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Divorce, Maintenance, Personal Injury, Medical Negligence
I think a lot of people’s gut reaction to the NHI health system that has been proposed is that it is just going to be an extra tax, that the service is going to be useless, and it is a bad idea. I don’t think that that is necessarily the case at all, and almost all the most successful societies provide their people with a good health system as well as good education. If we can aspire towards those goals and deliver them, it will be very good for our country as a whole. Far too many people, whether they have formal jobs or not, don’t bother with medical aids and to ensure that everybody gets at least competent and decent health care is a wonderful goal – achieving it of course is something different and one must just hope that it is organised superbly.
Posted by Michael de Broglio on Monday 29-Aug-11
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Brenda said:
on Tuesday 30-Aug-11 03:56 PM
This is an excellent initiative. It is very depressing to look for medical aids where you get good health care only to be paying a fortune every month for limited benefits. So i am all for the NHI health system
I think it is a great idea. Medical aid, even hospital plans as Juliet mentioned, are just way to expensive for the majority of people. I think proper health care should be accessible to everybody.
Genevieve said:
on Tuesday 30-Aug-11 01:37 PM
The thing is, will it be a fare system? If one looks at other systems implimented, like the toll gates for instance, some people are excluded in having to pay. Lets jsut be honest, there are always double standards.
Sally said:
on Tuesday 30-Aug-11 01:12 PM
I think that it is a brilliant idea if we can just follow it through.
Jeandre said:
on Tuesday 30-Aug-11 12:58 PM
I agree with Juliet. I think the NHI system will help alot with the current health status of our country. Who said that the service will not be up to standard? We will never know if we don't try it.
Juliet said:
on Tuesday 30-Aug-11 10:56 AM
I think it is a great idea and I would love to see how the medical aid rates become more competitive as a result because my medical aid is so expensive and I'm only on a hospital plan! I would have no problem using the system just like I would have no problem using a public transport system if there was one travelling between my place of abode and my place of work.
Johannesburg based attorney specializing in personal injury matters including Road Accident Fund claims and medical negligence matters. My interests include golf, reading and the internet and the way it is constantly developing. I have a passion for life and a desire for less stress!