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Too few paying tax

We currently have a population of 49,9 million and of that population we have 5,5 million registered taxpayers. Of those 5,5 million only 4,8 million earn enough money to actually pay tax which means that before we start collecting tax, we already have less than 10% of the population actually paying tax and 1,2 million people are responsible for 75% of all taxes raised – in other words, less than 3% of people in the country are responsible for 75% of direct tax income from either company or personal taxes. Obviously, the solution for all of this is to create more jobs, and get more people working to increase the taxpayer base. Of course, employment is the answer to more than just that – it is also the answer to reducing crime.

Posted by Michael de Broglio on Thursday 08-Sep-11 Share on Facebook   Tweet It

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helen  said:
on Friday 09-Sep-11 12:00 PM

I am not very surprised that from 49.9 mil only 5.5 mil tax taxpayers. To look at South Africa maybe 60% of all population is foreigners. The ones who have got already residency open their own companies and creating new jobs were they hiring people and with out registering them give them salaries in envelops.
How many Chinese people in the country? They bring Chinese rubbish stock from China and sell for cheap on the markets. Do they pay TAX?

Brenda  said:
on Friday 09-Sep-11 11:44 AM
A lot of people complain about having to pay tax, but they do not see the bigger picture and how it will benefit them at the end of the day. Unfortunately we live in a society where people cling to their money because as it is prices in food, fuel etc. have sky rocketed and management of finances has become very poor among a lot of people.

Jessica  said:
on Friday 09-Sep-11 11:09 AM
Wow that is real bad hey, how do they give out grants to the people when there is not enough money to give. If the crime had to be stopped more companies would open to give more jobs. but some people just don't want to work.

Lucretia  said:
on Friday 09-Sep-11 10:56 AM
Could this be the reason we are one of the highest taxed countries in the world???? Food for thought!


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