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A new ball has been designed in America, called the Polara ball, which has what it calls self-correcting technology and it ensure that it goes straight, after you have hit it. Naturally, it’s illegal, and you can’t use it in tournament play, but it was still interesting enough for me to try and give it a go and see how it worked.
Essentially, unless you point a green arrow on the ball in the direction of the target, it will behave like any normal ball, and if you miss it, it will slice or hook all over the place. If you point the arrow at the target though, and then try and hit it, as hard as you can, off-line or skew, it will correct its course, and end up flying straight. In other words, the world’s worst golfer could overnight become the world’s straightest hitter of the ball. It really does live up to its advertising, but what they don’t advertise is that in removing quite a few of the dimples that allow the ball to fly through the air, the ball really doesn’t go anywhere near as far as a normal golf ball and it has an extremely awkward flight through the air. I found it extremely off-putting, and I think only a very poor golfer is actually going to enjoy using them, and even then it will be obvious to everybody that he or she is using such a ball, not only because of the distinctive markings on the ball, but the strange way it flies in the air.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Tuesday 16-Aug-11
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Brenda said:
on Tuesday 30-Aug-11 04:01 PM
That is my kind of ball, no matter how awkward it may look when i hit the ball, it will be amazing to hit the ball straight everytime
Dee said:
on Tuesday 30-Aug-11 02:06 PM
hahaha this is the kind of ball that I would need to purchase if I was to take up golfing because I honestly cannot hit a golf ball hahahaha so to me it does sound cool. I mean I dont genrally hit the ball far and its never straight so to have the ball fly straight and not so far is awesome!! LOL
Lorette said:
on Tuesday 30-Aug-11 01:03 PM
Of course, the ball is completely illegal under the PGA rules. However, for those cheaters out there, I'm sure you could use them in a private round without anyone noticing. Unfortunately, it can not help you on the green.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!