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I know it is not flu time, but with another winter having passed, I thought it was just time to write again about something I really believe in and that is the annual flu vaccinations. I provide it for all of the staff in my office, I cover the costs myself and I think it is something well worth having. I have the flu vaccination myself every year and have really not had flu for many years now.
Many people get a cold and say they still suffered from flu, but that is because they cannot distinguish between the common cold and flu. Flu is much worse than a common cold and it normally would include a fever, headaches, chills and body and muscle aches, which you do not get with a common cold. You can get a fever or a headache with a cold, but it is extremely rare and almost never happens. So, the basic difference between flu and a common cold would be that you would have a temperature or fever. Ever since my staff members have been getting the flu vaccine we never had a bad case of influenza spreading throughout the offices. I think it also helps to keep them safer at home for their children and my own children get the seasonal influenza injection.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Monday 13-Nov-17
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Cornelie said:
on Friday 01-Dec-17 09:56 AM
I must say since I'm getting the flu injections I dont get that sick as I used to and it does help arround the house with my child.
Liz said:
on Friday 01-Dec-17 08:44 AM
I definitely think that the flu injection works. I normally get sick but this year after having gotten the injection at work I did not. It also helps in a business as productivity is increased by less people being off sick.
Tersia said:
on Friday 01-Dec-17 08:19 AM
I also believe in the Flu Injection. Since I started working here I have gotten less sick every year. The first year I was a bit sick, but I think that was my body getting used to it. Now I rarely get sick, everybody around me usually gets sick but me. It's great, less money I need to spend on doctors bills and medication. Sometimes I even wonder why I have a medical aid as I never use it, but one day it might come in handy. I definitely recommend getting the flu shot.
Bianca N said:
on Wednesday 29-Nov-17 12:12 PM
I don't get the vaccine every year and I honestly don't know if I will ever again.
Thabitha said:
on Wednesday 29-Nov-17 09:28 AM
I think because lots of us we believed that when you have the injection you wont suffer from cold and flu or maybe we didn't understand the difference between flu and common cold.
brumilde said:
on Monday 27-Nov-17 07:44 AM
I also believe in the flu vaccine. What people dont understand about it is that its doesnt prevent you from getting the flu, it help your body build up immune bodies so that when you do get the flu its not as bad and your body knows how to fight it. also interesting fact is that those anti-bodies from the woman gets carried over to the baby.
Zindy said:
on Monday 27-Nov-17 07:44 AM
When I do not have the injection I seem to be better off. As soon as I get this injection not long after I am man down. People react differently to meds and vaccinations.
Nicolle said:
on Friday 24-Nov-17 04:46 PM
The greatest victory is that which requires no battle. Therefore, prevention will always be better than cure.
Ashleigh said:
on Monday 20-Nov-17 04:23 PM
The flu injection doesn't really work for me. Not everyone handles medication the same, so I'm sure its the same for any injection you get as well.
Tamaryn said:
on Friday 17-Nov-17 04:46 PM
I have only had full blown flu (the actual flu and not a cold) once in my life. It was awful and I understood then why they've gone to great lengths to try and prevent the flu- it puts you down for days and, obviously being so contagious, is not great for the economy- never mind the secondary complications one can get from flu.
Nicky said:
on Friday 17-Nov-17 04:40 PM
I'm very skeptical about over-medicating and always try natural or home-made remedies. I consider the flu vaccine as over-medicating but it has worked until now.
Melissa van Tellingen said:
on Friday 17-Nov-17 04:35 PM
I'm not a big fan of these flu injections. I always fall ill even after getting it. There's been extensive research and some parental concern persists that vaccines might cause autism. I would rather not have my children get the vaccines one day.
Brenda Du Toit said:
on Friday 17-Nov-17 04:24 PM
The flu injections doesn't really help me at all.Every year when i get the injections i get sick. This year I got extremely sick and landed up with swine flu.
Angelique P said:
on Friday 17-Nov-17 07:47 AM
I don’t know if the flue injection is a good thing. There are so many people that tells me that the injection is bad because it makes you more sick and I have to agree. I received the injection twice before and I was really sick after it.
Lucretia said:
on Thursday 16-Nov-17 09:14 AM
This is still a very controversial topic amongst doctors. Some in favour of the vac others not. I have to say, this year I got extremely sick and could not rid myself of the flu at all, to a point where I was put onto tami-flu. Yes the vac says it covers swine-flu but, one of the ladies in our offices who had the same vac as me, ended up with swine flu - was confirmed by bloods taken. So again, the topic is an "iffy" topic which worries me a little.
Joyce said:
on Wednesday 15-Nov-17 04:58 PM
I think Flu injections do work even though it sounds like do not work for some people
Jolene said:
on Wednesday 15-Nov-17 09:45 AM
It seems like to flu injection works for some people and not so good for others. I’m one of the lucky ones that didn’t get flu this year. I normally dose myself as soon as I get any symptoms and it really helps to prevent it from getting worse if you treat it soon enough.
Suzanne said:
on Wednesday 15-Nov-17 08:48 AM
I agree that the flu injection works, especially in a working environment. It is advantageous for both employer and employee.
Prishani said:
on Tuesday 14-Nov-17 04:29 PM
I am all for flu vaccinations, germs spread so quickly especially during winter. The extra precaution does no harm and actually really helps!
Mathilda said:
on Tuesday 14-Nov-17 03:03 PM
I must say the Flu injection is working for me, since I have been getting the injection I have not been as sick as I used to in the past
Helen said:
on Tuesday 14-Nov-17 11:53 AM
I suppose for everyone is different, I have been having this flu vaccination for 6 years, for the first 3 years I was not never sick with flu or colds, but after start getting very easy. Even this year I have been so sick for almost 3 weeks, so I am not sure if this vaccination does make difference?
Natasha said:
on Tuesday 14-Nov-17 07:37 AM
I Have been getting the flu vaccination since I was old enough to get it, and if I miss it I get sooo sick,so I make sure I get it every year. Its a really good vaccination.As soon as my son is old enough to get the vaccination I will make sure he gets it every year with me.
Michelle said:
on Tuesday 14-Nov-17 07:28 AM
I never got the Flu injection in my life before I started working here. It never made a difference but also once I received it nothing changed as well. Guess I just don't get sick that often. But it is always good to prevent something beforehand if you can.
Angelique Jurgens said:
on Monday 13-Nov-17 04:52 PM
I can't say that it has really made a difference - but then again I have quite bad allergies and it is never flu that I have but my allergies that soon turn into a cold and then into the flu. I am on full time medication for my allergies and it has definitely made a difference.
Bianca R said:
on Monday 13-Nov-17 04:35 PM
The first time I ever got the flu vaccine was is my first year at the firm, since then it is like routine for me. I never ever dread it or do not want to have it, I do find it beneficial and my family too go for their regular vaccinations.
Jessica Apfel said:
on Monday 13-Nov-17 03:59 PM
I do agree that vaccination is better than treatment, but there has been exstensive research detailing the dangers of the flu vaccine. The flu shot causes immunosuppression - which is the onset of the virus or a similar strand. It is also said to contain Mercury.
That being said, there are side effects and dangers associated with any medication. Perhaps it is a choice of the lessor of the two evils?
Daniella said:
on Monday 13-Nov-17 11:26 AM
The flu injection usually makes me sick for about a week and then I wont get sick again, but this year I feel as though it didn't work because of the fact that I got swine flu. I never really get sick and when I do its usually after the injection. an injection that I do believe really works is the B12
Melissa said:
on Monday 13-Nov-17 10:04 AM
The flu vaccinations doesn't really help me at all. I suffered from Influenza myself, which is the worst thing I ever had in my life.
Jadine Richards said:
on Monday 13-Nov-17 09:27 AM
I did not know the difference between flu and a cold. However, I didn't get either this year and its probably due to the shot. I usually pick up everything my 5 year old nephew brings home from crèche but this year I managed well.
Dune said:
on Monday 13-Nov-17 09:20 AM
I must say this year the flu vaccination helped me in no way whatsoever. I have had bronchitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis for 4 consecutive weeks, it was horrible, I can't recall ever being sick so many times in one year, than I have been this year. Hopefully next year will be a better one!
Nikita said:
on Monday 13-Nov-17 08:42 AM
There is still a 20% chance that you can still catch the seasonal flu even with the flu injection. You have to make sure you get the shot early enough before you are exposed.
Alexis said:
on Monday 13-Nov-17 08:21 AM
Most people do not know the difference, I agree. I must say that i have never touch wood had flu, however it sounds unbearable to say the least and not something i would with on anybody
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!