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FIFA World Cup Final – South Africa

I attended the final and was quite lucky to have seats on the centre line, albeit fairly high up. The atmosphere before the game was absolutely amazing and I think the whole event was really something I would remember and that I am certainly very happy not to have missed. One expects a tight defensive game of football in the final and that is what we got in Spain, who seems to specialise in scoring only one goal, snatched the victory with 3 minutes to go at the end of over time.
The highlights were many – and they would include Nelson Mandela on the pitch, Shakira doing her Waka Waka, the closing ceremony, the lighting during the closing ceremony which really looked far better in the stadium than on TV, although everything looks good on TV and the wonderful atmosphere and sense of pride in South Africa.

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Monday 12-Jul-10 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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Juliet  said:
on Tuesday 13-Jul-10 10:24 AM
I was lucky enough to be at the stadium and really loved the vibe and the atmosphere!! The lighting really impressed me and the show including the elephants which looked very realistic! I was about 30 rows from the field and had a brilliant view. I thought the teams played ping pong a bit going up and down and trying to score all over the show but ultimately the best team won as I expected. I always preferred tapas to beer anyway:) My World Cup experience has been one of a kind including being police escorted and flown in a private plane to Cape Town for the England game. Good memories and happy times:) Thank-you South Africa!!!

Juliet  said:
on Tuesday 13-Jul-10 10:24 AM
I was lucky enough to be at the stadium and really loved the vibe and the atmosphere!! The lighting really impressed me and the show including the elephants which looked very realistic! I was about 30 rows from the field and had a brilliant view. I thought the teams played ping pong a bit going up and down and trying to score all over the show but ultimately the best team won as I expected. I always preferred tapas to beer anyway:) My World Cup experience has been one of a kind including being police escorted and flown in a private plane to Cape Town for the England game. Good memories and happy times:) Thank-you South Africa!!!

elaine  said:
on Tuesday 13-Jul-10 09:37 AM
i was very impressed with the closing ceremony,i didnt watch the opening but sure glad i got to see the closing ceremony,brilliant to see madiba made it! the football i didnt even bother watching watched the first half an hour and turned it off it was a disgrace.

BRIDGET LOOCK@ David  said:
on Tuesday 13-Jul-10 08:25 AM
Which appears to be quite entertaining in itself,..... Bakkies. yup, very different from soccor.

on Tuesday 13-Jul-10 08:20 AM
South Africa exceeded my expectations in this WC and no one can describe the patriotic pride when watching the closing ceremony unless you are South African or living here The two months leading up to the WC were very dark and negative.

Catherine  said:
on Monday 12-Jul-10 05:50 PM
The closing ceremony was spectacular as well as the game.

However,the ref almost derailed the game by not letting it flow.

Tanya van Wyngaard  said:
on Monday 12-Jul-10 05:40 PM
Wow - Last night I felt blessed to be a South African!!!!!!!

Genevieve  said:
on Monday 12-Jul-10 05:40 PM
Watching the closing ceremony gave me chills. It was amazing and one could only imagine how great it was at the stadium. I think that we can be proud of what we have achieved as a country. And we are Plan B if Brazil doesn't pull through with the next world cup. We are on the map. Oh, and Shakira was amazing.

Robyn  said:
on Monday 12-Jul-10 05:39 PM
WOW!! I thought the closing ceremony was so great. I was really amazed and I was actually sitting with my mouth open..speechless. I am so proud of our country and proud to live here.
I only heard good things from foreigners during the WC and they'd all love to come again.
I wanted Holland to win the final but I also think Spain deserved it.

Bianca  said:
on Monday 12-Jul-10 05:38 PM
The closing ceremony was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!!! The graphics were beautiful and the performances were outstanding!!! Felt very proud to be a South African and had goosebumps throughout the whole ceremony!!!! It was great seeing Madiba made it..... As for the footie, i am very happy that Spain won the World Cup, Netherlands played very well too. I am certain i speak to every South African in saying that i have great memories of the last month.

Nicolle  said:
on Monday 12-Jul-10 05:37 PM
The closing ceremony filled my heart with joy and pride - it made me so proud as a South African.

To know that as a nation many came together for this event and made it one of the best World Cups to date!!!


David  said:
on Monday 12-Jul-10 05:36 PM
the SWC was entertaining, but...
yay - back to rugby!!!


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