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Little fuss was made about the recent vote in California, on the issue of legalising marijuana, and how although the proposal received a 46% vote in its favour, it did not get to 50% plus 1 majority needed.
Many people forget how California, together with 14 other states in America, allows what they call “medical marijuana” to be used.
In short, all you have to do is get a doctor to advise that as a result of the headaches you suffer, or a back spasm, or a pain in the tooth (you get the idea) or whatever alleged issues you need dagga for, as long as the doctor writes a script for you, you are quite entitled to go and buy it in shops or grow your own! It is sad that in our country the Constitutional Court, by a narrow majority deprived Gareth Prince, a Rastafarian of becoming an attorney because he said he smoked marijuana (which I certainly don’t think I good for your brain), whereas in America you literally get thousands of doctors, every day, in 13 different States, one of which, namely California, has a population not that far behind South Africa, writing out medical scripts for marijuana!
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Tuesday 07-Dec-10
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Bob said:
on Thursday 30-Oct-14 04:53 PM
Lol "which I certainly dont think I good for your brain" - Looks like Micheal has had some of that!
justblazethe1st said:
on Monday 14-Feb-11 01:13 PM
honestly everyone has their own opinions on this topic, i however smoke weed almost every weekend... this is not always just for the high, but sometimes for meditation or even to have a good night sleep, weed is an amazing herb, and there are hundreds of different strains for different things... all you guys need to take a trip to the cannabis cup in Amsterdam, there are people there who actually grow strains for things like headaches and pain relief, if you for one second believe that the pain killer or anti-biotic that you get from your doctor has no side effects then you are really mistaken, read up about how pain killers causing arthritis before talking about the brain cells lost to weed... but like i said everyone has different opinions, you choose to pay some one to prescribe you a pill that only god knows whats in it, i choose to smoke a herb that god could've made
Brenda said:
on Thursday 09-Dec-10 10:21 AM
Have you ever wondered why Americans are so obese. If marijuana is legalised in the states, and you have every second person smoking it, it causes what they call the "munchies" and therefore people have to "eat" after smoking and it is almost always junk food. I personally dont think that it heals headaches medically, but rather removes the brain cells that tell your head its aching.
Jessica said:
on Thursday 09-Dec-10 10:17 AM
Ok well if people want to be slow all their lives who we to stop them. It's a proven fact that you do lose brain cells when you smoke dagga but if that is a persons choice and consent then let them. I can't even stand the smell of dagga it stinks and makes me feel sick so I prefer to stay away from it.
Angelique said:
on Wednesday 08-Dec-10 01:24 PM
Proven or not proven, I somewhat think dagga doesnt make a difference to making you feel better- besides feeling high! You'll get everyone smoking it because they state they get headaches or whatever but in actual fact they killing brain cells, and just feeling calm and 'dizzy' all the time. (well maybe it helps depro people) I dont see or understand how people could possibly function being allowed to be high all the time. Wouldnt they just want to sleep?
I have nothing against it but I certainly wouldnt like the world to be allowed to be smoking dagga, I would not like to live in a world like that! I'd be very annoyed.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!