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Malema and disciplinary action

It is relieving to see that the ANC is taking disciplinary action against Julius Malema, because he must be one of the most divisive personalities in South Africa in politics in years. This is no Ghandi, proclaiming the interest of the poor, while living like them – we are talking about a man whose architect fees alone appear to be in excess of R1 million, and who is building himself a luxury house while proclaiming to be a man of the people and for the people.

He has nothing in common with the poor starving people in South Africa, he is seriously wealthy man partying the night away in nightclubs and living it up. There is not a week that goes by without more allegations and serious reports coming back and his approach of attacking everything by basically making out that it is either white people, or capitalism, really does not help. He has always said that he does not have to answer to the media and called on the Hawks and SARS to investigate him, and one truly hopes that all of these bodies that he has always suggested should investigate him, rather than the media making allegations, do now investigate him and see whether everything is as squeaky clean as he makes it out to be, and which the reports in various media would suggest is not the case.

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Tuesday 30-Aug-11 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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Juliet  said:
on Tuesday 30-Aug-11 02:32 PM
Call in the army.

Jessica  said:
on Tuesday 30-Aug-11 01:59 PM
I really think something has to be done with this man now, if he does become president the country will go either 2 ways Zimbabwe or Libia!

Angelique  said:
on Tuesday 30-Aug-11 01:55 PM
Is this really the man that will be trying to run for president? I really hope something comes from this, why havent Carte Blanch or Third degree investigated? I can vouch for Malema partying up the night.... He was at Taboo on Saturday night til the wee hours of the morning partying it up with an entourage of people. He sat at a table next to ours having only the best alchohol and most expensive served to him. I couldnt stop thinking all those bottles of Belvedere and Sky Vodka is what our tax money goes to. Anyone who has been to Taboo know that its not the cheapest bottles to buy. The funny thing is that the next morning he was at a church lecturing. I hope he is found guilty!

Lucretia  said:
on Tuesday 30-Aug-11 01:49 PM
On 702, Jenny's Cruis-Williams show, an sms came in calling him Julius Dilemma - what an apt name!

Nicky  said:
on Tuesday 30-Aug-11 01:34 PM
I think that Julius has been given too much leeway and the ANC should have taken action sooner, long before this disciplinary enquiry or the previous one.

Nicolle  said:
on Tuesday 30-Aug-11 01:04 PM
I recommend Trevor Noah's "Day Walker" or "Crazy Normal" his take on Malema and the ANC is so funny because it's true.

Candice  said:
on Tuesday 30-Aug-11 01:04 PM
Our country is filled with oppertunity and growth. Looking at the cicumstances in this case will destroy us as people and as a country. We do require strong political idols who the younger generation can look up to as well.

Ting  said:
on Tuesday 30-Aug-11 12:51 PM
This is very upsetting and disappointing to hear and see especially for our country, to have such politician/leader...., yet the future is 'counting' on him? sigh....

Brenda  said:
on Tuesday 30-Aug-11 12:51 PM
I do believe that the Hawks and/or SARS should do an investigation. It is one thing to urge them to investigate to "try" and make them believe that you are telling the truth but another to actually have it proven. I personally think that it he was under the impression that just saying that they could investigate, would make them feel that that was enough for them to step aside in belief.


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