the office longer hours but if the little one is asleep I would gladly do more if I had access.

Sarah  said:
on Wednesday 02-Aug-17 08:49 AM
Its about what you put in at the end of the day, is what you will get out I agree with Zanell its about working smart as well

Bianca N.  said:
on Wednesday 02-Aug-17 08:44 AM
I completely agree. Hard work definitely pays off and if you really want to succeed, you must be willing to put in the extra effort.

Alexis  said:
on Wednesday 02-Aug-17 08:40 AM
It is all about the effort that one makes at the end of the day....if what you do requires for you to work late, then that is what you do.

Zanell  said:
on Wednesday 02-Aug-17 08:30 AM
I have to agree with this blog, hard work always does pay off. Those who always put in extra hours and go out of there way to do more are always the people who will be more successful. Although saying this, it is also important to find balance in your life.

Jessica Apfel   said:
on Wednesday 02-Aug-17 08:25 AM
The number one salesman took advantage of the other sellers lack luster! Of course, longer hours will yield good results but it is about working SMART! He obviosuly saw when was the best time to strike, when others weren't interested. In the same way that we as business people can. Capitalize on an opportune moment.


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