Attorney Michael de Broglio on: South Africa, Law, Politics, Attorneys, Sport, Photography, Technology, Gadgets, Media, Crime, Road Accidents Fund,
Divorce, Maintenance, Personal Injury, Medical Negligence
It is about time South Africa started taking a tougher line with the dictator to the north of us. The one thing that always impresses me about Robert Mugabe is that he seems to have his wits about him, which is not always common for 80 plus year old leaders. How the Zimbabweans never took him out of power years ago however is a mystery to me. The man has singlehandedly destroyed their country. We have half the population of Zimbabwe working in Johannesburg, largely illegally, and our economy and that of the whole region, as well as the political confidence, has suffered during the last decade or so during which Mugabe has made one disastrous decision after another that has led not only to the economy crumbling, but also food production dropping and those outside of the prosperous Harare suffering.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!