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Divorce, Maintenance, Personal Injury, Medical Negligence
In this age of Facebook and Twitter, you really have to be extra careful about what you write – and probably err on the side of having less followers and saying less controversial things. Type a few words quickly and it is transmitted to all of your followers instantaneously, and cannot be taken back. Australian Olympic swimmer, Stephanie Rice, tweeted “Suck on that faggots!” just after the kick that saw Australia beat the Springboks in a recent Tri-Nations rugby test. The consequences for her have already been quite expensive with the car manufacturer Jaguar terminating her contract and taking back the courtesy car they had given her. Of course, you could also say far less offensive things, but which undermine the position either of the company you work for or the interests of one of the many organisations or sports clubs that those people belong to, and the consequences, while less dire, can be equally embarrassing. I think many young people, in particular, may regret some of the things they write as I notice, especially on Facebook and Twitter, some younger people really go into the very intimate details of their life, even raving about the night before, and keeping victory of on whoever their latest ex-boyfriend or girlfriend is.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Thursday 16-Sep-10
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!