Attorney Michael de Broglio on: South Africa, Law, Politics, Attorneys, Sport, Photography, Technology, Gadgets, Media, Crime, Road Accidents Fund,
Divorce, Maintenance, Personal Injury, Medical Negligence
The Road Accident Fund really seems to lurch from one low point, in terms of service delivery, to another, yet lower point. I don’t think people who do not deal with the Road Accident Fund on a daily basis, like attorneys and their staff, can appreciate the level of incompetence and ineptitude that we come across all of the time.
It seems to be absolutely impossible to get the Road Accident Fund to make payment of any settlement amount, even if it is in terms of a court order with a time limit on that court order, within any reasonable time frame and the dealings of attorneys with them are nothing short of a dismal – they seem, from our point of view, to have outsourced all of their work to their own attorneys. There is plenty of information about Road Accident Fund claims, and many of the successes of my firm, against all these difficulties, at our website at , but if you are with other attorneys, and they have not told you exactly how hard it is dealing with the Road Accident Fund, it is perhaps something that you should give some consideration to.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Friday 28-May-10
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Anna anthony said:
on Wednesday 01-Feb-12 09:18 AM
Op 19 des 2011 was my dogter, cindy, haar pa en sy verloofde oppad na sy huis in rheebok, mosselbaai. Hulle het stilgestaan by n stopstraat, toe n dronk vrou van om en by 55 jaar reg van voor met hulle bots. Cindy se borsbeen is in die proses gebreek, haar pa was kritiek in george icu, en haar pa se verloofde het n baie lelike diep sny aan haar been en sy moes intussen veloorplantings kry ens. Cindy was meer as n maand afgeboek en kon haar werk verloor het, haar pa is nogsteeds in die hospitaal en daar is n 90 persent kans dat hy nie weer normaal sal kan funksioneer nie. Valerie, die verloofde staan ook n kans om haar werk te verloor. Kan iemand ons help met n derdeparty eis of n eis teen die road accident fund. Mense se vir ons dat dit ons niks sal help nie want daar is groter eise as ons eis. Baie dankie en ek hoop om gou van iemand te hoor.
Ons het fotos en genoeg inligting vir n eis.
annatjie anthony
Riekie Hugo said:
on Wednesday 21-Dec-11 03:23 PM
Ek was vanoggend in 'n motor ongeluk met my motor. Die munisipaliteit het die middelmannetjie se blomme en bome nat gelei - geen teken van strome water oor die pad. 'n voertuig het voor my ingeswaai, ek het op die nat pad gegly en beheer verloor en my motor het omgeslaan. Waar kan ek 'n eis indien teen die munisipaliteit? Bair dankie
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!