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American Supreme Court allows corporate contributions
Once again, the American Supreme Court has voted along party lines. By that I mean the Judges voted precisely along the lines of the ruling party’s, namely the Republicans or the Democrats, who initially appointed them.
There are 5 Judges sitting on the bench who were appointed during the Republican administrations and once again they outvoted the others 5 to 4. That was of course the case in the Al Gore case when the five ruled that it was in the interest of American democracy that recounting should stop in Florida with the recount seemingly favouring Al Gore. This time what they’ve said is that limits on contributions by big companies to political parties are unconstitutional and they shall now be allowed. It is not really going to please most Democrats, because Republican policies largely favour the wealthy and big corporations and they are no doubt going to put or give the Republicans bigger contributions than they will give the Democrats all astute business decisions, they will no doubt give it to both sides! The guaranteed loser will be the public and heaven help any candidate who stands up against a rich corporation in his or her area, for example, on a subject of their polluting the rivers, who will be met with threats, one would imagine, of huge campaign finance to their opponent.
One so often sees the situation where one candidate has basically no idea, no vision and perhaps poor ideas and goes on to defeat the candidate with a workable and grand new way of doing things, simply because of alleged infidelities or something else that the other sides managed to dig up or, in the case of John Kerry, with the U-boats, just allege without any proof. One could only imagine this type of behaviour is going to increase substantially in America with corporations hiring private detectives and making huge donations to the other side.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!